(The World under the Dominion of Dajjal (Freemasonry

العالم تحت سیطرة الدجال

In the name of God .the Merciful, the Compassionate

The dear readers of the “Righteous Promise” website have already received a lot of information about the possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse (Global Freemasonry) by reading the articles “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”(1) and “Which of its Agents will the Global Freemasonry (the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse) Put in Power in the United States”(2) and watching the film series “the Arrivals”(3). In the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”, the link between Freemasonry and the United States, Israel, the United Nations, Evangelicals, Baháʼís, and many Jewish people was discussed at length,(4) but from 2006-2007, when this article was written, until now, some shortcomings could be clearly observed in it. Some of these shortcomings include addressing some of the Mason countries and not the others. Unfortunately, other articles and films on the subject have had the same fate and have failed to address Freemasonry in other countries and organizations. In this article, we intend to uncover the link between some of the other countries with Freemasonry and emphasize on the global dominion of the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse (Global Freemasonry) and the excellent role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in confronting this movement.

Before beginning the main article, it is worth to point out that the film series “the Arrivals” contains a few mistakes and shortcomings which will be addressed in another article, but as far as the present article is concerned, the author of this article, unlike the makers of “the Arrivals”, considers Dajjal (Antichrist) not one person, but the corrupt and imperialist Freemasonry system, whose similarities with Dajjal (Antichrist) are more than just “an eye”. Some of these points of similarity were addressed in “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”(5), and some others that have recently been uncovered will be presented in another article. Therefore, whenever Dajjal (Antichrist) is mentioned in this article, it is not a reference to one person but the corrupt and imperialist system of Global Freemasonry, and this position corresponds with the point of view of many of the greats of Hawza on recognizing the symbols of Dajjal (Antichrist).

After this extended preface, we begin the main article:

The World under the Dominion of Dajjal (Freemasonry):

Iran, an Island of Hope.

In the articles previously published on the “Righteous Promise” website, the relationship between Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and many countries, organizations, and military, political, cultural, and social systems was presented. In this article, we intend to demonstrate another side of the crimes and global dominion of Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry for our dear readers and emphasize on Iran’s sensitive and special position in the fight against this satanic movement.

Aside from the United States, Israel, England, the United Nations, Bahais, Evangelicals, and many of the Jewish people, other countries and organizations are also connected to Global Freemasonry. Before talking about these countries and organizations, we will first introduce two famous Masonic groups, which apparently operate as two “orders” of knighthood, and then we will talk about the membership of a number of other countries, organizations, and their leaders in the two mentioned Masonic groups and other secret groups.

1- Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) and Order of St. John:

These two groups have shared origins and objectives, and many scholars consider them a single group (6). “The Order of Malta” has had two periods in its historical course: (7)

Ancient Period: In this period, the “Order” started in the 11th century, and for a long time, it operated as a Christian religious organization. The founder of this Order was St. John the Baptist, and the knights of this group initially called themselves Knights Hospitaller, meaning hospitable knights. This group was responsible for accommodating the Christian pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem and had established a strong relationship with Knights Templar who had the job of guarding and protecting the Dome of the Rock. These two groups encountered differences after a while, and their relationship has become less strong up until the recent centuries. Later, in the 14th century, the island of Rhodes was designated as the place of congregation for this Order, and in the 16th century, the islands of Malta in the Mediterranean were chosen as the base for this Order, and since then, they have been called the “Order of Malta”.(8)

Modern Period: With the expansion of the global dominion of Freemasonry and the infiltration of this satanic organization in various political and religious groups, the Vatican and other religious organizations also ended up under the influence of Global Freemasonry. The “Order of Malta” is one of the most important groups that is completely under the dominion of Global Freemasonry and is currently operating as a known and famous Masonic group (9), such that people like the Bush family, the Rockefeller family, etc. who are members of other Masonic groups, are all also part of the “Order of Malta”.

Evidence of the Masonic nature of the Order of Malta

Many scholars have tried to expose the Masonic nature of the “Order of Malta” or the Knights of Malta (10), but examining the architecture of their buildings and churches also reveals the Masonic nature of this group:

The image below of a two-headed eagle (phoenix) that is a known Masonic symbol is placed on one of the buildings belonging to the Knights of Malta (11).

The image of a “two-headed Masonic eagle (phoenix)” in one of the buildings belonging to the “Knights of Malta”

The symbol of “a Masonic pyramid and eye” is placed on the wall of a church belonging to the “Knights of Malta” (12).

The symbol of “a Masonic pyramid and eye” on the wall of a church belonging to the “Knights of Malta”

Although there are numerous ways to prove the relationship between the Knights of Malta and Freemasonry, we will refrain from addressing all of them to keep the article short.

We should point out that the “Order of Malta” is made up of a famous subgroup called “Sovereign Military Order of Malta” or “SMOM” (13).

2- Order of the Bath

The Order of the Bath has a similar historical course to that of the Order of Malta. This group initially established itself as an English military Order (14), but later it clearly fell under the influence of Freemasonry and ended up as a completely Masonic organization. It’s interesting to note that some scholars believe the impact of this Masonic group on modern Freemasonry symbolism was such that the red aprons of the current Grand Stewards Lodge officers are inspired by the red ribbons of the Order of the Bath (15). It should be noted that the Order of the Bath is not nearly as old as the Knights of Malta and is a younger organization, but nevertheless it has had a similar fate, and today this group and its most famous subgroup in the United States operate as a completely Masonic organization (16).

The Masonic group “Order of the Bath”

The two Masonic groups mentioned above have less often been addressed in articles, even though these two Masonic groups are very popular among the leaders of different countries, and between the two, the Order of Malta is more powerful, but the Order of the Bath is more popular among the Middle Eastern leaders.

With this introduction, and after getting to know these two new Masonic groups a little, we will examine the global dominion of Dajjal (Global Freemasonry) through these two groups and other Masonic groups.

The United States, Israel, and the United Nations

The above organizations and their relationship with Freemasonry were fully addressed in the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”, and our dear readers can refer to that article (17).


Britain has had an important role in training, protecting, and organizing Freemasonry. At a time when the Knights Templar (the predecessors of Masons) were being executed all over Europe because of their blasphemous beliefs, Scotland was their refuge, and these knights slowly founded the Wall-Builders Lodge, or the Grand Lodge of Scotland, as the oldest official Masonic lodge in the world and used it as a base to spread Freemasonry in Europe and, subsequently, in the United States (18).

But the British royal family, who were discussed at length in the Arrivals documentary (19), has been an important link between the different Masonic Orders. Today, Queen Elizabeth the Second of England operates as the link between different Masonic Orders including the Order of Malta and the Order of the Bath, such that aside from leading the Order of the Bath, she is also a member of the inner-core of the Order of Malta (20).

Queen Elizabeth the Second of England wearing the insignia of the Masonic group Knights of Malta

Queen Elizabeth the Second of England as the member of the inner-core of the Masonic group the Order of Malta

Queen Elizabeth the Second of England leading the Masonic group the Order of the Bath

Although, the evidence on the Masonic nature of Britain is not limited to the points mentioned above. Famous figures like Winston Churchill, England’s famous prime minister during World War II among the old figures, and Tony Blair among the new figures, were all Freemasons (21). It’s interesting to note that Tony Blair, England’s former prime minister, is a member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta (22):

Tony Blair’s membership in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta or SMOM

Therefore, as you can see, England is also a hundred percent Masonic.

The European Union and the European Countries

Various European countries are and have been under the dominion of Global Freemasonry. The French Revolution was a completely Masonic revolution, and this is not news to any scholar (23). Many of France’s emperors and kings like Napoleon, Napoleon the Third, and Louie the Sixteenth, and many of the former French presidents like François Mitterrand, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Georges Clémenceau, Jacques Chirac, etc. were Masons (24), and the current, originally Jewish, president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy (25), is almost certainly related to secret groups. The Nazis were part of a secret Masonic group called Thule Secret Society or Thule Gesellshaft, and Hitler was also a member of this secret group, and the Swastika, or the broken cross, was taken from this group (26). Although, some of the other Nazi generals were part of the Masonic group the Order of Malta (27). The same goes for Italy, and from the fascist Benito Mussolini who was a member of the Order of Malta (28) to Silvio Berlusconi, the Freemason and member of P2 Lodge, they were all Masons (29). Moreover, in Spain, the king, Juan Carlos, also known as “Juan Carlos, the King of Spain and Jerusalem” (!), is a Freemason and member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta (30), and so on…

Hitler and other Nazis being members of the Masonic group Thule

Silvio Berlusconi being a member of the Masonic Lodge, Propaganda Due

Juan Carlos, the king of Spain, being a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta or SMOM

Openly Masonic-Jewish symbols in the logo on the Spanish flag (31). The two columns that represent the “B &J” columns (pay attention to the difference between the crowns on top of the columns and the lack of symmetry between them), and the crowned lion that represents the superiority of the children of Israel and their empire in the world (32) can plainly be seen.

Propaganda for “Czechoslovakia Freedom Movement” whose leaders were Masons (33). Pay attention to the Jewish-Masonic symbol similar to that of the Spanish flag.

Nicolas Sarkozy’s Jewish origin

It should be noted that Freemasonry has not ignored the second and third grade European countries like Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc. and has indeed seized their leaderships.

But parallel to the spread of Freemasonry in the entire Europe, this “possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse” tried to take control of all of Europe as a whole. For this reason, this satanic organization built its initial foundation in Europe in 1952 and slowly became a powerful and effective organization (35). There is abundant evidence on the relationship between Freemasonry and the European Union and the European Parliament, but to keep the article short, we will address one of the most important ones (36):

The image below is of the European Parliament in the city of Strasbourg, France (37):

The image of the European Parliament in the city of Strasbourg, France

The images below show the tower of Babel as a point of comparison with the European Parliament building (38):

The European Parliament imitating the satanic tower of Babel

But it becomes more interesting when we realize the tower of Babel has a key role in the Masonic beliefs, since the satanic and ancient city of Babylon and its satanic tower, which was the result of Nimrod’s defiance towards God, is considered holy and sacred by the Masons (39).

The Masons’ belief in the holyness of the satanic tower of Babel, and their belief in rebuilding this tower

Although, the dear readers of the website might think that the similarity mentioned above between the European Parliament and the tower of Babel is completely coincidental, but the advertising posters belonging to the European Parliament and the European Union completely demonstrate the intentional nature of the architecture (40):

Advertising poster for the European Union: “Europe: many tongues, one voice”

Although the advertising poster above contains an apparently beautiful and constructive message, it includes items that betray its Masonic roots and the conspiracies within it. These items include:

 The image of the Tower of Babel being built while surrounded by a number of cranes and people in modern attire who are participating in its construction demonstrates that, from the perspective of the creators of the European Parliament, this parliament is in the process of formulating an unholy and satanic future for the people of Europe, and to do this, it will exploit the might of the European people. In fact, the leaders of the European Parliament who are mostly Masons, have chosen the ancient despotic and atheistic governments of Nimrod and Pharaoh as their example, and having the image of the Tower of Babel being built is demonstrative of their effort to revive a polytheistic and atheistic regime Like Nimrod’s.

Europe’s efforts to build a structure similar to the tower of Babel and a satanic empire like Nimrod’s

The presence of 11 five-pointed, upside down stars in the mentioned poster, which is one star short of the 12 stars present in the main flag of the European Union (41), reveals a vast conspiracy. As we know, the five-pointed, upside down star or the Baphomet is also a symbol of Satan, and this symbol is used as the symbol of Satan among the Satanic and Masonic groups (42). It’s interesting to note that all the stars in the mentioned poster are upside down, and there is no normal five-pointed star among them, and they don’t even match the stars present in the main flag of the European Union in terms of shape. It is strange that neither the number 11 nor the number 12 have anything to do with the number of members in the European Union (43). This feature of the mentioned poster also reveals the conspiracies present in the European Union:

The advertising poster of the European Union and the 12 five-pointed, upside down stars (Baphomet) present in it and its comparison to the main flag of the European Union

The message present on the poster (Europe: many tongues, one voice), subtly tries to spread blasphemous Masonic concepts. As we know, according to Torah, God destroyed the tower of Babel that was built at Nimrod’s command to reach the heavens and the throne of God, and according to Torah, at God’s direction, the differences between languages and accents emerged at that time so the people would scatter and stop building the tower of Babel (44). Even though this (the differences between human languages) has not been mentioned in the Islamic verses and accounts, the destruction of this building at God’s direction has been mentioned in the Quran (45), and in the accounts, the city of Babylon has been referred to as the satanic and cursed city that has been subject to God’s punishment three times (46).

The message present on the adverting poster of the European Union (Europe: many tongues, one voice) has directly targeted the words in Torah about the creation of differences in human languages and accents by God. This message is saying that, in spite of God’s will (according to Torah), we put aside different languages and reach a single voice, call, and desire, in order to build a structure like the tower of Babel and a satanic Empire like Nimrod’s and disrespect God. Regardless of the validity of the account of the “difference in languages” in the Torah, the stubbornness towards God and acting in direct opposition to the word of Torah by the European Union is indicative of the conspiracies of the Masons. Unfortunately, these blasphemous words are camouflaged in this poster:

Advertising poster for the European Union: “Europe: many tongues, one voice”

Therefore, as you can see, the European Union and its affiliate organizations like the European Parliament are completely Masonic associations and assemblies. Although, being Masonic is not limited to its overall structure, and many of its prominent members are also Masons. One of the prominent figures of the European Union who is a member of secret and Illuminati groups is Javier Solana, the former foreign policy chief for the European Union (47). Javier Solana is a familiar name and figure for our insightful people. Someone who had a key role in Iran’s nuclear case and the West’s interaction with Iran, and at every step, he set out to sabotage in a subtle and highly respectful (!) way. Javier Solana is simultaneously a part of two Masonic and Illuminati groups, the Order of Malta and the Club of Rome (48).

Javier Solana being a member of the Masonic group, the Club of Rome

As our dear readers know, the Club of Rome is a famous Masonic group and its name has been mentioned in John Coleman’s the Committee of 300 as a secret and Masonic group (49):

The Conspirators Hierarchy, the Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman says on the subject: “Why do we have such secret orders as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, the Round Table, the Milner Group and so on down line upon line of secret societies? They form part of a world-wide chain of command and control running through the Club of Rome, NATO, the RIIA and finally right up to the Conspirator’s Hierarchy, The Committee of 300. Men need these secret societies because their deeds are evil and must be hidden.” (50)

the Committee of 300 by John Coleman, in which the Masonic nature of groups like the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, also known as the Order of Malta, and the Club of Rome has been mentioned.

The Communist World

Despite public perception, the Communist world is not only not anti-Masonic, it is categorized as an important part of the Masonic world. Let’s refer to the special passages of Freemasons of the subject:

“We are united with and sympathetic to the leftist youths who have accepted the Russian Lodge’s scientific and practical method and are after freedom, equality, and an honorable and happy life and their number fortunately grows every day. They are our Masons without aprons. They follow our discussions inside the temple from the outside. They are our right arm. We will assist them any time, any place, and in every circumstance.” (51) (Turkish Mason magazine, No. 72/2, p32)

The Masonic magazine Turkish Mason claims in the sentences above that “Communist youths” are the executors, adaptors, and pursuers of the ideas and beliefs endorsed in the Masonic Lodges. Therefore, to honor the fact that they have involuntarily accomplished Masonic goals, they have been given the title of “Masons without aprons”. From this, we can conclude that not only is the “Communist world” not against Freemasonry and the global domination of Judaism and Zionism, but it is working to achieve the same goal, be it with a misleading appearance.

But that’s not the end of the story, because many Communist theorists and political leaders of this movement and the parallel Socialist and Socialist Internationalist movements were also Masonic. (52)

Karl Marx, the founder of the deviant movement of “Marxism,” was undoubtedly Jewish and was almost certainly a Mason. (53) There are also pictures of him in the middle of a Masonic third degree ritual, including the following image: (54)

Karl Marx in the middle of a Masonic third degree ritual. Obviously, if Karl Marx intended to take out a cigarette, tissue, etc. from his pocket, he wouldn’t do it in the middle of a single photograph!!!

Among the leaders of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the names of many Russian Jews and Masons can be seen: Trotsky, Martov, Kamenev, Sagrsky, Oritsky, Kamkov, Don, etc. (55)

Stephen Knight says in his book Brotherhood: “In the February of 1917, the government is overthrown in Russia, and the Masons come to power. The Masons had previously controlled part of the government. Alexander Kerensky, who served as justice minister in the previous government, has become prime minister in the new government. ” (56)

In China, a number of activists in the Communist Party have been Masons, including former presidents Chankaychok and Sun Yat Sen. (57)

In France, too, the Communist Party was formed by Freemasons, and its founders were all Masons: Jean Jare, Jules Simon, Jules Picard, Gustav Floren and Louis Michel. (58) Since then, there have been a number of well-known French Communist figures such as Louis Blanc, Marcel Cassigny, Jacques Chirac, Raymond Barre, Michel Roccar, Louis Aragon and others among the Freemasons. (59)

The same has been happening in other countries. In England, some of the prime ministers, such as Richard Atel, have been both Mason and Communist, and so on. (60)

This close connection of Freemasonry with Marxism and Communism has led these people to refrain from attending Masonic lodges in order to avoid wasting the Communists’ time and money (!!!), because Masonic goals were and are practically fulfilled by the Communists: “In 1922, at the 4th World Congress of the Communist International, the Masonic Communists were asked to leave Freemasonry. (Masonry in the World and in Turkey – A Social Inspiration)” (61).

