In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
After presenting the analysis related to the main part of the animation, in this part of our discussion, we further dissect the events occurred in 2019 and 2020, and their connection with the I, Pet Goat 2 animation. Some of these events have not been directly indicated in the animation. However, there is a precise link between them, and some of the messages presented within the animation, which we shall review:
As it was mentioned in preceding sections, the Freemasonry and Illuminati began the Masonic resurrection of the Antichrist for his coronation in Jerusalem or Bayt-al-Maqdis by setting the Notre Dame cathedral on fire in April 2019. This was coincided with the specific astronomical position of the Regulus star relative to the moon.
After the Notre Dame cathedral fire, a sequence of events took place in April 2019, almost simultaneous with the Christian Easter, that complemented the resurrection rituals of the Antichrist. Some of he most important events in this regard include the suspicious explosion and fire in some churches of Sri Lanka as well as the victims in the infidel pagan festival, “Rabbits Eat Lettuce”.
In the same year, many skirmishes and fights took place in various lands. For instance, we can point to the continued conflicts in Syria, unrest in Lebanon, chaos in Iraq, local unrests in Iran and many other disturbances and political conflicts all over the world, which were all held for the accomplishment of the Masonic 33rd degree slogan, Ordo Ab Chao or Order from within Chaos. This is done so that the New World Order led by the Antichrist in Jerusalem is facilitated in the aftermath of large disruptions.
At the same time the planned impeachment proceedings of Donald Trump began in the USA and in parallel, news came of a new emerging contagious disease in China.
While the whole world was quickly being embroiled in political and economic changes, news broke that pained the hearts of the pious and oppressed people in the world and created shockwaves, which was the news of the commander of the Qods Force General Qassem Soleimani’s martyrdom and his comrades in a terrorist operation near Baghdad airport with the code-name “Blue Lightning”.
Following this criminal act of the USA and its allies, a period of military tensions began between Iran and the US, which ended with Iran’s missile strike against the American military base in Ayn al Asad.
Meanwhile, the forged proceedings of Donald Trump’s impeachment with the code name “ukrainegate” ended in which Trump was acquitted.
Following these events, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled the “deal of the century” further along the “Antichrist’s resurrection” project, which facilitated the coronation of the Antichrist as well as insulting various Palestinians’ rights and turning Qods into a Jewish land.
At the same time, news of the expansive fires in Australia and Oceania, which were relatively unprecedented in history, was transmitted worldwide.
Concurrently, some important international media sources reported on the discovery of a location in Australia in which a comet had collided with earth and ended the Ice Age.
Gradually, the news of the spread of a new disease caused by the Coronavirus turned into the news headlines worldwide and was the number one news piece of global media at the time of this research publication.
As the Coronavirus spread and caused the wide closing of various industries and businesses, a severe plunge occurred in the economic indices around the world.
However, it would seem that the path of the global Freemasonry and Illuminati conspiracies has not yet come to its end and that the Middle East Region as well as Levant and Mesopotamia shall be engulfed in new conflicts and battles.
In truth, the region’s countries’ struggle with the Corona disease and its economic and social consequences, has created the best opportunity for blitz operations,
so that the global Freemasonry’s agents and representatives in Middle East can put an end to the complex division and segmentation issue in Levant and Mesopotamia regions, and take advantage of the struggles of the resistance countries of the region with Coronavirus pandemic and its consequences to find dominance in the region.
In addition, considering the high importance of the 33rd degree Freemasonry slogan, Ordo Ab Chao or order from within chaos, the Freemasons and Illuminati have planned different riots and disruptions in various lands such as Europe, America, Middle East, Far East, and all over the world with jokers, vandals, and anarchists as their vanguards. With their help, Freemasons are destroying the current order governing the world to create the New World Order centered in Jerusalem or Bayt-al-Maqdis.
At this rate, soon we shall see the collapse of the European Union, the United States of America, NATO, China’s economic superiority, and the collapse of other political and economic treaties all over the world.
Because according to the Masonic phoenix symbol, the previous phoenix must catch on fire and burn so that a new phoenix can rise out of its ashes. Thus, all the famous world orders must turn to disorder so that the New World Order led by the Antichrist can be established in Jerusalem!