The logo of a Spanish Communist Party (middle image) (62) and Ernesto Che Guevara, the so-called Communist and Anti-Imperialist Latin American Revolutionary (side images). (63) Notice the five-pointed star, or Baphomet, a favorite of Satanists and Freemasons, in the middle image and on Che Guevara’s hat. (Maybe not even Che Guevara himself knew what kind of trick was played on him and his comrades, and maybe his blood was spilled for nothing, because his “Communist masters” were no different from the “American and British imperialists”, and they were all working towards establishing a satanic government, one of whose symbols was always atop Che Guevara’s head!!!)

So, as you can see, “Communism” has also been a trick that the Masons have played on the nations to control the perceptions of another part of the people of the world and to deceive and exploit the laboring and oppressed forces. With that said, all Communist countries are also considered Masonic countries, and we refrain from further explanation in order to keep the article short.

Soviet Union and Russia

It’s interesting to note that not only European and North American countries are under the dominion of Global Freemasonry, but also “the former Soviet Union” and “present Russia” are under the full influence of this potential Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse.

As mentioned in the section on the Communist countries, every Communist country, and especially the former Soviet Union, have been ruled by the Masons and have always sought to achieve the objectives of the Global Freemasonry organization, the most important of which is the formation of a global government with Jerusalem as the capital.

Stephen Knight says in his book Brotherhood: “In the February of 1917, the government is overthrown in Russia, and the Masons come to power. The Masons had previously controlled part of the government. Alexander Kerensky, who served as justice minister in the previous government, has become prime minister in the new government. ” (64)

But over time, and with the growing discontent of the people of the Eastern Bloc, and especially Russia, of the Communist rule, the Communist Masons saw their control at risk of being destroyed, so the Global Freemasonry organization took action, and in order to prevent a major revolution in Russia, they propped up one of their agents, Mikhail Gorbachev, who was simultaneously a member of the Masonic groups the Club of Rome and the Order of Malta (65) in the guise of a Communist, and through him, they quietly dismantled the declining communist regime in Russia, and in a shrewd move, passed on the rule to another Mason, Boris Yeltsin, who was a member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta (66), so that while keeping appearance (!!!), they could prevent a revolution in Russia that would be out of their control, and the government would remain in the hands of the Masons.

Mikhail Gorbachev being a member of the Masonic group the Club of Rome

Boris Yeltsin, a member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last president of the Soviet Union, and Boris Yeltsin, the first president of the Russian Federation were both members in the Masonic group the Order of Malta.

But it doesn’t end there. Over time and with the emergence of evidence of Yeltsin’s physical and political weaknesses, the Russian government was passed on to the second in command at that time, which was Vladimir Putin, and he who was a young, skilled and successful man, was able to present himself as a hero for the Russian people and bring Russia to its former power. Therefore, he gained immense popularity with the people of Russia, so much that the following president after him, Dmitry Medvedev, was forced to select Vladimir Putin again as his prime minister in order to take advantage of his popularity.

Even though Vladimir Putin, who has been cited by a number of sources as being a Freemason, has not yet provided any substantiated evidence of his identity as a Freemason, his closeness to the Freemason Boris Yeltsin and Yeltsin’s insistence on Vladimir Putin being president after him (67) may indicate his involvement in secret societies, because in the succession of the Masonic leaders and presidents in Russia, it is impossible to for the government to be handed over to a non-Mason, especially when there is support from a former Mason president.

There is, of course, some evidence of the strong connection of Vladimir Putin with Freemasonry. Vladimir Putin’s unmistakable support for Russian Freemasonry and him helping Freemasonry figures to assert themselves in the political scene may indicate his connection with Freemasonry: (68)

Freemasonry gaining power in the time of presidency of Vladimir Putin

Of course, in addition to the above, it should be noted that the logo of the Russian Federation is the two-headed Masonic phoenix or eagle, and this logo has been a symbol of Russia since the government of Boris Yeltsin, and under Vladimir Putin, its use became a law: (69)

The Masonic two-headed phoenix symbol among the decorations of the private plane belonging to Vladimir Putin, former president and current prime minister of Russia (right), and the presence of the Masonic two-headed phoenix in the Kremlin Palace (left)

The Masonic two-headed phoenix symbol among the decorations of the private plane belonging to Vladimir Putin, former president and current prime minister of Russia. (70)

Now, if we pay attention to the logo of the Masonic group the Order of Malta, we realize that the above symbols are very similar to the logo of the Order of Malta: (71)

The Masonic two-headed phoenix or eagle symbol in the Order of Malta

Comparing the above images indicates that the logo for the Russian Federation is undoubtedly a Masonic logo.

The comparison between the logo for the Russian Federation (side pictures) and the symbol of the Masonic group the Order of Malta (middle picture) indicates that the Russian Federation is undoubtedly a Masonic country.

Although, the logo of the two-headed phoenix is not used only in the Masonic group the Order of Malta. It can be seen in other Masonic groups throughout the world too: (72)

The symbol of the two-headed eagle or phoenix in different Masonic groups

The symbol of the Masonic two-headed phoenix, which has also been selected as the official symbol of the Russian Federation, is seen everywhere throughout the country, and this fact also establishes Russia as a completely Masonic country: (73)

The presence of the Masonic two-headed phoenix symbol in government buildings and organizations in Russia. The Masonic two-headed phoenix along with the Masonic six-point star in Russia (right image), the presence of the Masonic two-headed phoenix in the Kremlin Palace (middle image), and the Masonic two-headed phoenix logo related to the Russian intelligence agency (left image).

Although, because of the influence of the Soviet Union and Russia on the countries in the Eastern Bloc, the Masonic two-headed phoenix is also seen in their flags and symbols.

The logo of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (right image), the government of Monte Negro (middle image), and the government of Albany (left image), all of them using the symbol of the Masonic two-headed phoenix or eagle.

We should note that although some scholars, in addition to linking the two-headed phoenix or eagle to Freemasonry, also attribute the two-headed eagle to the Eastern Rome Empire (Byzantine), the same scholars acknowledge that they are unaware of the details of the change from the one-headed eagle to the two headed eagle, and they don’t know the reason for it!!! (75) This also adds to the suspiciousness of the two-headed phoenix symbol.

Moreover, another fact that discredits the link between the modern two-headed phoenix or eagle to the Eastern Rome Empire (Byzantine) is the presence of the Masonic two-headed eagle symbol in the official royal logo of the former Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) (76) who was also a Freemason (77):

The presence of the Masonic two-headed eagle symbol in the official royal logo of the former Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) who was also a Freemason.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the traitorous Shah of Iran, being exposed as a member of the satanic Freemasonry organization by one of the famous Freemasons at the time, Dr. Zabihollah Ghorban, a fact that has been addressed in the Savak documents.

Considering the presence of the two-headed eagle symbol in the Royal logo of Pahlavi, attributing the two-headed phoenix and eagle to the Byzantine Empire is completely incorrect, since even the imperial regime of Iran before the revolution used the two-headed eagle logo due of the membership of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and other people in the Pahlavi family in Freemasonry, and because of the historical hostilities between Iran and ancient Rome (78), a link between the Byzantine Empire and the two-headed eagle logo of the Pahlavis cannot be logically and historically established (!), and aside from its Masonic nature, no other explanation for the use of the two-headed eagle symbol can be found.

Although the Masonic symbols present in Russia are not limited to the ones above. The images below show the other Masonic symbols that can be seen in Russia: (79)

The Masonic symbols, the pyramid and the all-seeing eye in the city of St. Petersburg

The Masonic symbols, the pyramid and the all-seeing eye in the city of Moscow (right image) and a small church in Russia (left image)

The statue of Alexander in Russia with its pyramid and all-seeing eye

Two Russian medals containing the Masonic symbols, the pyramid and the all-seeing eye

Therefore, as you can see, the governments of Russia and the Soviet Union have always been completely Masonic and satanic governments.

Freemasonry in the Middle East

Several countries in the Middle East are under the dominion of Global Freemasonry, and it is only Iran that has renounced the servitude of Dajjal (Global Freemasonry) after its Islamic and divine revolution. From Egypt to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and so on, they are all under the influence of Global Freemasonry, and our dear readers have already received important information on this subject. Strangely, the Masonic group the Order of the Bath, led by Queen Elizabeth the Second of England (80) has always been very popular in the Middle East region. To keep the article short, we will briefly address some of the Masonic government in the region:

Saudi Arabia

Some Arab scholars have called the House of Saud, who rule over Saudi Arabia, as the House of Mordecai, because according to historical evidence, the origins of the House of Saud is traced back to the Jews of Basrah, and the name of their ancestor was Mordecai. (81) Although the relationship between Freemasonry and the regime of Saudi Arabia is not limited to this fact. Among the Saudi kings, the relationship of Fahd bin Abdulaziz, the former king of Saudi Arabia, and his brother Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, the current king of Saudi Arabia, with the Masonic group the Order of the Bath is very well known. (82)

In the article “the King of Jordan from another perspective – appendix”, the relationship between King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and the Masonic group the Order of the Bath was pointed out, and the evidence related to it was presented. In this section, we will once again refer to these evidence:

The image below shows King Fahd with the Masonic cross of the Order of the Bath: (83)

King Fahd, also known as the Servant of the Two Holy Shrines (!), wearing the Masonic cross

The image below shows King Fahd wearing the Masonic cross of the group the Order of the Bath, while standing beside the leader of said Masonic group, Queen Elizabeth the Second of England: (84)

King Fahd, also known as the Servant of the Two Holy Shrines (!), wearing the Masonic cross

The video below names King Fahd as a cross wearer and among the Masons of the Satanic group the Order of the Bath, who accompanies the Queen of England:

The video of King Fahd with the cross (click here)

The current king of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah, is not to be overlooked either, since he is also a member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath: (85)

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia being a member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath

Therefore, as you can see, Freemasonry has claimed the power in Saudi Arabia.


Previously, and in the article “the King of Jordan from another perspective”, the influence of Freemasonry in Jordan and the membership of the kings of this country in this satanic cult was mentioned. (86) We will repeat some of these points here:

The royal family of Jordan used to rule over all Arabian territories, thanks to their collaboration with England against the Ottoman Empire. The first king in the royal family of Jordan was Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi, Sharif of Mecca and from the Quraysh tribe, who falsely claimed to be connected to the family of the Prophet Muhammad, the evidence of which was presented in the article “the King of Jordan from another perspective”. (87) Sharif Hussein, who was the Emir of Mecca, collaborated with England and fought against the Ottoman Empire and took the Arabian territories under his control and established the royal family called Hashimi. Because of his good service, England appointed him as the king of the Arabian territories. (88) But the strange fact about Sharif Hussein, or Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi Sharif of Mecca, is that he was a Freemason and a member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath: (89)

Sharif Hussein, the founder of Hashimi, the royal family of Jordan

Sharif Hussein, the founder of the royal family of Jordan, being a member of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of the Bath

He ruled over the Arabian territories for a while, and then handed over the rule of Jordan to his son Abdullah, the rule of Iraq and Syria to his son Feisal, and the rule of Arabia to his son Ali. (90) But eventually, the House of Saud who had gained power in the Arabia defeated Sharif Hussein and his son Ali and pushed them out of the Arabian Peninsula, and he was forced to spend the rest of his life in Jordan. (91) After a while, Syria and Iraq also slipped from the grasp of Sharif Hussein’s children (92), and the rule of these territories ended up in the hands of revolutionary governments. The power in Jordan, however, has remained in the hands of Sharif Hussein’s children to this day, and they named this country Hashimi Jordan. (93)

It is important to note that the descendants of Sharif Hussein were also Freemasons and members of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath. One of the most notable among them was King Hussein, the former king of Jordan: (94)

King Hussein, the former king of Jordan, being a member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath

A letter in which King Hussein, the former king of Jordan, has been referred to as a Mason and has been honored for this reason by a Masonic Israeli organization. (This letter was also published in the Jerusalem Post magazine dated November 1999.)

But the current king of Jordan, King Abdullah the Second, who was born of an English mother and Freemason father (King Hussein), is also a Freemason and member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath: (95)


The current king of Jordan, King Abdullah the Second, being a member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath

Although, about King Abdullah the Second, the current king of Jordan, it should be noted that considering his similarities with the Sufyani described in the Islamic accounts, it is possible that he would prove more problematic than other rulers in the Middle East region, but the different aspects of this matter was explored in the article “the King of Jordan from another Perspective”. (96)

Therefore, as you can see, Global Freemasonry has long been in power in the country of Jordan.


Apart from the important role of ancient Egypt in organizing Masonic teachings, the Egypt of today is also under the influence of Global Freemasonry. Anwar Sadat, the former president of this country was a Freemason (97) and was a member of the Rotary Club and the Grand Syrian-Arabian Freemasonry Lodge (98), a point which is expected considering his policies including being the first among Arab countries to acknowledge Israel as a state and signing the disgraceful agreement of Camp David with Israel. (99) Presently, the authoritarian president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, is operating as a powerful agent for Global Freemasonry, and some unconfirmed sources have outed him as a Freemason.


The country of Turkey has long been under the total dominion of Global Freemasonry, and Freemasonry has had a strong presence in political, cultural, military, and economic areas in this country, and countless Masonic publications are printed and published in this country, including Mimar Sinan, Turkish Mason, the Grand East, etc. Because of the widespread influence of Freemasonry and its dominion on various dimensions of power in Turkey, and also the presence of powerful and hard-working scholars like Harun Yahya in this country, all dimensions of Freemasonry in this country have been uncovered. To keep the article short, we refer our dear readers to pages 242 to 367 of the book “Fundamentals of Freemasonry” by the Scientific Research Group of Turkey (Harun Yahya) and translated to Farsi by Jafar Saeedi. (100) However, we should note that the Turkish politicians of recent years like Bülent Ecevit have been members of the Bilderberg group. (101)

But it is strange that Abdullah Gul, the current president of Turkey, who is known as an Islamist, is himself most likely one of the agents of Global Freemasonry!!! Abdullah Gul is an honorary member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath and has received the position of knighthood in this group from Queen Elizabeth the Second of England, and this is something that has also been mentioned in the website for the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey: (102)

Abdullah Gul, the president of Turkey, being a member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath

Abdullah Gul, the president of Turkey, being a member of the Masonic group the Order of the Bath

Although Abdullah Gul is known as an Islamist politician, his membership in the Masonic group the Order of the Bath eliminates any trust in him. Even if we justify his membership in the Masonic group the Order of the Bath by saying it was gifted to him by the Queen of England, we should still ask, firstly, what characteristic in Abdullah made him worthy of receiving Masonic knighthood? Secondly, how could Abdullah Gul, who grew up in a completely Masonic country with a Masonic political structure and was active in its parties, not be aware of the consequences of membership in Freemasonry and have knighthood in the mentioned group?!!! Even if we ignore the Masonic nature of the group the Order of the Bath, still one question remains: why and for what service to England should Abdullah Gull be considered among the English knights and be equal to the heretic and condemned Salman Rushdie in that regard?!!! (103)

 Considering the points mentioned, it should be noted that trust in the so-called Islamist president of Turkey, Abdullah Gul, is not right, and he should always be viewed with distrust and doubt. In fact, it is possible that considering the rise of Islamism and the interest among the people of this country in Islam and resistance, the Masonic system ruling over this country has used a scheme and put some of its Masonic members that have infiltrated the Islamist groups in power in order to deceive the people. Meanwhile, all the commotion surrounding the elections is nothing more than a song and dance and is used for further deception. Don’t forget that in the 2004 election in the United States, despite the apparent differences, both George Bush and John Kerry were members of the Masonic group Skull & Bones! (104) Also, in the 2008 election, Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton, and John McCain, despite having outward disagreements, were all members of the Masonic and Satanic Bilderberg Group! (105) That’s why when Obama’s presidency was confirmed, Hilary Clinton was chosen as the United States Foreign Minister! (106)

Although, Abdullah Gul being a Mason is not that far-fetched. When Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Fahd of Saudi Arabia, also known as the servants of the two holy shrines, are Masons and have worn Masonic crosses, not much more can be expected of the other so-called moderate (!) leaders in the Middle East region.

About Turkey’s recent approach against Israel and the issue of the Freedom Fleet that led to martyrdom of many Muslims, (107) we should be careful and not judge boldly, because the goal might have been to downplay the role of Iran and Lebanon in the issue of Palestine and replace the resistant Iran with the Masonic and so-called moderate country of Turkey on the issue of Jerusalem. For this reason, extra care should be spent on judging this occurrence. Although, God willing and with his help, the deceit of the enemy will fail, and with God’s help, the conspiracy of the enemy will also fade, and their own action will facilitate their destruction soon.

Another thing to point out is that nothing negative has yet been seen from Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the current prime minister of Turkey.

Therefore, as you can see, the country of Turkey and its government, military, and armed forces have always been Masonic.

Other Countries in the Middle East

To keep the article short, we will not address all Middle Eastern countries one by one, but we should note that Afghanistan and Iraq are currently occupied by the Masonic countries, the United States and England, and are essentially considered part of them. The leaders of other countries in the region also basically operate under the grasp of Global Freemasonry, and since they have no independence in their decision making and follow Masonic countries, they also fall under the dominion of Global Freemasonry, because Masons consider any society that follows them as Masons:

“A school that is run by a Mason principal is considered a Masonic organization. A society that is run by a Mason leader is considered a Masonic society. Even if our members don’t increase, the realization of our principles and customs anywhere and by anyone is considered an achievement.” (Turkish Mason Magazine – p3032) (108)

As you can see, Masons don’t only consider the members of the lodge as the members of the Masonic society, but they also consider any person or society that follows them as part of the Masonic society. With that said, many of the Middle Eastern countries that follow the commands of Masonic societies like the United States and England and try to realize the goals of Masonic societies are, according to the descriptions of Freemasons themselves, considered part of the big society of Global Freemasonry.

Therefore, we can conclude that, unfortunately, Global Freemasonry has dominated the majority of the Middle East region, aside from Iran and small parts like the south of Lebanon which will be addressed at the end of the article.

Other Parts of the World

Our dear readers have already been familiarized with the influence and dominion of Freemasonry on big countries, effective organizations, and newfound fake religions and cults. The results of the dominion of Freemasonry can also be observed in other parts of the world. The following video clip shows the structures all over the world that contain Masonic symbols.

The video showing the cultural and political hold Freemasonry has on various parts of the world. (Click here)

Aside from the points already mentioned, it is necessary to note that most countries in the world also follow the Masonic powers, and even if we ignore the Freemason identities of the leaders of many countries, according to the definition of Masons themselves, because these countries are following Masonic powers like the United States, England, France, etc. they are also considered members of the Global Freemasonry society.

Unfortunately, some countries are known as revolutionary and resistant countries, and they don’t deserve these titles, since the revolutions that have taken place in these countries have either happened under the guidance of Freemasons or have been derailed from their main course, and their people’s goals, by Freemasons. To make this clear, we will address some of these so-called revolutionary countries:

The French Revolution and the American Independence

Previously, and in the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”, it was pointed out that the French Revolution and the American Independence were completely Masonic movements and their leaders were all Freemasons. There is no doubt about the Masonic nature of the French Revolution and the American Independence, and scholars are in agreement in this regard. (109) Therefore, we will refrain from further explanation on this topic and refer our dear readers to the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse” and other similar articles on the subject. (110)

Liberation Movements in Latin America

One of the policies of the main leaders of the Global Freemasonry organization in confronting the revolutionary activities of suffering and struggling nations around the world, whenever they have found themselves unable to face the roaring wave of people, has been to infiltrate these revolutions and put up a few of their agents among the leaders of said revolutions in order to divert the course of these revolutions and negate the efforts of the suffering people and once again take control of those countries. Meanwhile, even though the appearance of the governments would change, the power would still go to one of the agents of Freemasonry, and it would be another victory for Freemasonry. Although, in some cases disputes would occur between various Masonic Orders which would lead to conflicts, coup d’états, and, in some cases, revolutions, and some Masonic Orders would take the power from other Masonic Orders. Although, it is important to note that all these Orders share the same global and overall goals, which are the eradication of monotheistic religions and the establishing of a satanic global government in Jerusalem, a government based on humanism, materialism, and secularism. However, they disagree on the leadership of this movement and on ruling over the world, and the question that which one of them should hold the main position of power in the global empire is a source of serious conflict between them. It is the same thirst for ruling over the world that put Hitler and the Nazis, who were members of the Masonic group the Thule Society (111), against Freemasons like the English Winston Churchill (112) and Franklin Roosevelt, who were members of Holland Lodge and Architect’s Lodge (113) and the Freemason Joseph Stalin (114), because the Masonic governments of the United States, England, and the Soviet Union didn’t find Hitler’s big move to occupy the whole world at that time and before the establishment of a government in Jerusalem appropriate, and they were also against the rule of the Thule Society over the world.

Franklin Roosevelt, the Freemason American President

Statue and poster of Joseph Stalin while showing a Masonic third degree ritual

The disputes mentioned among the Freemasons is completely expected, because, unfortunately, even the followers of divine religions, including Muslims, who believe in the Almighty God and the divine prophets, have tribal and sectarian conflicts, whereas the Masons don’t believe in the Almighty God and the divine prophets and don’t find themselves responsible towards God and their own conscience. Therefore, the occurrence of conflict between the Freemasons and even war between them is logical and expected, but none of them have any disagreement on their ultimate goal which is the establishment of global and international government in Jerusalem, and their stance on the subject is completely similar and parallel.

With this introduction, we will address the role of Freemasonry in some the so-called liberation movements in Latin America:

Great Liberation Movements in South America

Simón Bolívar is a figure that is known as the liberating savior of Latin America. (115) At a time when the people of Latin America were tired of the cruelty of the Spanish ruling over the region and were preparing to start a revolution to push out the Masonic government of Spain, Simón Bolívar, in a shrewd move and as part of a mission from the American Lodge in London, took over the leadership of the people of Venezuela and other territories in South America and, with the help of other Freemasons, was able to lead this uprising to victory and give the power to Freemasons once again. (116) Meanwhile, once again a trick was played on the people, because they believed they had freed themselves from the grasp of Masonic colonialism, not knowing that their leader, Simón Bolívar, was himself a Freemason who returned the government to Freemasonry once again:

Simón Bolívar, also known as the liberating savior of Latin America, in the Masonic Lodge (middle image) and while showing a Masonic first degree ritual (side images)

A painting in a museum in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, showing Simón Bolívar among the people welcoming him. (117) It’s interesting to note that this savior (!) of Latin America was a member of the American Lodge of London, and is carrying a flag of England with him to show that he is faithful to his English Lodge!!!

Therefore, as you can see, the liberation movement of South America was nothing more than a conspiracy from Freemasons to deceive the suffering people of that region. After Simón Bolívar’s big move in Latin America, the mentioned territories stayed in the hands of Freemasons, and today, these territories are known politically as the backyard of the United States, which is the most powerful Masonic country!!! (118) Although lately, because of the weakening of the United States, this fact has become less noticeable.

Although, aside from the points mentioned, nowadays a Masonic group is active in Latin America that is known as the Order of Jose Marti and is mostly active in Cuba (119), since it is named after Jose Marti, the Cuban, so-called freedom-seeking(!!!), revolutionary. Jose Marti was undoubtedly a Freemason and operated based on the goals of this satanic organization: (120)

Evidence of Jose Marti, the Cuban revolutionary (!), being a Freemason (in Spanish)

Evidence of Jose Marti, the Cuban revolutionary (!), being a Freemason (translated to English)

A bust of Jose Marti, the so-called Cuban revolutionary, and his Masonic monument built on a 13-step pyramid and at its top (121) which is reminiscent of the 13-step pyramid on the American dollar bill!!!

Unfortunately, at this time, Fidel Castro, whose mother is originally Jewish and whose father was a member of the Rockefeller Masonic Institution, (122) is himself a Freemason (123) and is leading the Masonic group the Order of the Jose Marti, and the Cuba of today, despite its conflicts with the United States, is a member of the Global Freemasonry organization and adheres to common Masonic goals, including building the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and establishing a global atheistic government.

The Jewish origin of Fidel Castro’s mother and his father’s co-operation with the Masonic Rockefeller Company

Fidel Castro, the former president of Cuba, being a Freemason

But another interesting and strange example of the influence of Freemasonry in Latin America is the fact that both Salvador Allende, beloved president of Chile (!), and Augusto Pinochet, the famous Chilean dictator, were members in Masonic groups. (124) The images below illustrate this fact:

Salvador Allende, the beloved (!) president of Chile and history’s great charlatan, wearing a Masonic apron. He was able to gain a lot of followers in Chile through misleading public opinion and was ultimately killed by one of his compatriot Freemasons, General Augusto Pinochet, in a fight over power.

Salvador Allende, the so-called revolutionary president of Chile, being a Freemason

Augusto Pinochet, Salvador Allende’s killer, being a Freemason

Therefore, as you can see, despite what is commonly known by the public, Salvador Allende was not a noble and free (!) man, rather he was an atheistic, anti-God Freemason, with affinity for Marxists, who was defeated and killed in rivalry with a Freemason from another group backed by the United States. Both Allende and Pinochet had common ultimate goals, and, like other Freemasons, were in agreement about the establishment of a satanic and anti-God global empire in Jerusalem, and their only point of conflict was the issue of leadership over this ungodly movement and the question of who among the Masonic East or West would hold the power in this movement.

Therefore, it is plain to see that the Latin American countries, with all their claim to fighting Imperialism, cooperate in a shrewd way with the satanic empire of Global Freemasonry and work towards the goals of this insidious organization, which is destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque and building the false temple of Solomon, and their only point of disagreement with the United States and its European partners is in the leadership over the corrupt Masonic movement, not the fundamentals of said movement.

The Rest of the So-called Revolutionary Countries

It was previously mentioned that all governments and countries in the world (except for the ones that will be addressed below) either have had Freemason leaders and presidents, or if their president is not completely Masonic, they are under the dominion of Masonic powers, and, according to the definitions of Freemasons themselves, are considered a Masonic society.

But, unfortunately, some of the countries that are known as so-called revolutionary countries have had completely Masonic revolutions which have been in accordance with the desires of this satanic organization, and the scholars have somewhat failed to explore this fact and, unfortunately, the media and the scholars in our country and other Islamic countries have also failed in recognizing this matter. Sadly, we should point out that the beautiful and effective documentary, The Arrivals, has not been immune to this fact, and a number of blunders have been made which will be presented to our dear readers. With this introduction, we will address some of these famous so-called revolutionary countries which are in fact completely Masonic:

South Africa

The dear readers of our website are probably surprised to see South Africa in this list, since they have heard the name of Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa and the leader of the so-called revolution in this country, and have noticed that he has always been known as a kind, revolutionary, and anti-Imperialist leader. But behind this appealing face, an ugly and satanic character is hidden, because Nelson Mandela is a Freemason and a member of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of Malta or the Order of St. John, and he is proud of this fact: (125)

Nelson Mandela, wearing the knighthood attire of the Masonic group the Order of Malta

The commemorative stamp of the Postal Service of South Africa to celebrate the 900th year of the establishment of the Masonic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta, which shows Nelson Mandela, the former president and the leader of this country’s revolution (!) in the knighthood attire of said Masonic group. (126)

As mentioned in the beginning of the article, the Order of St. John, and its biggest branch, the Order of Malta, are completely Masonic groups. The Committee of 300 by John Coleman says on the subject:

“Why do we have such secret orders as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, the Round Table, the Milner Group and so on down line upon line of secret societies? They form part of a world-wide chain of command and control running through the Club of Rome, NATO, the RIIA and finally right up to the Conspirator’s Hierarchy, The Committee of 300. Men need these secret societies because their deeds are evil and must be hidden.” (127)

the Committee of 300 by John Coleman, in which the Masonic nature of groups like the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, also known as the Order of Malta, and the Club of Rome has been mentioned.

Unfortunately, Nelson Mandela is a Freemason who has come to power in accordance with the goals of Global Freemasonry. In fact, when the Global Freemasonry organization realized that it cannot fight the wave of the oppressed people of South Africa against injustice, it put one of its key agents, Nelson Mandela, among the ranks of the leaders of the anti-Apartheid movement, so that in case of the fall of the Apartheid government, the power in South Africa would once again be in the hands of Freemasons and the interests of Global Freemasonry would be realized.

At this point, the question might be asked that what happens to the fact that Nelson Mandela spent a long time in prison.

It was previously pointed out that Freemasons agree on their global objectives in order to establish a satanic global government in Jerusalem, but they disagree on the leadership of this movement, and this is expected from the followers of Satan, since, unfortunately, even the followers of religions, despite believing in the Almighty God and due to following their selfish desires, find conflict and hostility towards each other, so the followers of Satan shouldn’t be exempt from similar conflicts. Therefore, the matter of Mandela’s imprisonment could be of the same kind and due to the conflicts between different Masonic movements on the issue of leadership over these governments.

Another possibility that can be mentioned is that Nelson Mandela might not have been a Freemason at first, but because of being in prison for a long time and after negotiating with the powerful Freemasons ruling over South Africa, he might have come to an agreement with them, and while accepting the membership in Freemasonry, he has gained power in South Africa, but this time as the representative and colleague of Freemasons!

However, there is another possibility that should not be overlooked: the matter of Mandela’s imprisonment might have been completely staged. Let’s give an example: There has been a lot of information about Adolf Hitler’s suicide and his famous, discovered skull in Berlin, but in reality, nobody has seen Hitler at the time! It is interesting to note that, according to findings, it has been uncovered that the mentioned skull does not belong to Hitler at all, and it belongs to a woman! (128) Therefore, even the sensitive issue of Hitler’s death is not clear and definite, and for years, the powerful media in the West were deceiving people with their fictionalizing. Although, considering that Hitler was a member of the Masonic group the Thule Secret Society (129), it is not unlikely that the Allied forces, whose leaders were also Freemasons, considered the defeat and surrender of Germany enough punishment for their Masonic brother, Hitler, and laid the groundwork for his life in secret, and made up the story of his suicide and his skull to mislead public opinion. A similar thing is possible in the case of Nelson Mandela, and the matter of his long imprisonment might not have been the way the world media, who are mostly under the dominion of Dajjal (Antichrist), have advertised, and he might have spent this time living in secret in proper places. Although, this is only a possibility, and there is no strong evidence to support this.

In any case, Nelson Mandela’s membership in the Masonic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta is undeniable, and in that regard, he is in the same rank of criminals like the Queen of England, Tony Blair, and so on:

Queen Elizabeth the Second of England and Nelson Mandela being members of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta

Nelson Mandela being in the same group as colonialists, tyrants, and racists like Queen Elizabeth the Second of England and Tony Blair, the former prime minister of this country, clearly reveals his lies and the fact that he is the tool of Freemasonry, and even if we ignore the Masonic nature of the group the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem or the Knight of Malta, Mandela being in the same group as colonialists, tyrants, and racists is still an unforgivable sin, considering that Mandela has always been presented as a fighter against injustice!!!

Although, the fact that Mandela was allowed to enter politics a short time after being released from prison, and that in less than 4 years (130), he was able to go from a languishing prisoner (!) to the president of South Africa (!!!) is very suspicious and indicative of the special plan of Global Freemasonry to put him in power in that amount of time.

On the other hand, when justice-seeking individuals like Imam Khomeini, who led a great and anti-imperialist revolution and was beloved by the oppressed people of the world, was under constant attacks from the Masonic and imperialist governments, giving the Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela (131) and placing him in the ranks of Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, Shirin Ebadi, and Barack Obama (132) indicates that he is deserving of this award because of his service to Global Freemasonry, otherwise no free revolutionary in the world who has acted against the interests of Freemasonry has ever received the Nobel Peace Prize, while butchers like Menachem Begin, Shimon Peres, and Yitzhak Rabin have received this award. (133) Therefore, this points to Mandela’s cooperation with Global Freemasonry.

Although, this is not limited to Nelson Mandela, and his successor Thabo Mbeki, the president after Mandela, is also a member of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta: (134)

Thabo Mbeki, the former president of South Africa, being a member of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta

Thabo Mbeki, the former president of South Africa, being a member of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta

Therefore, as you can see, despite what was shown in the documentary The Arrivals, not only Nelson Mandela himself is a Mason, but also the so-called revolutionary country of South Africa is a completely Masonic country, and a huge trick has been played on the oppressed people of this country. As a result, South Africa is in no way deserving of the titles “revolutionary country” and “resistant government”.


Our dear readers have probably heard a lot about the Indian revolution and the resistance of people like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru against England’s colonialism, but, unfortunately, it should be said that the Indian revolution, like the struggles in South Africa, was a completely Masonic revolution.

Mahatma Gandhi, the main figure of the so-called independence-seeking movement in India

Mahatma Gandhi, the main figure of the Indian revolution, was borne in a wealthy Indian family. After early marriage to a woman of the same age, he finished high school and moved to London to study law, political science, and social science. He then returned to India and after a short stay in his home country, he moved to South Africa and started practicing law in that country. According to existing claims, he started his fight against England at that time and, after a while, he returned to India and, with the help of his friends, started the independence-seeking movement of India. He was arrested and sent to prison a few times and finally, in 1947 and with the help of his friends, he was able to lead the movement to victory. Eventually, he was assassinated by a young man in 1948 in a temple. (135)

There is no definitive evidence on the Masonic identity of Gandhi. Although, some sources have mentioned a diary that has been attributed to him which is missing most of the pages except for 20 of them, and in these pages, his membership in the third degree of Freemasonry has been revealed: (136)

Some sources mentioning that Mahatma Gandhi has revealed in his diary that he was a member of the third degree of Freemasonry while studying in London.