It is noteworthy that all these plans are being carried out by the Illuminati so that the people around the world get frustrated with the despairing crises and ask for a hero and savior. This false hero and savior would be none other than the Antichrist.
In truth the title given to him in Islamic tales is the “False Christ” or the “False Savior”. Because the Antichrist shall try to present himself as a savior by creating severe and great crises and then rectifying these self-made crises.
Taking into account what has been said, it seems that with the beginning of the Antichrist’s resurrection since April 2019, the flow of crises all over the world has entered a new phase. The Freemasons are going to increase the severity of these crises day by day. As to when the efforts for the Antichrist’s inauguration reach their final stage and all of the Illuminati’s focus turns towards Jerusalem, is not clear. Naturally, Freemasons and Illuminati shall try to execute the final phase in Jerusalem as quickly as possible and finalize the “deal of the century”. However, the regional and global equations may change the timing.
In total, we can conclude that the Antichrist’s coronation in Jerusalem has been planned for the following years and either spring or the beginning of summer has been chosen for this purpose. In any case, the precise timing of this plan may change based on the worldwide circumstances.
Some important points were mentioned concerning the many accomplished plans of the Freemasons and Illuminati in 2019 and 2020. Issues such as the Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire, Wildfires in Australia, the pagan infidel Rabbits Eat Lettuce festival in Australia, the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani and his companions, the forged local disputes within the United States of America’s leadership, and the beginning of the global economic plunge were all discussed in previous sections of the analysis.
In this section, we shall discuss some other issues that may require more explanations as well as other matters that are indirectly related to the subjects discussed regarding the I, Pet Goat 2 animation:
The recent years, especially 2019 and 2020, can be known as the years of the parade of the “fools”. Within these years, the “fool” or “clown-like” characters such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson have been present in the political field,
much like the “Mad Hatters” and “Jokers” in the cinema, and the symbolic presence of the “jokers” in commotions, which are examples of the parade of fools in the apocalyptic plans of the Freemasonry for the recent years.
But where does the parade of fools originate from? We should have another look at the Kabballah tree and tarot cards to better comprehend this notion.As it was mentioned, in Kabbalah beliefs, which are a favorite of the Freemasonry and Illuminati, the Kabballah tree is consisted of 10 sefirot. The highest sefirot is “The Crown”, which is called Kether in Hebrew, and Corona in Latin. It is the place from which the “Lightning of Creation” originates.
Next to this sefirot, is where another grand tarot card, “The Fool” is positioned, which is one of the Thoth Tarot Trump card series.
The equivalent of The Fool card in customized version of “Alice in Wonderland” tarot cards, has a picture of the Mad Hatter character. Also, in normal cards, The Joker card, is the equivalent to The Fool card of tarot. Hence, we find out that the closest position to The Crown sefirot, where the Lightning of Creation originates in the Kabballah tree, belongs to The Fool card or its equivalents, meaning Mad Hatter or Joker.
For the same reason in recent years, the Freemasonry and Illuminati have placed seemingly foolish characters like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson in positions of power within the USA and Britain respectively. In addition, they have supported the anarchists and vandalists, wearing Joker masks, within the social unrests originated from the middle and low income population of the society.
To the extent that in many of the social unrests and protests around the world, from Lebanon and Iraq to Bolivia, Hong Kong, and Spain in 2019 and 2020, the protesters used masks and face paints of the Joker.
Furthermore, in the media level, the Joker movie was heavily advertised and received numerous awards such as the Oscars, Golden Globe, and so on.
On the other hand, from 2016 until now, the Mad Hatter character had a special role in Alice in Wonderland movie series; especially Alice through the Looking Glass, in which he is introduced as the main character alongside Alice.
There is a very important notion regarding the Fool card of grand tarot cards, the Joker, and Mad Hatter. They have been described by people around them as “fool” or “insane”. However, in practice they are wiser, braver, and more goal-oriented than the people around them.
For instance, in the book “The Fool’s Pilgrimage: Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tarot”, it has been mentioned about The Fool that: “the eternal passenger, one who wanders around all corners of the universe. Prepared and ready for any important task. Whether it is of liberty or restriction! He is known with the name The Fool, but in truth he is the master of all!”.