Although, the current evidence about Mahatma Gandhi’s membership in Freemasonry is not much, but the independence-seeking movement of India was definitely Masonic and there is no doubt in that, because even if we ignore the possibility of Mahatma Gandhi being a Mason, the collaboration of Freemasons with him and supporting him makes it more suspicious. Unfortunately, this has gone on so much that the accursed, heretic, and infidel Salman Rushdie, who had the worst insults for Islam and the Holy Prophet and received the title of knighthood for this service from Queen Elizabeth the Second of England (137), praised Mahatma Gandhi in a long article in Time magazine! (138)

The accursed and heretic Salman Rushdie’s praise for Mahatma Gandhi in Time magazine

Whatever the case may be, promoting individuals like Mandela and Gandhi by Masonic media seems more suspicious than ever.

But the story does not end there! Many so-called revolutionary and independence-seeking figures in India were undoubtedly Freemasons!!! The most notable of which are:

1- Jawaharlal Nehru: Jawaharlal Nehru, according to many documents, was an atheist and a member of the satanic Freemason organization: (139)

The name of Jawaharlal Nehru, one of the so-called revolutionary leaders of India, among famous Freemasons. The above image is taken from the official website of The Alliance of United Grand Lodges of Serbia.

2- Motilal Nehru: Motilal Nehru was Jawaharlal Nehru’s father and one of the pioneers of the independence-seeking movement of India. There is no doubt about him being a Freemason, and even the website of the Grand Lodge of India has clearly stated his membership in Freemasonry. For example, look at the images below: (140)

Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru’s father and one of the so-called independence-seeking leaders of India, being a member of the satanic Freemasonry organization, according to the Freemasons themselves.

Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru’s father and one of the so-called independence-seeking leaders of India, being a member of the satanic Freemasonry organization, according to the Freemasons themselves.

3- Swami Vivekananda (Narendranath Datta): Swami Vivekananda was one of the leaders of the independence-seeking movement of India. (141) Although, his fame is not limited to that, and he is one of the famous figures and pioneers of Vedanta and Yoga in recent centuries! (142) He is the one who made Yoga universally famous and took this theosophical and mysterious sport to Europe and the United States and introduced it to the people there. (143) It is interesting to note that Swami Vivekananda, one of the leaders of the Indian revolution and a pioneer of Yoga in recent centuries, was a famous Freemason, and there is no doubt about his membership in Masonic lodges!!! (144)

Swami Vivekananda (Narendranath Datta), one of the pioneers of Yoga in the recent centuries and one of the Freemason leaders of the so-called independence-seeking movement in India.

There is no doubt about Swami Vivekananda’s membership in the satanic Freemasonry group, and multiple sources confirm his membership in this atheistic group: (145)

Evidence of the membership of Swami Vivekananda (Narendranath Datta), one of the pioneers of Yoga and a so-called revolutionary figure of the independence-seeking movement of India in the satanic Freemasonry organization

Evidence of the membership of Swami Vivekananda (Narendranath Datta), one of the pioneers of Yoga and a so-called revolutionary figure of the independence-seeking movement of India in the satanic Freemasonry organization

An important point to take away from the above information is the fact that newfound mysticisms and theosophical sports like Yoga, that are universally known and promoted by Masonic and satanic organizations, have an important and serious connection to Global Freemasonry, and the leaders of these movements are mostly members of Freemasonry. Although, God willing, we will talk about this with more evidence in the future.

4- Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (also known as Rajaji): Rajaji was another popular figure in India and one of Mahatma Gandhi’s close friends, so much that Gandhi called him “keeper of my conscience.” (146) But the important thing to note is that Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (also known as Rajaji) was definitely and undoubtedly a Freemason, and there is a lot of evidence on that: (147)

Mahatma Gandhi’s praise for Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (also known as Rajaji)

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (also known as Rajaji) being a member of the satanic Freemasonry organization

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (also known as Rajaji) being a member of the satanic Freemasonry organization

Although, the list of the Freemason leaders of the so-called independence-seeking movement of India is not limited to the ones above, but to keep the article short, we will refrain from addressing the rest.

Therefore, as you can see, despite the points mentioned in the beautiful documentary The Arrivals, the independence-seeking movement of India was also a completely Masonic movement. In fact, when the Masonic government of England realized the desires of the people of India to fight injustice, it put some of its Freemason agents as freedom-seeking and independence-seeking leaders among the oppressed people of India fighting for freedom, so that, in case of the continuation of fights and declaration of independence in India, the leaders of the movement would still be the agents of the satanic Freemasonry organization!!! Meanwhile, once again a great trick was played on the people of India, and despite the outward change in the structure of the government, the eventual victory went to Global Freemasonry, and they once again gained power in India.

Even if we ignore the possibility of Mahatma Gandhi being a Mason, because so many of the leaders of the independence seeking movement of India like Jawaharlal Nehru, Motilal Nehru, Swami Vivekananda, and Rajaji were Freemasons, this movement should be considered a completely Masonic movement. Although, the current orientation of countries like India and South Africa and them choosing a passive stance in accordance with Masonic governments completely confirms the claims mentioned.

Other Famous Groups, Organizations, and People Connected to the Satanic Freemasonry Organization

Blackwater Security Agency

Blackwater Security Agency is a familiar name for people around the world, because the name of this company is connected to many crimes in Iraq and has created a wave of hatred in the people of the region and the world. (148)

The logo for the criminal Blackwater Security Agency

But it is interesting to note that this American security agency is also one of the important arms of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of Malta (149) and was hired by this famous Masonic group to go to Iraq and kill and massacre the oppressed people of that country, in order to pave the way for the apocalyptic plans of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry in the region:

The heads of Blackwater Security Agency being members of the Masonic group the Order of Malta

Among the heads of Blackwater, we can mention Joseph Edward Schmitz, the former Pentagon investigator, who is simultaneously part of the Masonic groups SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) and Opus Dei: (150)

Joseph Edward Schmitz, the former Pentagon investigator and one of the heads of the criminal Blackwater Security Agency, being a member of the Masonic groups SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) and Opus Dei.

Therefore, as you can see, even criminal security groups like Blackwater are under the dominion of Masonic and satanic groups like the Order of Malta.

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch is a familiar name in the field of media. He is a great conspirator who can be called the media emperor of the world. He owns the News Corporation company, and this company is active in various fields like movies, TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. The 20th Centrury Fox movie studios, Fox news TV channels, Fox Soccer, Fox Movie, Speed Channel, and so on, satellite channels including Star TV, SKY Italia, and so on, websites including AmericanIdol.com, GameSpy, MySpace, and so on, magazines including Marketing News America, InsideOut, and so on, newspapers including Times, Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, New York Post, Brooklyn Paper, Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Indexes, and so on, and publishing companies like HarperCollins, Zondervan Publishing, and so on, are all owned by Rupert Murdoch. (151)

Recently, Rupert Murdoch has started a Farsi satellite channel called Farsi One, in order to add Farsi speaking viewers to the collection of people under the influence of his empire. (152)

But the important thing to note is that the originally Jewish Rupert Murdoch is also a Freemason and a member of the satanic and Masonic group the Order of Malta: (153)

Rupert Murdoch, the famous media emperor

Rupert Murdoch, the famous media emperor, being a member of the satanic Freemasonry organization

Rupert Murdoch, the famous media emperor, being a member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta

Therefore, as you can see, Rupert Murdoch is part of the satanic Freemasonry organization and is working towards the interests of the Global Freemasonry organization using all the media under his control. Starting the Farsi One TV channel has also been towards the same interests and to spread the dominion of Global Freemasonry in Farsi speaking regions.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski is a Polish American geostrategist and one of the prominent figures in the foreign policy of the United States. (154) Brzezinski plays a prominent role in various political and military equations around the world and is the political mastermind of the United States in international affairs. But the important thing to note is that Brzezinski is also a Freemason and a member of secret and Masonic groups, the Order of Malta and Bilderberg: (155)

Zbigniew Brzezinski, American geostrategist, being a member of satanic and Masonic groups, the Order of Malta and Bilderberg

Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger, the famous American politician and strategist, like Zbigniew Brzezinski, is currently one of the most famous strategists in the world (156), and on different occasions, he has had an important role in spreading the dominion of the satanic government of the United States. This originally Jewish politician is also a famous Freemason and a member of the Masonic and Satanic groups, the Order of Malta and Bilderberg, and he is specially mentioned as a fixed member of the Masonic group Bilderberg. (157) Also, some sources have referred to him as a 33rd degree Freemason: (158)

Henry Kissinger, famous American politician, being a member of the Masonic group Bilderberg

Henry Kissinger, the Jewish American politician, being a member of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry

Henry Kissinger, famous American politician, being a member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta

Therefore, as you can see, Henry Kissinger is also a Freemason and a member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta.

George Soros

George Soros is a famous Hungarian American politician, currency dealer, and businessman who has had an important role in the global political and economic equations. He is the head of the Soros Foundation and the Open Society Foundation (159) and has played a big role in supporting velvet revolutions like the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan.(160) Through the Soros Foundation, he also played an important role in the civil unrests following the 2009 presidential election in the Islamic Republic of Iran. (161)

But the important thing to note is that George Soros, like his close friend Rupert Murdoch, is a Freemason and a member in groups connected to Freemasonry and Illuminati, like Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Masonic group Bilderberg: (162)

George Soros, famous American economic activist and politician, being a member of the Masonic group CFR

George Soros, famous American economic activist and politician and the head of the seditious Open Society Foundation and Soros Foundation, being a member of the Masonic group Bilderberg

Therefore, as you can see, George Soros is another agent for the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse (Freemasonry).

Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI

In the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”, we talked in length about the connection between the Vatican and Freemasonry and the influence of this satanic organization on the Catholic leadership of the world. (163) Also, in the same article, we addressed the dark past of the current leader of the Catholic Church and his membership in an organization affiliated with the Nazis, called the Hitler Youth organization, during his teenage years and the history of the Zionist stances of Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI: (164)

Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI, as the leader of the Catholics of the world (middle image), and wearing the uniform of a group affiliated with the Nazis called the Hitler Youth organization during his teenage years (right image), and while giving the Nazi salute (left image)!

Although, the seditious nature of Pope Benedict XVI is not limited to his teenage years, and even in his old age and as the Pope, he has had insulting and warmongering remarks about the righteous religious of Islam. (165)

But, it is interesting to note that Pope Benedict XVI is also a member in secret societies and a part of the satanic and Masonic group the Order of Malta. He has been a member in this Masonic group since 1999: (166)

Pope Benedict XVI being a member of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of Malta

Therefore, as you can see, even Pope Benedict XVI, the current leader of the Catholics of the world, is a Freemason and a member of the satanic group the Order of Malta.

Tenzin Gyatso, or Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso, or Dalai Lama, is the leader of the Buddhists of the world, who, since the occupation of Tibet by China, is living outside of Tibet. (167)

He has always been referred to as a peace-loving and popular figure in the Masonic world media, and every once in a while he is honored by the Masonic countries and organizations! On the other hand, while religious and divine leaders like Imam Khomeini, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, and Seyed Hassan Nasrallah are constantly disparaged by the Masonic world media, Dalai Lama is given the Nobel Peace Prize (168) and is referred to as the humanity’s role model in the Masonic world media.

But, it is interesting to note that Dalai Lama, who left Tibet during childhood, is himself a Freemason a member of the Masonic and Satanic group the Order of Malta: (169)

Tenzin Gyatso, or Dalai Lama, the leader of the Buddhists of the world

Evidence of the membership of Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela in the Masonic group the Order of Malta (in Spanish)

Evidence of the membership of Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela in the Masonic group the Order of Malta (translated to English)

As you can see, Dalai Lama is also a Freemason and a member of the Masonic group the Order of Malta. (170) But what is truly the reason for the Masonic world’s supports of Dalai Lama and the Buddhist religion? Why are movies like “7 years in Tibet” made in Hollywood in which Buddhism is praised? (171) Why in the movie “2012” there is so much emphasis on the Buddhist religion, and this religion is introduced as the foretelling and progressive religion, and when the apocalypse happens, the honor of sounding the drums of the apocalypse goes to Buddhist monks? (172) Why…?

The special and positive role of the Buddhist religion and Buddhist monks in the apocalyptic movie “2012”

Although, this conspiracy from the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and the Masonic world is not so far-fetched, because when the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies have set out to eliminate and destroy divine religions, they have to replace the divine religions with a fake substitute and a non-divine religion to be able to respond to the religious nature of humans. Meanwhile, the non-divine and internally empty religion of Buddhism can act as the fake Masonic religion and deceive a large number of people!

Although, this is not just a guess born out of suspicion, and there is important evidence on the matter. The sentence below that is taken from a document named “A Description of Satanism” found on the website “Church of Satan” (one of the important websites for Satanists) points to the atheistic nature of Buddhism: (173)

“Satanism is an atheist religion like Buddhism. Nothing to answer to other than the consequences of our actions. Satanists do not believe in the existence of God, Angels, Heaven or Hell, The Devil, Satan, Evil Spirits, Good Spirits, Tooth fairies or Demons…” (174)

Addressing the atheistic nature of Buddhism by the Church of Satan website

Therefore, as you can see, Dalai Lama is also a Freemason and is working towards the satanic goals of the Global Freemasonry organization. The important task given to Dalai Lama and the deviant religion of Buddhism from the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies is to offer and promote a fake and non-divine religion to the people of the apocalypse, so that this religion could fill the void of leaving the divine religions.

Other Figures

Other than the ones mentioned in this article, there are other prominent people who are members of Masonic groups, like Gordon Brown, the former prime minister of England and member of the Masonic group Bilderberg (175), and David Cameron, the current, originally Jewish prime minister of England and member of the Masonic and satanic group Bullingdon Club: (176)

Gordon Brown, the former prime minister of England, being a member of the Masonic group Bilderberg

A rare photo of David Cameron, the current, originally Jewish prime minister of England, as a member of the Masonic and satanic group Bullingdon Club. (177)

David Cameron, the current, originally Jewish prime minister of England, being a member of the Masonic and satanic group Bullingdon Club. (178)

Bullingdon Club: a Masonic group with satanic teachings that has a lot of similarities with the Masonic and satanic group Skull & Bones in the Unites States. (179)

Although, aside from the ones mentioned, we have to address important families that are members in multiple Masonic groups. Two of the most important of these families are the Bush family and the Rockefeller family. (180) It is interesting to note that the members of these families, aside from membership in Masonic groups like Skull & Bones (181) and Bilderberg (182), are also members in the Masonic group the Order of Malta: (183)

The Bush and Rockefeller families being members in Masonic and satanic group the Order of Malta

Although, there are other famous people who are members in various Masonic groups, but in order to keep the article short, we will refrain from addressing them.

Considering the points mentioned, it appears that the Masonic group the Order of Malta acts as an organizer between various Masonic groups and even gathers together Masonic families like Bush and Rockefeller and people like Queen Elizabeth the Second of England, Winston Churchill, Henry Kissinger, etc. who are members in other Masonic groups like Skull & Bones, various Freemasonry lodges, Bilderberg, etc. and employs them towards the goals and interests of the possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse (Freemasonry) in an organized and systematic way.

The World under the Dominion of Dajjal (Global Freemasonry)

Considering the information that has already been provided for the dear readers of our website through articles “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse” and “Which of its Agents will the Global Freemasonry (the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse) Put in Power in the United States” and the documentary “the Arrivals”, the readers have probably realized that Global Freemasonry, or the possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse, has dominated all political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of the world. This satanic dominion of Dajjal (Antichrist) has global dimensions and has taken all nations in the world under its control.

We can safely say that, aside from one exception, the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse (Global Freemasonry) is ruling over all parts of the world, and this evil creature is causing corruption in all nations. Unfortunately, there is no difference between rich, poor, eastern, western, etc. countries in this regard, and all these countries, even most of the Islamic countries, are under the dominion of Dajjal (Antichrist). In fact, because of the satanic activities of the allies of Dajjal (Antichrist), the circumstances in the world are as described in this blessed passage in the Ahd prayer: “Corruption appears in the sea and on land because of the deeds of humans.” (184)

In the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”, the similarities between Global Freemasonry and the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse described in Islamic accounts was discussed at length, and the dear readers can refer to that article to learn about these points. (185)

The multiple similarities between the satanic Global Freemasonry organization and the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse described in Islamic accounts: a lot of the descriptions of the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse in Islamic accounts like him having one eye, the glowing of Dajjal’s eye, the Jewish origin of Dajjal, the long lifetime of Dajjal, Dajjal exploiting the name of Christ, the male identity of Dajjal, Dajjal’s point of exodus and sedition, Dajjal’s place of death, Dajjal’s followers, Dajjal’s extent of operation, Dajjal’s wealth and power, Dajjal’s claims of being a prophet and a God, etc. are consistent with the existing facts about Global Freemasonry. (Refer to the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse”) (186)

It is interesting to note that the descriptions of Dajjal (Antichrist) in Islamic accounts and their consistency with Global Freemasonry is so accurate and miraculous that drives one to amazement! For example, the emphasis of the Islamic accounts that there is one remaining eye on Dajjal (Antichrist)’s face and that is his left eye, is amazingly consistent with the characteristics of Global Freemasonry and one of its most famous symbols which is the All Seeing Eye! (187) Imam Ali (peace be upon him), while answering the question of one of his disciples about Dajjal (Antichrist), said: (188)

“…He doesn’t have a right eye, and his other eye is on his forehead and glows like the morning star. There is something in his eye that looks like it is covered in blood…” (189)

As you can see, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) describes Dajjal (Antichrist) as not having a right eye but having a left eye. This fact is clearly consistent with the Masonic symbols of “the All Seeing Eye” and “the Pyramid and the Eye”.

Various images of the All Seeing Eye, one of the most famous Masonic symbols

If we carefully look at these images again, based on the shape of the eyelid and the orientation of the eyebrow in “the All Seeing Eye” and “the Pyramid and the Eye” symbols, we easily realize that the eye in these Masonic symbols is the left eye, and this fact is consistent with the descriptions of Islamic accounts:

The All Seeing Eye on the back of the American dollar bill (right image) and the recreation of the same eye in a human face (left image): notice that in the left image which is the recreated face, the All Seeing Eye that can be found on the American dollar bill is the same as the human left eye (green image) and the reverse of the All Seeing Eye (the black and white image) is the same as the human right eye. Therefore, the fact that the All Seeing Eye of Freemasonry is a left eye is consistent with the descriptions of Dajjal (Antichrist) having one eye and having a left eye in Islamic accounts.

Although, as it was mentioned, the similarities between Freemasonry and the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse is a lot more than the ones mentioned, and the dear readers can read about it at length in the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse”. (190)

But how did the Possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse (Global Freemasonry) Gain such a Dominion over the World?

Since the creation of Adam, Satan harbored a grudge against the humans, and after disobeying God and being banished from heaven, he vowed that, until the end of the time he had received from the Almighty God, he would deceive, deprave, and corrupt the human race and take a huge number of them (except the believers) with him to the depths of hell. (191)

In order to achieve this, the same way that good deeds are divided into personal and social, Satan and his allies set out to deceive and corrupt humans in a personal and social (organized) way. Therefore, Satan and his allies, aside from deceiving and seducing humans one by one, set out to corrupt and deprave societies in a collective and organized way.

The first place where Satan began to corrupt the societies in an organized way was the land of Babylon in the south of Baghdad (the capital of today’s Iraq), (192) where Satan caused the spread of Idolatry and magic and witchcraft among people, and the foundations of the birth of Dajjal (Antichrist) (Freemasonry) were also established in the land of Babylon. The same land is the origin of Satan-like kings like Nimrod, and the famous tower of Babel which is beloved by today’s Freemasons has its roots in this land. The land of Babylon was the first place where humans began to practice Idolatry. (193) That is why Freemasons consider the land of Babylon a sacred place even in this age: (194)

Freemasons’ belief in the sacredness of the satanic city of Babylon

The satanic city of Babylon has been cursed and damned in all divine religions, including the righteous religion of Islam (195), and even the Infallibles (peace be upon them) (the 14 figures in Islam who are without sin and mistake) have called this city a damned place and consider Salah (Islamic prayer) in this city Makruh (disliked in Islam) (196), a fact which confirms the satanic nature of Babylon.

In ancient times in Mesopotamia, the prophet Noah was chosen by God to guide the Sumerian tribes, and the prophet Abraham was chosen by God to guide the Babylonian tribes, and they were harassed and tormented by the allies of Satan. (197) In fact, these two greats can be considered the first Arch-Prophets who fought against Dajjal (Antichrist) and satanic teachings.

The holy prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) said about Dajjal (Antichrist): (198)

“No prophet came after Noah without warning their nation of Dajjal (Antichrist), and I warn you of him…”

By focusing on the above Hadith (quotes from Islamic Infallibles), we realize the issue of Dajjal (Antichrist) is not unique to Islam and Muslims, rather it has been an issue before the holy prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) and at the time of Prophet Noah. (199) This shows that Dajjal (Antichrist) existed at that time too, because if he didn’t exist at that time, there wouldn’t have been a reason for Prophet Noah to warn his people of him. Of course, we know that the divine prophets (especially the Arch-Prophets) don’t do anything in vain, therefore this warning from Prophet Noah is indicative of Dajjal (Antichrist) being alive in his time. (200)

But the satanic teachings that inaugurated Dajjal (Antichrist) didn’t stay in Babylon and slowly entered ancient Egypt through Mesopotamian migrants (201), and ancient Egypt became the second and most important base for satanic and Masonic teachings: (202)

Masonic and satanic teachings from Babylon being carried into ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is known as the biggest base for satanic teachings in ancient times. In this land, the Pharaoh, meaning the king, was known as the son of God, and tall and massive structures were built for worshiping idols and multiple satanic deities, and because of the military and political power of the kings of Egypt, they stayed in power for a long time. (203)

But an important incident made changes in Dajjal (Antichrist)’s fate. The Prophet Joseph, son of the Prophet Jacob, who lived in the land of Canaan, was thrown in a well because of his brothers’ jealousy. A caravan that was passing through Canaan rescued him from the well and took him with them to the ancient Egypt. The Prophet Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt and started working as a servant in the palace of the Aziz (chancellor) of Pharaoh called Potiphar. Because Joseph was extremely handsome, Zuleikha, Potiphar’s wife, fell in love with him and requested something improper of Joseph. But the chaste servant of God and the divine prophet refused her, and because of this refusal and with Zuleikha’s treachery, he was put in jail. The Prophet Joseph was in jail for a long time, until he was freed for interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, and because of predicting the coming famine in Egypt and preventing this famine, he received a high position and became the Aziz (chancellor) of Egypt. After receiving this position, he invited his father and brothers from Canaan, and following this meeting, the Children of Israel (descendants of Jacob) settled in Egypt. (204)

After the Prophet Joseph’s death and the integration of the Children of Israel in the society of Egypt, the admiration and respect of the Children of Israel started to fade away and they became subject to the cruelty and injustice of Pharaoh’s administration. (205) At that time, some of the Children of Israel started learning the satanic teachings like the rest of the Egyptians, and others stayed in the divine religion. As a result of the prayers and supplications of the believers among the Children of Israel, God chose his Prophet Moses from this tribe and gave him the mission to fight the Pharaoh and liberate the Children of Israel. (206) The Children of Israel, led by the Prophet Moses, passed through the sea at night and escaped Egypt, and the Pharaoh and his army died in the sea. (207) Therefore, with God’s grace, the Children of Israel were freed from the cruelty of Pharaoh.

But a large number of the Children of Israel who were previously subject to the satanic and Masonic teachings of ancient Egypt, leaned towards these satanic teachings even after leaving Egypt. When they encountered the first idolater tribe on their way and saw them worshiping idols, they asked the Prophet Moses to prepare an idol like theirs for the Children of Israel to worship (!), but they received rebuke from the Prophet Moses and from the Almighty God. (208) Moreover, in the absence of the Prophet Moses, and only after a ten day delay in his return, they obeyed the accursed Samiri and started worshiping a golden calf! (209)

In any case, as long as the Prophet Moses was alive, the Children of Israel didn’t have the courage to stray from God, but after the death of the Prophet Moses, the deviation of the Children of Israel started again and increased over time.

It is important to note that the Arch-Prophet Moses fought against Dajjal (Antichrist) and the satanic and Masonic teachings of ancient Egypt all throughout his life, and even after the Children of Israel left Egypt, he fought their ignorance and their inclination towards following the satanic and Masonic teachings of ancient Egypt.

But, as it was mentioned, over time and with the passing of the Prophet Moses, the Children of Israel started following the satanic and Masonic teachings of ancient Egypt and, furthermore, they added the blasphemous teachings of nearby nations like ancient Canaanites to the Masonic and satanic Egyptian teachings and turned them into the Masonic teachings of Cabala (Qabalah, Kabbalah) and started spreading these teachings in a way that was a hundred times more lethal and blasphemous. (210) Thus, Dajjal (Antichrist) who had started his life in Babylon, settled in his second home, ancient Egypt, and then went among the Children of Israel and built his third home amongst them and took the form of the teachings of Cabala!

Cabala spread and became popular among the Children of Israel, until it was time for the rule of two divine prophets, the Prophet David and the Prophet Solomon, and these two greats established a glorious empire in the Middle East and executed God’s commandments. (211) The Prophet Solomon also restored the Al-Aqsa Mosque that was built centuries ago by his blessed ancestors, the Prophet Adam and the Prophet Abraham, in Jerusalem. (212)

In time of the Prophet Solomon, magic and sorcery was very common. That is why he strongly fought magic and sorcery and confiscated the books and equipment of magicians. (213)

After the passing of the Prophet Solomon, sorcerers and the allies of Satan started belittling him by calling him the Great Magician. These followers of Satan falsified the Torah and called the Prophet Solomon an idolater in it! (214) Moreover, centuries later, magicians and Jews following Satan built a satanic temple full of symbols of blasphemy and attributed it to the Prophet Solomon, even though the great and divine prophet, Solomon, restored the Al-Aqsa Mosque and, like his blessed ancestors, was a mosque builder not a temple builder! (215)

After the Prophet Solomon, the dark period of the Children of Israel started once more, and in the beginning, multiple corrupt Jewish kings ruled over the Children of Israel, and after that, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, attacked the Children of Israel and took them to Babylon as captives, and these captives were taken back to Jerusalem at the time of the rule of Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire. (216)

The conflicts and periods of the rule of different tribes like Iranians and Greeks continued, until it was time for Romans and they took over Jerusalem. (217) At this time, the Prophet Jesus was chosen by God to fight the perversions and deviations of the Children of Israel, and he started confronting the satanic teachings common among the Jews and the teachings of Cabala which were the same as the teachings of Dajjal (Antichrist). The Jews, however, fought the Prophet and tried to kill him, but with God’s grace, he disappeared and ascended to heaven (218) in order to emerge in the apocalypse along with Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him). (219)

Years later, another Roman emperor called Titus attacked the Children of Israel and carried out a huge massacre and destruction in Jerusalem. (220) From then on, the Children of Israel were under the rule of Romans, until around the time of birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam, the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), when some Jews who were aware of the predictions in Torah about God’s last prophet migrated to Arabia in the hopes that the Prophet of the apocalypse would be chosen from among their children!!! (221) But after seeing that the Prophet of Islam was from the descendants of the Prophet Ishmael, they started opposing him and even poisoned him, but with God’s grace, his prophecy continued until it was passed on to the Infallible Imams, and these greats strongly fought the satanic teachings common in their time. Although, some accounts insist on the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) by poison from the Jews. (222)

But in the time of the Prophet, despite his best efforts in the final days of his blessed life to send an army led by Usama Bin Zayd to the Mu’tah region and destroy the final obstacle in capturing Jerusalem and eliminating Dajjal (Antichrist) and his Jewish allies (223), with the efforts of the Jews and the delay and sabotage of some of the followers, the army stopped in its tracks and the capture of Jerusalem in the time of the Prophet did not occur (224), and the death of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the fate of the Jews was left for the apocalypse and the Savior of the apocalypse, Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him).

Jerusalem was captured in the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, and the Jews of Jerusalem came under the rule of Muslims (225), and the satanic and Masonic teachings of Cabala, which was the form Dajjal (Antichrist) had taken to continue his life, were secretly practiced by Jewish priests.

From that point on, everything went on in the same way for a while, until the Crusades started in 1095, and the fate of Dajjal (Antichrist) which was living in the form of Cabala until that day changed. (226) The Crusades lasted 200 years, and in that time, Jerusalem changed hands multiple times between the Muslims and the Crusaders, until the end of the Crusades when the Muslims once again took control of Palestine. (227)

During the rule of Crusaders over Jerusalem, two groups of knights had a prominent presence in Jerusalem: (228)

1- Knights Hospitaller

2- Knights Templar

Knights Hospitaller, while in Jerusalem, took part in accommodating the Christian travelers and pilgrims, and they made up a big group of Knights living in Jerusalem. (229)

But another group of Crusader knights, which were called Knights Templar and were tasked with protecting the area attributed to Solomon’s fictional temple in the lands surrounding the Dome of the Rock, (230) slowly learned the Masonic and satanic teachings of Cabala from the Cabalist Jewish priests of Jerusalem. (231)

But a sinister fate was awaiting both the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller, and these groups emerged as strong hubs for accommodating and executing the commands of Dajjal (Antichrist).

When the Knights Templar wanted to return to Europe, they freed Cabala from the secret dungeons of the Jews in the Middle East, and they took these teachings with them to Europe, and that way Dajjal (Antichrist) found a new home. In Europe, the people and the church of that time, which were not yet under the serious influence of satanic teachings, confronted the Knights Templar, and consequently, a large number of Knights Templar were executed. (232) The remaining Knights Templar that saw their life in danger fled to Scotland, where the king was opposed to the Pope and the Vatican, and they established a place for their congregation there called the Wall-Builders Lodge or the Grand Lodge of Scotland, which is known today as the oldest official Freemasonry lodge. (233)

Similar to the Knights Templar, the Knights Hospitaller, who were also called the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, slowly deviated and later established the Masonic groups the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the Order of Malta. (234)

But as it was mentioned, through the Knights Templar, Dajjal (Antichrist) found a new home and settled in Europe and in Scotland and continued his life in his form, Freemasonry.

About this name (Freemasonry), although multiple and various possibilities have been stated and some attribute it to the masons and architects of recent centuries who had guild activities in Europe (!) (235), the best and most suitable explanation is this one:

 These are masons who are free. But what structure do these masons want to build?

It is obvious! They intend to rebuild the fictional temple of Solomon that the Cabalist priests and Jewish magicians originally built and falsely attributed to the Prophet Solomon and called the God’s Prophet a magician, idolater, and Grand Mason, and because they don’t get paid for this, they call themselves free masons!!! Although, the inclusion of people with different expertise like doctors, engineers, architects, politicians, etc. since the initial days of the establishment of Freemasonry up until today indicates that the name Freemasonry has nothing to do with the guild of masons and architects!

But Freemasonry, or the possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse, was confined in its final guise in Scotland for a long time, and this confinement reminds one of a Hadith from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) where he mentions Dajjal (Antichrist) will be confined to an island for a long time (236), and this account corresponds with the geographical location of Scotland and the island of Britain (237), since Freemasonry had to be confined in Scotland for a long time to be safe from the religious beliefs of the people in the rest of Europe.

But with the efforts and conspiracies of Freemasonry in other parts of Europe and the spread of Protestantism in this continent, and through the influence of the satanic Freemasonry organization in the Vatican, the stage was finally set for the spread of Freemasonry in Europe, until this satanic organization was able to spread in Europe around the 17th and 18th centuries. (238)

With the victory of the French Revolution and the American Independence in the 18th century by the Masons, Freemasonry introduced itself as a powerful organization. (239) With the declaration of America’s independence, this country that was founded in a new continent and far from the conflicts of Europe and Asia, developed quickly based on the pre-determined plans of Freemasonry, and slowly introduced itself as the most powerful arm of Freemasonry. (240)

Moreover, in European countries one after the other, power went to Freemason politicians, and parallel to this political progress of Freemasonry, in the 19th century, Masonic thinkers like Marx invented all kinds of “ism”s like Marxism, Humanism, and etc. to combat the divine religions (241) so that they could take control of the minds of nations as well and cover various tastes and, in their view, any belief other than a divine belief would inhabit the minds.

Dajjal (Antichrist) dominated the whole of Europe, the United States, and Latin America under the cover of Freemasonry, and spread its dominion to Africa, Asia, and Oceania through the military campaigns of Masonic governments of Europe. Meanwhile, some of the Masons went to war over the leadership of this movement which resulted in the first and second world wars, in which all sides were Freemasons and wanted the leadership of the global Masonic empire (242), however the United States, which the main stream of Freemasonry had invested on since the beginning, vanquished the new Masons of Germany, so that a somewhat uniform policy would govern Freemasonry.

After the Second World War, Freemasonry, which saw its plans harmonized and its capabilities appropriate and its dominion global, founded the United Nations in 1945 funded by the Masonic Rockefeller family in order to establish a new anti-God world order with guaranteed success and in the guise of an international organization. (243) This organization, since its creation up until today, has done nothing that hasn’t been in service of Masonic countries and to repress anti-Masonic countries, and even its apparently charitable activities are in fact in the interest of Masonic countries.

Freemasons, in their final step, established the Masonic government of Israel as the last arm of Freemasonry, so that it could lay the groundwork in the heart of Jerusalem for the construction of the temple of Solomon and establishing the satanic empire of Dajjal (Freemasonry), and return Dajjal, who was driven from the holy land of Jerusalem and was wandering various parts of Europe and the United State, to his home, so that, after establishing the fictional temple of Solomon and filling it with blasphemous and satanic symbols, he would forever rule over the world. (244)

Meanwhile, the weak and scattered efforts of believers around the world were strongly suppressed, and it appeared there was no hope for the liberation of the oppressed of the world. In the Middle East, the countries in the region were run by Freemason kings, rulers, and presidents who were Muslims in name only, and Iran was also under the dominion of a Freemason king named Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (245), and he and his Iranian Freemason ministers were completely in service of the satanic goals of Global Freemasonry. (246)

In such an atmosphere, the world was in complete darkness, and the drunken cackle of Dajjal (Antichrist) and its allies for the start of their global empire could be heard, and Global Freemasonry was getting ready to celebrate the construction of the fictional temple of Solomon and the start of the global and satanic empire of Dajjal (Antichrist) in 1980, 33 years after the establishment of Israel (1947), but…

Iran, an Island of Hope

At a time when the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies were busy executing their satanic plans, suddenly, amid the total darkness of the world, in the land of Iran, a light started shining which was the start of Dajjal (Antichrist)’s decline and the dawn of the promised return of the savior of nations, Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him), the Imam of the age.