Furthermore, in the movie “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, when Alice’s friends tell her that Mad Hatter is insane, Alice responds: “Hatter is not insane. His apparent insanity is the result of his greatness and perfection”.
In addition to the above, in the Joker movie in 2019, in spite of the insane and deconstructive actions and crimes committed by him, in practice all his deeds and the ensuing riots are induced as logical to the audience. In truth, it is implied within the context of the film that the wisest person in the society is in fact the Joker himself; though he may seem insane.
Thus, in the views of Freemasonry and Illuminati, the word “fool” does not mean a stupid person! It means someone who seems stupid in appearance, but he has the attributes of courage, ambition, deconstruction, and even innate intelligence within. The character “The Fool” is practically considered a fine leader for sensitive historical periods of the Illuminati.
The first message that the aforementioned points convey is that the empowerment of the fools such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson at the head of the superpowers’ political orders, and the formation of commotions and unrest all over the world spearheaded by the jokers, are both the sides of the same coin. In fact, the aforementioned are formed to create instability within the current world order and facilitate the New World Order and the return of the Antichrist.
This issue is connected with the astrological event of the Regulus Star or Alpha Leonis’ repositioning from the Leo constellation to the Virgo constellation in 2012.
Since in the deviated Freemasonry beliefs, this astrological event is concurrent with disruptions in political, social, and economic systems of the world followed by extensive social unrests and the destruction of divine religions.
The second message received from these points is the fact that many of the prominent Masonic politicians and characters are conceived as fools in the eyes of the common people. However, in contrast to their appearance, they are very intelligent, courageous and ambitious. This apparent stupidity of theirs is considered as a part of their special attributes in the eyes of the global Freemasonry and Illuminati. For instance, although Donald Trump himself is an irreverent, vulgar, and seemingly foolish person, he has a high level of intelligence and is among the most successful international entrepreneurs. To the extent that before his term as the president, his books on entrepreneurship were among the bestsellers in the field all over the world.
Hence, it would seem that although many of his tweets, speeches, and the words used by him seem peculiar and foolish, they have important codes embedded within. We shall now allude to two examples of the important codes used in Donald Trump’s tweets and speeches in 2020.
In 2020 and after the savage terrorist operation by American forces near Baghdad airport, which led to the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani and his companions, a short-term military tension began between Iran and the USA.During this time, a tweet was sent by Donald Trump in which he threatened Iran against a military strike on American assets, by targeting 52 locations in Iran that are important cultural sites. Trump had claimed that these 52 targets are reminiscent of the 52 American hostages taken by Iran in 1979.
This threat ensued many reactions in Iran and other countries around the world and many considered the tweet as an act of imprudence that is based on anger. While in truth, this tweet contained an important code for the members of the evil Freemasonry societies around the globe. In fact, Trump’s indication of targeting 52 cultural centers, which were later found to be mostly religious centers according to later interpretations, is alluding to the great London fire in 1666 when many churches burned and 52 churches were renovated by the famous Freemason, Sir Christopher Wren. These were all discussed within the subject of the Saint Peter upon Cornhill church.
Using the code word “52” to indicate the great London fire of 1666, cryptically transmitted the message to Illuminati members worldwide that Trump’s opposition with Iran is similar to the London fire disaster in 1666. In the same way that the London wildfire was a turning point in Masonic history by leading this secret cult out of hiding into the public to conduct social activities, Trump is also ready this time to usher a new Masonic era by targeting 52 cultural religious centers and accelerate the processes concerning the “deal of the century”.
Therefore, the origin of the number “52” does not have anything to do with the hostages in 1979 and in truth, these hostages were 66 people and then reduced to 53 and 52 people in different periods! Hence, it is more likely that this issue has been an excuse for the announcement of number 52, not the real reason. The real reason for using number 52 in addition to the code phrase “cultural centers” is the cryptic indication of the great London fire and sending the signal to like-minded people to prepare for the beginning of the new Masonic age.
Indeed, such seemingly foolish words have been spoken in other times as well. For instance, Donald Trump said in a seemingly meaningless and silly speech in 2020 that in his opinion, there is no sense for a South Korean film to win the Oscar prize. But in his opinion, the empty space left by old films such as “Gone with the Wind” can be felt, and such films would be worthy of receiving the Academy Awards.
At first, these statements of Trump may seem ridiculous and foolish. However, he has sent another code regarding the “deal of the century” in his speech. In truth, this new code has been sent to other members of the Freemasonry and Illuminati using the “Gone with the Wind” movie name.
Gone with the Wind was displayed on the silver screen in 1939 and has a seemingly dramatic love theme, which takes place in the era of the American civil war.The leading character in the story is a young girl called Scarlett, who is a wealthy noble woman of Irish descent.
Scarlett is fearless and brave and has many lovers. She marries several times because of the death of her spouses and finally after losing her children and divorcing her last husband, she determinedly begins the renovation of his paternal properties on a hill called “Tara” in the Twelve Oaks region.
This attractive film is seemingly a romantic drama. However, the truth is quite contrary to what is imagined. This film has secretly and shrewdly published very important messages related to the plans of the global Zionists and Illuminati for the members of these cults. This film has indicated that in any high or low point of life, after many challenges and difficulties, nothing is as important as the soil of the paternal land.
The name of this paternal land in “Gone with the Wind” is “Tara”, which after further deliberation is found to be the ancient hill region of Tara in Irelandو where it is claimed to house the Ark of the Covenant of Jewsو that was taken there from Jerusalem. The ancient Tara hill in the Republic of Ireland, has been excavated numerous times by Israeli-Irish archeologists with the claim of the existence of the Ark of the Covenant within.
The other important point concerning the character of Scarlett in Gone with The Wind is the fact that, her father repeatedly reminds her that she is Irish! This seemingly unnecessary insistence is done in order to send the “Tara + Ireland” code to Illuminati members in order to draw their attention towards the claim that the Ark of Covenant is within the ancient hills of Tara in Ireland.
Furthermore, Tara hill is located in the Twelve Oaks region.
This entails Jewish and Zionist symbology since it indicates the oak tree, which is the sacred tree of Jews and Freemasons, while also indicating the 12 tribes of Jews (the children of prophet Jacob).
On the other hand, in the Gone with The Wind movieو only one part of the Old Testament is read directly and clearly by a priest, which is a part of Psalm 23 of David. To the extent that the words “Valley of the Shadow of Death” are accurately uttered during the American civil war scenes.
Following this part of the movie, scarlett’s hero-like passing over dangers and killings around her, is clearly observed which again emphasizes psalm 23 of David or passing through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
It is essential to note that the movie “Gone with The Wind” with its Zionist and Masonic concepts was released in 1939, which is a key year within the Freemasonry history. Because in 1939 the World War II began, which was the beginning of the transfer of the Freemasonry and Illuminati’s base from Britain to the USA.
It is fascinating that this movie, with its Masonic and Zionist concepts of returning to the Promised Land, was released in 1939 when the false Israel regime was not still established within the lands of Palestine and the Jerusalem region.
Hence, we can realize that the indication of psalm 23 of David in the Gone with The Wind movie at the beginning of World War II was done at the time when the world was grappling with great wars and the world of Freemasonry and Illuminati was ready to move its global base from Britain to the USA.
At the moment, the world is in a similar state as well. That is why pointing towards the Gone with The Wind movie in Donald Trump’s apparently peculiar speech, at the start of 2020, is in fact a cryptic allusion towards the Freemasons’ upcoming psalm 23 of David plan, and their preparedness for passing through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death”, following which the Illuminati base shall be transferred from the USA to Jerusalem or Bayt-Al-Maqdis.
It is very interesting that Tenzin Gyatso, titled Dalai Lama, the leader of the global Buddhist and a member of the Masonic Order of Malta group, asked his followers to pray Tara Mantra or Green Tara mantra at the same time in the beginning of the year 2020, in order to combat the Coronavirus. The words Green Tara are in fact an indication towards the infidel Buddhist goddess Tara and another indication towards both the Ark of Covenant and the ancient Tara hill as its potential location.