In 13th of Khordad 1342 (1963 AD), and in the afternoon of Ashura, Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him), one of the Iranian revolutionary clerics at the time, gave a ferocious speech against the imperial system ruling over Iran that lay the foundations of a great revolution in Iran that changed the fate of the world. (247) But more importantly, Imam Khomeini, since the beginning days of the revolution and while there still wasn’t a coherent movement for shaping the revolution, pointed his attacks at Israel (the heart of Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry) and called the Freemason king of Iran servant and ally of Israel. (248)

Imam Khomeini’s speech at that time was as follows:

“…Israel doesn’t want this nation to have scientists. Israel doesn’t want this nation to have Quran. Israel doesn’t want this nation to have religious scholars. Israel doesn’t want this nation to have Islamic commandments. Israel, at the request of its evil agents, struck the Feyziyeh School in Qom and the Talebyeh School in Tabriz. They strike us. They struck you people. It wants to take over your economy. It wants to destroy your agriculture and trade. It wants this nation to have no wealth, and to seize the wealth through its agents. It will break anything it perceives as an obstacle and hurdle in its way. Quran is an obstacle; it should be broken. Clerics are an obstacle; they should be broken. The Feyziyeh School is an obstacle; it should be destroyed. Religious science scholars might become an obstacle in the future; they should be thrown from the roof; their heads and hands should be broken so Israel can reach its interests. Our government insults us in keeping with Israel…

…Did you make a black revolution, white revolution? Did you arrange a white revolution? Which white revolution did you arrange, sir? Why do you keep deceiving people? Why do you spread falsehoods? Why do you deceive people? I swear to God, Israel won’t benefit you; Quran will benefit you…

Today, they informed me that they’ve taken some of the orators to the security organization and told them to stay away from three things, and aside from those, you can say anything you want: One, don’t say anything about the Shah. Two, don’t say anything about Israel. Three, don’t say that the religion is in danger. Don’t talk about these three matters, and aside from them, say anything you want. Well, if we put these three aside, what else are we going to talk about? Whatever problem we have is from these three…

We have a lot of grief. Not that it’s because it’s Ashura; that has its own place. We have a lot of grief about what is happening to this nation. The thing that is about to happen is the reason for our grief. We are afraid of that. What is the connection between the Shah and Israel that the security organization says: “Don’t talk about Israel; don’t talk about the Shah.”? What is the relation between these two? Is the Shah from Israel? In the opinion of the security organization, is the Shah Jewish? That’s not the case. He says I’m a Muslim. Now that he claims to be a Muslim, he is bound by Sharia. The connection between us and Israel… There might be a reason to it. The reason that they say, and the organizations want to eliminate it, might be right. Don’t you think it might be possible? Find a solution, if you think it might be possible. Deliver these words to him somehow; perhaps it would wake him up. Perhaps he would understand a little. They have surrounded him. Maybe they don’t let these words reach him. We are sorry. We are very sorry for the state of Iran. We are sorry for the state of this corrupt country, the state of this cabinet, the state of these predicaments. Mr. Shirazi, come and pray. I’m tired…”


Imam Khomeini’s ferocious speech against the Shah and Israel in the afternoon of the Ashura of the 14th of Khordad 1342 (1963 AD), the beginning of the great uprising of the 15th of Khordad of the same year and also the victory of the Islamic revolution of Iran in 1357 (1978 AD).

After this historical speech that was indicative of Imam Khomeini’s insight in recognizing the enemies of Islam and Iran and a sign of his knowledge about the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and the secret connection between this satanic organization and the Shah’s regime, the Shah’s regime arrested Imam Khomeini on the morning of the 15th of Khordad 1342 and took him to Tehran. (250)

After hearing the news of Imam Khomeini’s arrest, the Muslim people of Iran rose up in the 15th of Khordad 1342 in various cities of Iran including Qom, Tehran, Varamin, Mashhad, Shiraz, etc. but this uprising was squashed by the sinister Pahlavi regime and with the help of American and Israeli spy agencies. (251)

Imam Khomeini was freed from prison in Farvardin of 1343, which subsequently led to celebrations all over Iran. (252) But Imam Khomeini was insistent on fulfilling the divine duty he was bound by. On the 4th of Aban 1343, Imam Khomeini gave a historical speech that once again targeted the heart of Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, meaning Israel, and the most important arm of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, the United States: (253)

“The world should know that whatever problem the nation of Iran and the Muslim nations have are from foreigners, and from the United States. The nations of Islam hate the foreigners in general, and the United States in particular… It’s the United States that supports Israel and its advocates. It’s the United Stated that empowers Israel to banish the Muslim Arabs from their homes.”

The insight and wisdom from Imam Khomeini is really astonishing and is a sign of his divine aid, because when a revolution is in its early days, no revolutionary leader would take the risk of creating more enemies for themselves and make the job harder, but because Imam Khomeini’s objectives were divine in nature, with the help of the incredible insight given to him by God, Imam Khomeini recognized the main enemy, meaning the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the Apocalypse (Global Freemasonry, global Zionism, the System of Domination), from the early days of the movement and took the toughest stances against it.

Following Imam’s speech in the 4th of Aban 1343, in the 13th of Aban the Shah’s regime exiled him to Turkey and the 14-year period of Imam’s life in exile began. (254)

Imam Khomeini, while in exile, continued writing declarations and leading the Islamic movement of the people of Iran, until, 14 years later and on the 22nd of Bahman 1357, these efforts proved successful and the Islamic and divine revolution of the people of Iran was victorious. (255) Following the victory of the Islamic revolution of Iran, the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies snapped out of the delirium born out of their global dominion and heard the alarm in their ear.

It’s interesting to note that the allies of Dajjal (Antichrist), even before the Muslims themselves, realized the importance of the Islamic revolution of Iran and the change in global equations following this revolution:

Moshe Dayan, foreign minister of Israel in Begin’s government, declared about the Islamic revolution: “There has been an earthquake in the region, and I advised Begin that something more important than Camp David has happened that needs to be addressed.” (256)

Henry Kissinger, the famous engineer of American foreign policy, while recounting the matters that endanger the interests of the United States in the Middle East, named the Islamic revolution as the most important one. He says on the subject: “The Middle East was facing four dangers: first, Shiite radicalism, second, Islamic fundamentalism, third, the Islamic revolution of Iran, and fourth, the Soviet Union.” He adds on another occasion: “The countries of the (Persian) Gulf are facing an important danger that emanates from Iran and Soviet Union imperialism… Regarding the countries of the (Persian) Gulf, the direct danger of the revolution of Iran has overshadowed the long-term danger of the Soviet Union revolution… Iran always evokes nightmares in Arabs.” (257)

Leonid Brezhnev, former president and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the governing Communist Party of the Soviet Union states his concern about the effects of the revolution of Iran and says: “Now our southern borders are exposed to direct danger… Recently, Islamic laws have been vehemently enacted in Eastern countries… The revival of Islam might be the most important occurrence of the twentieth century. The Muslim-majority regions of the Soviet Union, that have been very quiet so far, have common borders with Iran and Afghanistan, and the religious excitement of the revolution of Iran might pass through the borders.” (258)

As you can see, with the victory of the Islamic revolution of Iran, the heart of Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, meaning Israel and the Masonic East and West led by the Soviet Union and the United States all sensed danger. What creates a connection and a common point of view between the Israeli Moshe Dayan, the American Henry Kissinger, and the Soviet Leonid Brezhnev, is the subject of the Islamic revolution of Iran and the hostility of the various members of the global and satanic Freemasonry organization against this divine revolution, since these countries, despite their disputes about the leadership of the Masonic movement, are united in their ultimate goals for establishing a global and satanic government with Jerusalem as the capital, and because they have always perceived the Islamic and divine revolution of Iran as the opposite of the Masonic revolutions of India and South Africa and so on and as an uninvited guest challenging their satanic goals, they oppose it with all their might.

Imam Khomeini, who in the final days of the Pahlavi Regime, in response to a reporter from the Le Monde newspaper, pointed to the alliance of Mohammad Reza Shah with Israel as one of the reasons he considered him an enemy, (259) demonstrated his devotion to this belief even after the revolution, so much that all diplomatic relations between Iran and Israel were severed after the victory of the Islamic revolution of Iran, and the Israeli consulate was replaced with the Palestinian embassy. (260)  Furthermore, the great founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, declared the last Friday of the month of Ramadan as the Global Quds Day, so that the fight against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry (Zionism, the System of Domination), whose center in the form of Israel was executing satanic and apocalyptic plans, would have a global scope. (261)

The Global Quds Day, the day of global unity against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry

Imam Khomeini would use any opportunity to fight the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies. The following words are some of the remarks of this great man about Israel: (262)

“The usurper government of Israel, with the goals that it has, has great danger for Islam and Muslim nations.”

“My brothers and sisters! You should know that the United States and Israel are against the foundation of Islam.”

“Israel’s foolish delusion will lead them to commit any crime.”

“Israel, according to Islam and Muslims and all international regulation, is a usurper and an invader, and we don’t allow the slightest weakness and negligence in putting an end to its aggressions.”

“Repeatedly, I have said and you have heard: Israel will not abide by these agreements and considers the rule of Arabs from Nile to Euphrates unacceptable.”

“Israel should fade from the pages of history.”

“It’s necessary for every Muslim to prepare themselves against Israel.”

“Don’t side with Israel, this enemy of Islam and Arabs, because this miserable serpent wouldn’t spare your young or old if it had the opportunity.”

“It is essential for every freedom-seeker in the world to join the nation of Islam in condemning the inhuman aggressions of Israel.”

“Iran has always been a bitter enemy of Israel.”

“I say to the Islamic governments and the Muslims of the world, anywhere they are, that the Shiite nation hates Israel and the agents of Israel, and it hates the governments that conspire with Israel.”

“As long as the Islamic nations and the oppressed people of the world don’t rise up against the oppressors of the world and their children, especially the usurping Israel, their criminal hands won’t be cut short from Islamic countries.”

“The duty of the brave people of Iran is to thwart the interests of the United States and Israel in Iran and attack those interests.”

“This corrupting element that has been planted in the heart of the Islamic nations with the support of big governments, whose roots of corruption threatens the Islamic nations every day, should be uprooted with the efforts of the Islamic nations and the great nations of Islam.”

Imam Khomeini also delivered the final blow to Israel and introduced it not as an independent country, but as the offspring of the conspiracy of the East and the West: (263)

“Israel was born out of the conspiracy and consultation of the colonialist governments of East and West to repress and colonize the Islamic nations, and today, it is being supported and defended by all colonialists.”

From the above sentences, we can infer the depth of Imam Khomeini’s insight, because he also recognized an international conspiracy to create Israel years ago, and he gave warnings about it.

On the other hand, since the early days of the Islamic movement and in the years 1342 and 1342, Imam Khomeini would introduce the United States as the great enemy of Islam and Iran and the great supporter of Israel (264), and this policy continued after the Islamic revolution of Iran and until the end of his blessed life. Imam Khomeini would mention the United States as the Great Satan (265), and Imam would always take a stance against the United States and its crimes, so much that in the matter of the “occupation of the spy nest (the American Embassy)”, Imam supported the position of the revolutionary students. (266)

The sentences below that have been chosen from Imam Khomeini’s remarks clearly demonstrated his position towards the United States government: (267)

“America is the number one enemy of the oppressed and disadvantaged people of the world. America will not shy away from any crime in order to maintain its political, economic, cultural, and military dominion over the world. America exploits the oppressed people of the world with its vast propaganda which is organized by the international Zionism. America and its mysterious and traitorous allies suck the blood of the innocent as if no one in the world except for it and its followers deserve to live.”

“The oppressed should know their duty against the imperialists. These oppressed people mostly don’t know. We don’t know either. We are a part of these oppressed people too. We don’t know what they have done to us. Some small pages are with us and we know. Some are our observations and what we have seen. But we can’t know most of it that’s in secret. We want to know this the amount we have and the amount that is possible. We want to offer it properly to the oppressed people of the world, the countries of the world, so that the oppressed would know what these imperialists are doing to them. …what these superpowers are doing to them. We want to let the people of America know what they’ve done to them. …what crimes they’ve done that they’re destroying the people of America in peoples’ eyes. …how much they’ve harmed America itself; harm to their reputation, physical harm. …and how much harm to other countries and nations…”

“America, this terrorist by nature, is a government that has set fire to the entire world, and its ally is the global Zionism, who in order to fulfil its desires, commits such crimes that makes pens ashamed of writing them down and tongues ashamed of saying them.”

“The main enemies of Islam and Quran and the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) are the superpowers, and especially America and its corrupt offspring, Israel.”

“America wants you for your oil. It wants you so it can create a market, to take away your oil and bring back junk to sell to you.”

“The most important and most painful problem that the Islamic and non-Islamic nations and the dominated countries are facing is the problem of America.”

“We believe that the Muslims should unite and slap America in the face, and they should know that they can.”

“If we all get destroyed, it’s better than becoming degraded under Zionism and under America.”

“We don’t want to do injustice to America, and we don’t want to be subject to the injustice of America. We will not tolerate the things they did to us that were injustice towards us, but we have friendly relations with all nations, and if governments treat us with respect, we will also treat them with respect.”

But Imam Khomeini, in his precious remarks, did not just target the United States and Israel and used phrases like “international Zionism”, “domination-seekers”, etc. to inform, not just the people of Iran, but all Muslims and even the rest of the oppressed people of the world including Muslims and non-Muslims, of the evil plan of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, or the System of domination led by the United States with Israel as its focal point, and therefore to invite the oppressed people of the world to endeavor to fight Dajjal (Antichrist) and its allies, so that they would deserve to inherit the Caliphate of God: (268)

“America is the number one enemy of the oppressed and disadvantaged people of the world. America will not shy away from any crime in order to maintain its political, economic, cultural, and military dominion over the world. America exploits the oppressed people of the world with its vast propaganda which is organized by the international Zionism. America and its mysterious and traitorous allies suck the blood of the innocent as if no one in the world except for it and its followers deserve to live.”

“The oppressed should know their duty against the imperialists. These oppressed people mostly don’t know. We don’t know either. We are a part of these oppressed people too. We don’t know what they have done to us. Some small pages are with us and we know. Some are our observations and what we have seen. But we can’t know most of it that’s in secret. We want to know this the amount we have and the amount that is possible. We want to offer it properly to the oppressed people of the world, the countries of the world, so that the oppressed would know what these imperialists are doing to them. …what these superpowers are doing to them. We want to let the people of America know what they’ve done to them. …what crimes they’ve done that they’re destroying the people of America in peoples’ eyes. …how much they’ve harmed America itself; harm to their reputation, physical harm. …and how much harm to other countries and nations…”

“Security and peace in the world is dependent upon the extinction of imperialists, and as long as these culture-less domination-seekers are on earth, the oppressed won’t reach their inheritance that the Almighty God has granted them.”

“America, this terrorist by nature, is a government that has set fire to the entire world, and its ally is the global Zionism, who in order to fulfil its desires, commits such crimes that makes pens ashamed of writing them down and tongues ashamed of saying them.”

“The Muslims of the world should consider the Quds Day a day for all Muslims and even all the oppressed, and they should stand against the oppressors and imperialists from that important point and not yield until the oppressed are freed from under the injustice of the powerful, and the oppressed, who make up the absolute majority of the world, should be certain that the promise of the Almighty God is near and the ominous star of the oppressors is about to go dark.”

Imam Khomeini even talked clearly about other evil countries that are accomplices of the United States and Israel, such that in his speech on the 4th of Aban 1343 and when the Islamic movement of the people of Iran was in its early days, he clearly exposed the conspiracies of various countries in global affairs: (269)

“America is worse than England. England is worse than America. The Soviet Union is worse than both. They are all worse than each other. They are all more evil than each other…” (270)

This remark from Imam Khomeini shows that he didn’t consider the global conspiracies unique to one or two countries, rather he saw many countries involved in these conspiracies, and he invited people to confront this satanic organization and system led by Dajjal (Antichrist).

Important Point: It’s important to note that the phrases Imam Khomeini used, like “global Zionism”, “domination-seekers”, “global imperialism”, etc. are not different from what was said so far about the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, because the mentioned phrases are very close to each other. Meanwhile, the reason we chose “Global Freemasonry” among different names was Masonic symbolism, and considering symbols like the “All Seeing Eye”, “Square and Compasses”, “Baphomet”, etc., explaining them using phrases like the “System of Domination”, “Zionism”, etc. would have been very difficult. Also, using words like “Zionism” would have added a religious connotation to the “System of Domination” and limited it to Judaism, and to some extent Evangelism, and choosing the name “Freemasonry” prevented this problem. Therefore, phrases like “global Zionism”, “domination-seekers”, “global imperialism”, “the System of Domination”, etc. which are frequently used by Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, correspond with “Global Freemasonry” or “the possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse”.