On the other hand, the aforementioned point shows that even the seemingly silly statements of politicians such as Donald Trump or even some seemingly unrelated speeches like Dalai Lama’s, contain secret information and codes that are used for sending coordination signals between different members of the Illuminati around the world.
Another important point about the mention of the Gone with the Wind movie in Donald Trump’s speech is sending a signal to initiate the brutal treatment with black people in the United States. In practice, murdering George Floyd, an African American man, by the US police force triggered protests all over America!
The mentioned issue is considerable because the theme of the Gone with the Wind movie is related to “racial discrimination”, which has been repeatedly reflected in the media.
In other words, a few weeks after that Donald Trump referred to the Gone with the Wind movie in his speech, the brutal actions of the US police force against George Floyd and some other African American people occurred. These actions provoked turmoils all over the United States which are continued until today.
One of the essential points in Donald Trump’s speech, at the beginning of 2020, on praising the “Gone with the Wind” movie and wishing for recreating similar movies is that in his speech, another code was announced and the mentioned code was the starting signal of “Civil War in the United States of America”. Since the most significant issue that affected the characters and their relationships in the story of the Gone with the Wind was the American Civil War!
It is astonishing that shortly after the speech, following the murder of George Floyd, intense and uncontrollable tensions occurred all over the United States. These tensions were intensified by an electoral altercation between “Joe Biden” and “Donald Trump” in a way that a warning of a “new American Civil War” has been announced in the media by US political figures, thinkers, and security agencies.
It is also a considerable fact that in the Gone with the Wind movie, Scarlett and her companions, after suffering from several hardships and through fire and blood, escaped from the “American Civil War” scene to the “Twelve Oaks” and “the Hill of Tara”. That is, they returned to the fatherland!
Previous decipherments revealed that the “Tara” and “Twelve Oaks” areas are related to the “Ark of the Covenant of the Jews”. Therefore, the fatherland in the movie is a symbol of the Promised Land claimed by Jews and Freemasons, and implicitly refers to the “ancient Hill of Tara” in Ireland and “Jerusalem” as well.
The translation of the mentioned movie scenes into today’s language through decipherments indicates that in 2020, the civil war will initiate in the United States of America. Jews and Freemasons will return to the “Promised Land of Jerusalem” through fire and blood, and through the “valley of the shadow of Death”, as described in Psalm 23 of David in the Old Testament, to start the “new world order” and rebuild the destructed world involved in wars, insecurity, economic poverty, and so on. Therefore, Donald Trump’s seemingly stupid speech on the Gone with the Wind at the beginning of 2020 was also another code for initiating the “American Civil War” and the collapse of the United States. This is the plan that Global Freemasonry has considered for the coming months.
The other important example regarding the sending of cryptic codes for the Illuminati that we can discuss about is the American media and Donald Trump’s personal emphasis on using the expression “Brain Injury” for the soldiers killed or harmed in Iran’s accurate missile strike on the American military base Ayn al Asad! As we know, Iran’s missile strike on the American military base Ayn al Asad in Iraq was a response to the savage and craven assassination of the Commander of Iran’s Qods Force, General Qassem Soleimani and his companions by the American executioners.
After this Iranian missile strike, a severe censorship was observed in western media and an official statistics report was never released that showed the exact number of people injured or killed in the American base within Ayn al Asad. In any case, a few days later, Donald Trump, American officials, and even the western media used the certainly peculiar expression “Brain Injury”.
It is noteworthy that the missile is certainly not looking for the people’s brain when hitting its target so that it can specifically target their brains! In fact, numerous and various damages that can lead to death may occur such as the damage to rib cage, stomach injuries, dismemberment and heavy bleeding from arms and legs, damages to large vessels, etc. Hence the seemingly foolish emphasis on the expression “Brain Injury” regarding the American soldiers, who were killed or injured in Iran’s missile strike, indicates that we should look for an important code within these peculiar expressions.The code is decrypted when we consider that Iran’s missile strike against the US military forces was done in response to American soldiers’ terrorist operation with the code word “Blue Lightening”.
By placing the words “Lightning” and “Brain” together we find the code word used in the initial scenes of the animation!!!
The images in the aforementioned scene, which itself is rooted in the “Kabballah Tree” and the “Lightening of Creation” that is connected to the brain symbol representing the “Kabbalistic wisdom”.