Global Freemasonry, or the possible Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse, who saw all its plans foiled with the victory of the Islamic revolution, started organizing comprehensive and extensive activities to destroy the revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and from the early days of the revolution, tried to squash this divine revolution by economic, political, military, etc. sanctions, planting bombs and creating internal instability, supporting seditious groups that were enemies of the government, supporting separatist movements in the border areas, imposing an 8 year long war on the Islamic Republic of Iran, etc. (271) but with divine grace, it was not successful. On the contrary, the call of freedom and fighting injustice from the people of Iran echoed throughout the world, and the Muslim nations in other parts of the world like Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain, etc. followed the Islamic revolution of Iran and rose up against injustice. (272)

One of the most important resistance movements that was created by following the revolution of Iran was the Hezbollah Shiite resistance force in the south of Lebanon, which started its operations in 1982 and almost 4 years after the victory of the Islamic revolution of Iran and under the support and guidance of Imam Khomeini, and it became a thorn in the eye of Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its heart, Israel, and took the fight against Dajjal (Antichrist) from miles away from Jerusalem to near Jerusalem and the borders of Israel.

Imam Khomeini continued the fight against Dajjal (Antichrist) and its allies, especially the United States and Israel, until the end of his blessed life, and in 1368 (1989 AD) he passed away and handed the mantle of fight against Dajjal (Antichrist) to the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei.

Although, it is necessary to note that despite not knowing who was going to be chosen as the leader of Iran after his death and not knowing who the Assembly of Experts would choose as the leader, because of the divine revelations that he would receive, he prepared Ayatollah Khamenei in his lifetime to accept the difficult responsibility of leading the resistance front against Dajjal (Antichrist).

Aside from the position of presidency which Ayatollah Khamenei had through the votes of the people (275), at some stages Imam Khomeini chose him as the representative of Vali-ye Faqih (the Guardian Jurist or the Supreme Leader) in the Supreme Council of Defense (276) so that, by attending the warfront, he would bolster the spirit of fight and resistance in him to the same level as his knowledge and diligence. Moreover, Imam Khomeini in his lifetime assigned the responsibility of the affairs related to Palestine and Lebanon to Ayatollah Khamenei, so that he would, in the time of his own leadership, be the biggest enemy for the heart of Dajjal (Antichrist) that was committing crimes in the guise of Israel. (277) An interesting anecdote from the leader of the resistance of Hezbollah of Lebanon, Seyed Hasan Nasrallah, reveals some important points: (278)

“In those days, a group went to Imam and told him: “We believe in you, and you are our leader.” Imam said: “Start from zero, and fight with this low number of people, and you’ll be victorious. I can see already that the victory is yours!” We asked Imam to assign a representative on the issue of Lebanon, so we wouldn’t bother him anymore. Imam said at the time: “My fully authorized representative is Mr. Khamenei.” Sir was very kind to us. From the early days of forming Hezbollah, he was in charge of us. On the issues related to Israel, he has more expertise that experts.

More than half of Lebanon was occupied, and in three years we were able to push back the Israeli army for the first time. Although, at the time we didn’t have a way of publicizing it, so the world didn’t know what had happened. At the time, the army and government of Lebanon were also hostile towards us. But, we kept going. Imam had said: “Continue until complete evacuation.” After Imam’s death, we went to Sir and said: “You are now our leader. Assign someone so we wouldn’t bother you anymore.” He said: “No, the issue of Israel and Lebanon is related to me, and I myself am in charge of this.” Sir knows the characteristics of each one of us. This deep connection is one of the most important reasons for victory and one of the biggest blessings for Hezbollah.” (279)

Hezbollah of Lebanon: trained by Imam Khomeini and soldiers of Imam Khamenei

From the above anecdote from Seyed Hasan Nasrallah, two important points can be inferred:

1- Imam Khomeini, in the time of his blessed life, trained Ayatollah Khamenei to accept the position of leadership, and considering the important role Imam had in mind for Iran in the fight against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry (global Zionism, the System of Domination, etc.), he assigned Ayatollah Khamenei to the affairs related to the warfront against Israel, so he would be prepared for serious fight against Dajjal (Antichrist) in the time of his own leadership.

2- Considering that Ayatollah Khamenei, unlike the approach of Imam Khomeini, didn’t assign a fully authorized representative for the affairs related to Israel and Lebanon, it seems that, based on divine revelations, his role in the fight against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry (global Zionism, the System of Domination, etc.) is a special one, and at all times, he is personally in charge of following up on this issue, and this can be related to the matter of “conquering Quds” at the hands of “Iranians” that has been mentioned in the Islamic accounts about the apocalypse. (280)

After the death of Imam Khomeini, Ayatollah Khamenei was chosen as the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran and accepted the tough responsibility of leadership with tact and strength. In his time, too, the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies imposed the harshest sanctions against Iran. Although these sanctions imposed a lot of hardships on the devout people of Iran, they led to great movements towards the scientific, cultural, and economic independence of our country. (281)

In the time of the leadership of Ayatollah Khamenei, the first Persian Gulf war against Iraq, the Afghanistan war, and the second Persian Gulf war against Iraq were organized by the Global Freemasonry organization and its prominent members like the United States, England, NATO, etc. to tighten the siege of Dajjal (Antichrist) against Iran (282), but due to strong leadership, these conspiracies were foiled, and despite Dajjal’s wishes, the Intifada of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine intensified following Iran’s victories (283), and the Hezbollah of Lebanon was able to push the Israelis out of the south of Lebanon in 2000 (284), and in 2006 and in the famous and tough “33-day war”, they were able to inflict a heavy defeat on Israel (285) and force this Masonic country, for the first time since the occupation of Palestine, to exchange a large number of Arab prisoners of war. (286) Meanwhile, the “33-day war” had a special place in Dajjal’s plans to achieve the dream of Israel stretching from Nile to Euphrates, because if it was able to achieve this dream, it would lay the groundwork for the construction of the satanic temple of Solomon and the beginning of Dajjal’s empire before 2010, but the grace of God and the diligence of the devout soldiers of Hezbollah were triumphant, and this great conspiracy was stopped in its tracks. It is interesting to note that the efforts of Global Freemasonry to extend the war to 33 days and their invoking of the number 33, which is a favorite of Masons, was not able to solve Dajjal’s problem (287), and the will of the Almighty God which was manifested in the victories of Hezbollah turned the tide in favor of Islam and resistance and started the countdown to the destruction of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the emergence of the promised savior of the apocalypse, Imam Mahdi.

At the moment, too, with the grace of the Almighty God, the dominance of ugliness and darkness is becoming less visible every day, and the divine light that started shining on the world with the Islamic revolution of Iran gains more ground every day and triumphs over darkness and evil.

Today, the call of freedom and spirituality is heard, not only from Iran, but also from Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Afghanistan, etc. (288) and the divine revolution that a great Seyed from the holy city of Qom started is going to encompass the whole world and, as a thorn in Dajjal’s eye, foil the satanic activities of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry until the emergence of the promised savior, so that, God willing, with the emergence of Imam Mahdi, Dajjal’s life would come to an end. (With God’s will)

Three great figures of the apocalypse who have and have had the leadership of warfront against Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry: Imam Khomeini, Ayatollah Khamenei, and Seyed Hasan Nasrallah.

It’s important to note that, with the start of the Islamic revolution of Iran, the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry was not complacent, and it entered its key agents in the ranks of revolutionaries from the early days of revolution, so that in its own delusion, it would divert this revolution, but with God’s grace this has not yet been successful. Individuals like Abolhassan Banisadr, whose connection to the spy agencies of the Masonic country of England has been revealed, proceeded to commit sabotage and seditions from the early days of the Islamic revolution of Iran and was even able to reach the position of presidency through hypocrisy (289), but these people didn’t know that the country that God had chosen for a special mission in the apocalypse would get harmed by these tricks but never defeated!!!

During the last 32 years, aside from foreign threats, the Islamic revolution of Iran has endured troubles like the treasons of Banisadr, terrorist bombings, the troubles related to the People’s Mujahedin group (false Muslims), the corruption and embezzlement of some authorities especially in the period known as “Reformation” (290), and the troubles and unrest following the presidential election in 1388 (2009) (291), and with God’s grace, it has overcome them unscathed. But the interesting thing to point out is that in each of these troubles, the trace of Global Freemasonry can be seen.

For example, the great troubles and unrest following the presidential election in 1388 (2009), which was one of the biggest seditions against the entirety of the government and not just one candidate, is indicative of this claim. (292) Even if we ignore some reports, like the claims of Payam Fazli Nejad, the famous journalist and reporter, about the connection of Seyed Mohammad Khatami with Freemasons and the membership of some of the heads and masterminds of this sedition like Mir Hosein Musavi in the Masonic Lodge of Constantinople (293), due to lack of adequate evidence, matters like the meeting between Seyed Mohammad Khatami and the famous Freemason, George Soros (294), and the Masonic Soros Foundation being complicit in the events following the election (295), indicates that, at the very least, the leadership of these seditions was by foreign Freemasons. On the other hand, in the troubles after the election, the Masonic countries of the world announced their support for the trouble-makers. (296) Now, if we look at the description of Freemasons of Masonic movements, we realize that the troubles and unrests after the election, also known as the Green movement, was also a Masonic movement: (297)

The Masons have this view about the societies: (298)

“A school that is run by a Mason principal is considered a Masonic organization. A society that is run by a Mason leader is considered a Masonic society. Even if our members don’t increase, the realization of our principles and customs anywhere and by anyone is considered an achievement.” (Turkish Mason Magazine – p3032)

Considering this definition, a movement like the seditious Green movement, which was supported and led by Masonic countries like the United States, England, France, Italy, etc. and Masonic foundations like the Soros Foundation, is a Masonic movement according to the definition of the Masons themselves.

Although, the story doesn’t end there, because some reports indicate that Seyed Mohammad Khatami participated in the Bilderberg Masonic Meeting: (299)

Some reports indicating that Seyed Mohammad Khatami participated in the Bilderberg Meeting in 1999.

Some reports indicating that Seyed Mohammad Khatami participated in the Bilderberg Meeting in 1999.

Although, it’s important to note that there are reports about the connection of Abdulkarim Soroush, another mastermind of the seditious Green movement, with Bilderberg, such that the so-called literary Erasmus Prize from the Bernhard royal family of Holland, the founders of the Bilderberg Meeting, was awarded to Soroush to honor his services to Global Freemasonry. (300)

But the strange point that was encountered while studying Freemasonry in Latin America, which made the author of this article sorry to know, was the fact that the membership in the possibly Masonic Cuban group, the Order of Jose Marti, was awarded to Seyed Mohammad Khatami, the former president and one the masterminds of the seditions Green movement, by Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba and one of the prominent members of the Order of Jose Marti. (301)

As it was previously mentioned, Jose Marti was one of the so-called revolutionaries of Cuba, whose membership in Masonic groups was previously proven. (302) According to the research by some scholars, today, there is a possibly Masonic Order in Cuba with the official name the Order of Jose Marti (303), the membership medal of which has been awarded to people who have been mostly Communists or Freemasons. For example, Thabo Mbeki, the former president of South Africa, whose membership in the Masonic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta was previously discussed (304), is one of the people who was awarded the membership medal of the possibly Masonic group the Order of Jose Marti from the Freemason Fidel Castro: (305)

Thabo Mbeki, the former president of South Africa, being a member of the Masonic and satanic group the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta

Thabo Mbeki, the former president of South Africa, receiving the membership medal of the Masonic group, the Order of Jose Marti, from Fidel Castro

Prince Fra’ Andrew Bertie, the 78th head and Grand Master of the Masonic group, the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta (306), was also made a member of the Masonic group the Order of Jose Marti by Fidel Castro: (307)

Prince Fra’ Andrew Bertie, the 78th head and Grand Master of the Masonic group, the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta

Prince Fra’ Andrew Bertie, the 78th head and Grand Master of the Masonic and satanic group, the Order of St. John or the Order of Malta, while receiving the membership medal of the Masonic group the Order of Jose Marti from Fidel Castro. (It’s interesting that Fidel Castro, with all his claim to fighting imperialism, is inviting the head of a Masonic group like the Order of Malta, which has great criminals like George Bush, Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, Queen Elizabeth the Second of England, etc. as members, to the Masonic Cuban group the Order of Jose Marti and is shaking his hand!!!)

But, the lamentable fact is that the membership medal for the possibly Masonic group the Order of Jose Marti was given to Seyed Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran and one of the leaders and masterminds of the seditious Green movement, by Fidel Castro: (308)

The membership medal for the possibly Masonic group the Order of Jose Marti being given to Seyed Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran and one of the leaders and masterminds of the seditious Green movement, by Fidel Castro

The membership medal for the possibly Masonic group the Order of Jose Marti being given to Seyed Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran and one of the leaders and masterminds of the seditious Green movement, by Fidel Castro

العالم تحت سیطرة الدجال

A bust of Jose Marti, the so-called Cuban revolutionary (whose name has been given to the Masonic group the Order of Jose Marti), and his Masonic monument built on a 13-step pyramid and at its top which is reminiscent of the 13-step pyramid on the American dollar bill!!! (309)

About the membership of Seyed Mohammad Khatami in the possibly Masonic group, the Order of Jose Marti, we have to say that, even if he is unaware of the exact nature of this group, the question remains that what characteristics does he possess that were recognized by the heads of the Order of Jose Marti as deserving of the membership in this group? Why would his activities be interesting to the Masons? Why during the long relationship between Iran and Cuba has the membership in the mentioned group only been awarded to Khatami? Has the alignment and unison of Khatami with Masonic countries not been the reason for this membership?

Although, another interesting point to mention about the seditious Green movement is the presence of chants like “not Gaza, not Lebanon, I give my life for Iran” among the favorite chants of trouble makers in the Global Quds Day (310), which shows that the control of this sedition is in the hands of Freemasons outside the country who are at all times determined on their ultimate goal which is the destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the construction of the temple of Solomon, and even in the unrests following the election in Iran, they put this chant, which is targeting the most Important issue of the Islamic world, meaning Quds, on the tongues of their deceived agents and pawns!

In any case, considering the points mentioned, we realize that when the Masonic countries of the world were faced with the victory of the Islamic and divine revolution of Iran and found out about its anti-Masonic, anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-communist, anti-English, etc. approach, from the early days, they started sabotage, hostilities, and having their agents like Banisadr infiltrate it, and in one of these tricks, under the guise of “cheating in the presidential election of 1388 (2009)”, started hostilities and sedition against the entirety of the government and the ideals of the Islamic and divine revolution of Iran.

Unfortunately, aside from their influence among politicians, the influence of the satanic Freemasonry movement can also be seen in some cultural and economic movements. In cultural terms, normalizing architectures involving Masonic symbols like the main building for the Ghavamin Financial and Credit Institution which is in the shape of the Masonic obelisk, or the hotel in Shiraz which is in the shape of a pyramid, and so on can be pointed out: (311)

Pyramid-shaped hotel in the Quran gateway of Shiraz

The main building for the Ghavamin Financial and Credit Institution in the shape of the Masonic obelisk

On the other hand, the strange and inappropriate phrase “the great architect of the revolution” (312) instead of “the great founder of the revolution” has recently been used to refer to the great and divine character of Imam Khomeini, which has been a source of concern for the perceptive admirers of this unique character, because this inappropriate phrase, which nobody knows how has entered the culture and literature of this country, might damage the serious battles of this great man against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry.

Also, in economic terms, Zionist and Masonic corporations like Coca-Cola and Nestle are actively present in the Iranian market (313), and even advertisements for Nestle are being broadcast from Iranian TV channels!!! (314)

Nestle, the Masonic-Zionist company, advertising in Hebrew in Tehran (315)

Masonic-Zionist companies like Coca-Cola, Nestle, IBM, etc. provide the ammunition for the army of Israel (the ultimate home of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry).

A list of the most important Masonic-Zionist companies in the world (316)

Although the influence of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies, like the Bahais, in our country’s economy, politics, and culture has not reached an alarming rate, we should not forget that the Islamic revolution of Iran is a divine revolution which is different from all revolutions in the world and has been tasked with a divine mission which has to be carried out in the best possible way. This beloved revolution, from its early days of inception with the leadership of Imam Khomeini, established itself as the most prominent enemy of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and continued this movement in a strong way, and this perseverance from the leader, the authorities, and the people expanded the scope of fight against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry several borders further in the Palestine, Lebanon, Bahrain, Iraq, the continent of Africa, etc., and aside from creating a cultural wave against Dajjal (Antichrist), with God’s grace, it is preparing to tighten the siege against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry through scientific advancements in the fields of developing and manufacturing military and missile equipment, peaceful nuclear technology, stem cell technology, etc. (317), and God willing, soon and under the flag of the promised savior of nations, Imam Mahdi, the Imam of the age, and his minister, Jesus Christ, and with the help of its Lebanese brethren and other free Muslims, Iran will deal the final blow to the body of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and rid the world of this source of corruption forever.

Although, these words are not a mere guess or wish, because the accounts of the apocalypse delivered by the Infallibles (peace be upon them) also inform of the capture of Jerusalem in the apocalypse at the hands of the Iranian followers of Imam Mahdi.

In the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse”, the beginning verses of the Al-Israa Surah (a chapter in Quran) were discussed at length, and it was mentioned that, according to these verses, the Children of Israel will start two great corruptions in the world, and on the second time, they will be destroyed forever: (318)

Translation of the verses:

“(4) And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, “You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness.”

(5) So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours – those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.

(6) Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower.

(7) [And said], “If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to them [i.e., yourselves].” Then when the final [i.e., second] promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the masjid [i.e., the temple in Jerusalem], as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.

(8) [Then Allāh said], “It is expected, [if you repent], that your Lord will have mercy upon you. But if you return [to sin], We will return [to punishment]. And We have made Hell, for the disbelievers, a prison-bed.”” (Taken from quranenc.com)

Considering the fact that many scholars believe that the first great corruption of the Children of Israel happened years ago and before the rule of Muslims over Jerusalem, it is important to find out about the second and last corruption of the Children of Israel which will be their undoing. Many scholars believe that the second corruption of the Children of Israel started 60 years ago and with the establishment of the illegitimate government of Israel, and therefore, we should be looking for the signs of the destroyers of the Children of Israel. (319)

The Islamic accounts are useful in this regard and help to interpret the beginning verses of the Al-Israa Surah. In the beginning verses of the Al-Israa Surah, the destroyers of the Children of Israel have been referred to as “those of great military might”. (320) In the Ayyashi exegesis, there is an account from Imam Muhammad al-Baqir that after he read this verse, he said:

“This verse is referring to Imam Mahdi and his disciples who are powerful and strong.” (321)

And there is an account from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq that when he read this verse, he was asked: “Our lives at your service, who are these people?”

Imam said three times: “I swear to God, they are from Qom.” (322)

Aside from the promising accounts above, another account says:

The Holy Prophet said:

“Black flags will come out of Khorasan, which nobody can challenge, to be flown in Ilia (Quds).” (323)

As we know, the black flags of the Abbasid were not headed for Jerusalem, so this prediction of the Holy Prophet is not about them, rather he means the black flags of the Khorasani disciples of Imam Mahdi in the apocalypse, who will, under his leadership, free Jerusalem from the occupation of the Children of Israel. (324)

It is necessary to note that some accounts have mentioned the place of Dajjal’s death to be the Lod Gate in Jerusalem (325) which corresponds with other accounts that mention the destination of the Iranian flags of Imam Mahdi’s disciples and the punishers of the Children of Israel to be Jerusalem, and it seems that Dajjal (Antichrist), who has been trained by the Children of Israel, will be killed near the Children of Israel and in the occupied Palestine territory and at the hands of Imam Mahdi and his disciples who are mostly Iranians.

Therefore, as you can see, important missions have been designated for the Islamic Iran in the apocalypse, one of the most important of which is the fight against the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse (possibly Global Freemasonry), and this fight will continue until the global uprising of the promised Imam Mahdi, and God willing, under his leadership, the devout Iranian disciples of Imam Mahdi will conquer Quds, and this is a promise that will soon be fulfilled.

Addressing Some Questions

Considering the fact that aside from Iran, Hezbollah, and the resistance front, the rest of the countries of the world are under the dominion of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and Freemason leaders are running these countries, how do you explain the conflicts between these Masonic countries (like the Second World War, the Cold War, etc.)?

About the Freemasons, we have to mention the point that they share the common ultimate goals of destroying the divine and monotheistic religions, establishing a global satanic government, destroying the manifestations of monotheism, hollowing the religions and only leaving their exterior, secularizing the countries, and most important of all, establishing a global satanic government with Jerusalem as its capital, the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the construction of the fictional temple of Solomon, but they differ on how this should be achieved and what person or country should be leading this movement.

For example, the United States, China, Russia, etc. all have the same strong stance on protecting and supporting Israel and its survival and never take a stance against it, but they have conflicts on which country should be leading the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry movement, and each of them wants the leadership of this satanic system for itself.

Although, assuming the impossible, if the Freemasons are able to establish their desired global government in Jerusalem, certainly after the establishment of this government, bloody conflicts will take place between them and the various groups including the Skull & Bones, the Shriners, the Communists, the Scottish Freemasonry Lodges, etc. will go to war with each other in order to take the leadership of this satanic government. (Although, God willing, their desired government will not be established.)

We should not forget that before the victory of the Islamic revolution of Iran, various groups that were against the imperial regime, like the People’s Mujahedin, the Freedom Movement of Iran, etc. joined the vast and righteous Islamic and divine movement of the people of this country led by Imam Khomeini, because they had the common goal of fighting the imperial regime with each other and with the Muslim and revolutionary people of our country and their great leader, but after the revolution was victorious and the imperial regime was removed, they no longer had anything in common with the people and the Imam of the nation, therefore they started hostilities and took a stance against the government. Similarly, only the common goal of the Freemasons has kept them beside each other, and after reaching that desire, they will clash with each other.

Another point is that, in Quran, Satan has been referred to as the “manifest enemy” of man:

Translation of the verse:

“He said, “O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy.” (Taken from quranenc.com)

With this description, the Freemasons who have chosen the leadership of Satan instead of the Almighty God and have appointed this manifest enemy of man, intentionally or unintentionally, as their leader, will be struck from the same manifest enemy and will be afflicted with conflicts and hostilities among themselves.

Also, we should not forget that between Muslims and Shiites, who believe in the Almighty God and the Islamic sanctities, disputes occur due to the tricks of Satan and the negligence of humans, and these disputes have occasionally had terrible outcomes, therefore the Freemasons who don’t believe in God are surely more in danger of encountering conflict and hostility towards each other.

In any case, unfortunately whether we accept it or not, our enemy is more organized that us, and despite the fact that we Muslims are gathered around “Right” and our enemy is gathered around “Wrong”, they nevertheless act in a more organized way. Imam Ali, in khutbah (sermon) 27 of Nahj al-Balagha, said to his disciples: (326)

“You are not united on your Right, while your enemies are united on their Wrong, and this is cause for woe and grief. I swear to God, the agreement and unity of the followers of Wrong on their Wrong and your conflict and separation over your Right kills one’s heart and brings about woe and sorrow.” (327)

God willing, soon and with the efforts of all Muslims of the world and under the leadership of the promised savior of the nations, Imam Mahdi, the period of the unity of Muslims and the scattering and dissolution of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its allies will begin and the existence of Dajjal (Antichrist) and its followers will come to an end.

Considering that in this and other articles, the dominion of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry on the whole world, aside from a few exceptions, is confirmed, is there a key or guide to use in order to determine, without a doubt, if a person or group is connected to Freemasonry?

Discovering the connection between a person or group and the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry is sometimes very easy and sometimes very difficult. For example, discovering the connection between George Bush and Freemasonry is very easy, but finding the connection between Nelson Mandela and Freemasonry seems very difficult.

Although discovering the connection of various people or groups with the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry is sometimes very difficult and occasionally seems impossible, there is an important key or criterion that can be helpful, and that key is the issue of Quds and the Al-Aqsa Mosque!

As we previously mentioned, despite any conflicts that the Freemasons might have with each other, they have no conflicts in the issue of Quds and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the common goal of all Masonic groups is the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the construction of the temple of Solomon, and establishing a satanic global government with Jerusalem as its capital, and all the efforts of Masonic groups are organized around this goal. Therefore, all countries, groups, and individuals who are members of the Global Freemasonry organization, will, in the long run, cooperate with the Masonic regime of Israel and will take a passive or mostly destructive stance against the Islamic resistance in the region against Israel, and that way, they will show their commitment to their shared goal.

The Masonic countries might occasionally have activities that seem opposed to Israel on the surface, in order to mislead public opinion, but in reality, in secret, and in the long term, they will act in the interest of Israel, which is the heart of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry. In this section, we will offer a few examples on this subject:

The Freemason Fidel Castro has always been known as an anti-imperialist character who fights injustice, and he even has occasionally spoken against Israel, but in reality and like other Freemasons, he too has done big services to Israel and the Jewish Agency, and accordingly, he has facilitated the safe and easy immigration of Jewish Cubans to Israel and has been honored for this fact by the Jewish Agency!: (328)

The help of the Freemason Fidel Castro, the former president of Cuba, to the Jewish Agency for the immigration of Jewish Cubans to Israel, and the gift of dozens of sheep from the Jewish Agency to thank him for this help!!!

Fidel Castro is also a close friend of Rafi Eitan, the former minister of agriculture and minister of senior citizens in the Masonic and satanic government of Israel, and he has interacted with him many times, and he has even inaugurated a huge Israeli symbol, the Menorah, in the central Havana square in memory of the so-called “Holocaust victims” by his side: (329)


Inauguration of a huge Israeli symbol, the Menorah, in the central Havana square in memory of the so-called “Holocaust victims” by Fidel Castro accompanied by his close friend Rafi Eitan, the former minister of agriculture and minister of senior citizens of Israel!

Therefore, as you can see, the Freemason Fidel Castro, despite his anti-imperialist pretense, is just like the other Freemasons and has secret and very friendly relations with the Masonic government of Israel.

On the other hand, the Freemason Nelson Mandela, who has always been known as a fighter of injustice, despite his deceptive appearance and despite his apparently positive stances related to the people of Palestine, is in fact a supporter of the Masonic regime of Israel and has asked the Arabs to recognize the Masonic and usurping regime of Israel as legitimate and accept the so-called “peace” plan by Israel and, in return for getting back some of the Arab territories, accept the identity of the Masonic regime of Israel and recognize it as a legitimate state!: (330)

The remarks of the Freemason Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa, suggesting that Israel has the right to be recognized as a state in return for its retreat from some of the Arab territories, and if it does not receive this recognition, it has the right to occupy these territories!!!

Therefore, as you can see, the Freemason Nelson Mandela, despite his pretense of fighting injustice, is taking stances, like other Freemasons, in favor of Israel and against the resistance.

It is necessary to note that other Masonic individuals, countries, and organizations are in a similar state and their stances are, in reality, in favor of Israel. It is interesting that even in the troubles after the presidential election of 1388 (2009) which was being led and supported by the Global Freemasonry organization, the chant of “not Gaza, not Lebanon, I give my life for Iran” was heard from the trouble-makers on the Global Quds Day (331), and this also confirms the connection between this sedition and Global Freemasonry!!!

Therefore, we note once again that the issue of Quds and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is like a key that can be used to identify Freemasons and their agents.

Are the people of the countries under the dominion of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry all Freemasons, and should we be hostile towards them?

No. The people living in Masonic countries and governments are not necessarily all Freemasons, and there might even be a lot of God-believing and good-hearted people or ones with the potential to change (especially in Muslim-majority areas), but, unfortunately, the efforts of these good people are going to waste in Masonic societies, and their services are moving the wheel of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry.

For example, an industrious Muslim living in the United States might be making screws and nails to gain a Halal (honest) living, but the same screw he has made might be used in the American planes and helicopters and to extend the dominion of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry! That’s why the Masons say in their publications: (332)

“A school that is run by a Mason principal is considered a Masonic organization. A society that is run by a Mason leader is considered a Masonic society. Even if our members don’t increase, the realization of our principles and customs anywhere and by anyone is considered an achievement.” (Turkish Mason Magazine – p3032)

Therefore, in the countries where Freemason leaders have the power, even industrial, agricultural, medical, farming, etc. activities of the normal and non-Mason people of these societies ultimately go towards the expansion of the dominion of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry! Although these people are not Freemasons, but the mentioned societies, unfortunately, are Masonic!!!

Although, in the eyes of the Muslims following the Imam of the age, all people of the world deserve respect and attention, and our hostile stance against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry should not lead us to become suspicious and hostile towards the normal people living in the countries that are under the influence of Freemasonry.

We should not forget that according to Islamic accounts, even a large number of Jews in the time of the emergence of Imam Mahdi, and after he cites the real Torah that has come out of a mountain in Levant, will become Muslims through him and will become part of his disciples! (333) Therefore, as far as it’s possible, we should treat the people of other nations, even the ones living in Masonic countries, with respect.

Considering that aside from a few exceptions, the whole world is under the dominion of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, how should our relations with other countries of the world be? Should we cut all relations? Should we have a hostile stance against them?

A look at the life of the Holy Prophet can show us the way. As we know, the Holy Prophet was and is the most knowledgeable person in the world, and he knew of the conspiracies of the Jews and the polytheists in his lifetime and in the past and the future, but he was always peaceful towards the Jews and polytheists around him, and as long as he didn’t encounter any trouble from them, he wouldn’t start hostilities with them, because he acted according to the word of God and the Quran that says:

Translation of the verses:

“(39) And fight against them until there is no fitnah (polytheism and prevention of freedom) and [until] the religion [i.e., worship], all of it, is for Allāh. And if they cease (polytheism and wrong) – then indeed (God will accept them), Allāh is Seeing of what they do.

(40) But if they turn away – then know that (they won’t harm you) Allāh is your protector. Excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper.” (Taken from quranenc.com)

Translation of the verses:

“(38) Indeed, Allāh defends those who have believed. Indeed, Allāh does not like everyone treacherous and ungrateful.

(39) Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allāh is competent to give them victory.

(40) [They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right – only because they say, “Our Lord is Allāh.” And were it not that Allāh checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allāh is much mentioned [i.e., praised]. And Allāh will surely support those who support Him [i.e., His cause]. Indeed, Allāh is Powerful and Exalted in Might.

(41) [And they are] those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish prayer and give zakāh and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allāh belongs the outcome of [all] matters.” (Taken from quranenc.com)

Therefore, following the words of Quran and the life of the Holy Prophet, we should treat others with peace and only start hostilities with other tribes or nations when they commit injustice towards Muslims and try to destroy the religion of God.

The Holy Prophet, based on the needs of the Muslims and the good of the Islamic society, even had trade relations with the Jews and polytheists of Mecca, and these relations of course benefitted the Muslims.

 Therefore, we Muslims who are waiting for Imam Mahdi should firstly protect our political, economic, cultural, and social independence, and in the case of an unavoidable need for the economic services of other countries including the Masonic countries, between the “bad” and the “worse” of these Masonic countries, we should choose the “bad” and have relations with the least harmful of these countries and, in the meantime, make efforts to gain independence in that field.

Although, with the leadership of Imam Khomeini in the past and the leadership of Ayatollah Khamenei at present, we can make the utmost use of the remarks and advices of these great men who are themselves great scholars of Islam, and by following the commands of these great men, we can move towards an ideal society that is ready for the emergence of the promised savior, Imam Mahdi.

At the present time, although there are many shortcomings in the Islamic society of Iran and many of the desires and remarks of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei have not been executed the way they should, the Islamic Iran is trying to realize the chant “not Eastern, not Western, the Islamic Republic”, and while completely getting out of the grasp of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, prepare the scene for the emergence of the promised savior, Imam Mahdi, and the start of the golden age of history.

Final Words

Since 2006-2007 when the article “Freemasonry: the Dajjal (Antichrist) of the apocalypse” and other similar article were written in various parts of the Islamic world, vast changes took place in the intuition and insight of the Mahdavi society of our country and the rest of the Muslims of the world about the subject of Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry, and, with the grace of God and with the help of Imam Mahdi, countless devout Muslims learned about the evil nature and conspiracies of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry.

But despite the vastness of the scope of knowledge about the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and its conspiracies, unfortunately, the movement stayed at a superficial level and mostly in the areas of symbolism, exploring Masonic signs, etc. and there was no operational and strategic use of the subjects discussed.

The making of the documentary “The Arrivals” in 2008 somewhat added to the depth of this knowledge, but unfortunately, it was not effective in knowing the complete scope of the dominion of Dajjal (Antichrist) even in the apparently freedom-seeking countries. (Introducing Nelson Mandela as a man fighting Freemasonry was among them.) Also, in this beautiful series, the role of the enemies of Dajjal (Antichrist), especially Iranians, based on the accounts of the apocalypse were not addressed in a documented and careful way.

The present article tries, as much as possible, to resolve the shortcomings in the previous articles and films, so that it would lead to better knowledge about the vast scope of the crimes of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry on the one hand, and the resistance movements against the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry on the other.

This article intends to point out that in this tough and difficult period of apocalypse when the claws of the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry have scratched the face of the majority of the world, there are islands of hope like the Islamic Iran, the Hezbollah of Lebanon, the Mujahedin of Yemen, etc. who have accepted the heavy duty of fighting the Dajjal (Antichrist) Freemasonry and are inviting the rest of the Muslim bothers and other free people of the world to join the justice-seeking and oppression-fighting movement so that, God willing, hand in hand and under the flag of Imam Mahdi, Imam of the age, they would break the glass of Dajjal’s life and start the golden age of the human history.

In the hope that that day would soon come and the eyes of humankind would light up with the grace of al-Qāʾim Āl Muḥammad.

Written by: the servant of Imam, the righteous promise

Mordad, 1389



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