In other words, the media outlets connected to Donald Trump and his indication towards “brain injury” after the “Blue Lightening” terrorist operation, is a cryptic message to members of the global Freemasonry and Illuminati to reassure them that in spite of Iran’s powerful missile response to American military forces, Donald Trump and the forces under his command are still persistent in executing their apocalyptic plans for finalizing the “deal of the century” and the transfer of power from the US to Jerusalem. Hence, this peculiar message has such an important code embedded within.
One of the apparently less important news, which was published in the media at the beginning of 2020, was the discovery of the location in which a comet had collided with earth, effectively ending the ice age in the prehistoric era. There are some factors surrounding this seemingly completely scientific news, which indicate that some codes have been transferred via its publication. It was mentioned in the news that the scientists have found out the crater where the comet has hit Australia in the Yarrabubba region, the same comet that its collision with Earth spelled the end of the ice age!
The very important point in this regard is that the crater of the Yarrabubba region in Australia was discovered by the scientists years ago. However, the claim that the same crater among all others on Earth was the one responsible for ending the ice age, concurrent with the beginning of the year 2020 and the unprecedented wildfires in Australia, is itself considered another coded signal. The existence of the expressions such as the ice age, the fall of a comet or an asteroid, and the wildfires in Australia next to each other all remind us of the infidel Masonic myth of the Blue Child or L’enfant Bleu!
The myth was comprehensively discussed previously and we would not repeat it again. However, the legend states that the “blue child” was a “fallen star” from the sky that collided with Earth in the ice age and reignited the dying embers of the withering tribe’s fire, easing all the hardships of the ice age for the human tribe with his presence.
In other words, the publication of the news indicating the location of the comet’s collision, which ended the ice age, at the same time as the great Australian wildfires, is cryptically indicating the story of the blue child or L’enfant Bleu. It is sending the signal to Freemasons and Illuminati members worldwide that the end of the ice age is nigh and the devil’s descent for ending the Illuminati ice age and raising the flag of the Masonic Holy Fire is close.
Surely, this signal entails another similar sign as well. The martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani and his comrades-in-arms in winter via the terrorist operation of the United States of America’s army with the code name “Blue Lightening”, which was carried out by the Hell Fire missiles of the American drone, is sending another signal that the global Freemasonry have designed this plan for the resurrection of the Antichrist and the devil’s descent. This plan was made to facilitate the final movements of the Freemasons for the establishment of the New World Order in Jerusalem or Bayt-al-Maqdis.
Another point that is consistent with the above analysis is that in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 10, verse 18, it is said: »« And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
This description, which depicts the devil descending from the sky like lightning, further confirms the analysis of the phrase “Blue Lightning” and its connection to the evil operations of the American terrorist armed forces in the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani.
It must be noted that some suspicious movements in recent years confirm the hypotheses that Freemasonry and the Illuminati are providing the basis to establish a global government.
Among these suspicious movements, we can mention the actions of SpaceX Company managed by Elon Musk.
This company has initiated significant and operational activities to develop a low-cost global high-speed satellite Internet called the Starlink. Based on the Starlink and by sending hundreds of satellites into space, using low-cost and high-speed Internet all around the world, even in the most impassable areas, would become possible.
All people will be able to connect to the Internet with the highest speed and best quality simply by having a satellite modem smaller than a “pizza box”.
In this regard, essential actions have been executed and several satellites have been sent to Earth orbits through each launch. Sometimes in a single launch, up to 60 satellites have been sent into space.
This project initiated its experimental phase in some regions and is scheduled to be fully commercialized by the summer of 2021. With the complete launch of this Internet, it will be impossible to impose restrictions and controls on the “Internet” by the countries. That is, any user all over the world would be able to access the Internet using SpaceX Company modems.
Consequently, the control of the global internet will be practically in the hands of SpaceX, Elon Musk, and his allies.
Thus, according to the opinion of the owners of this global internet, it would be possible to use this internet to provoke “disorder”, “chaos”, “protests”, and the objectification of “Ordo Ab Chao” or “Order out of Chaos” motto of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry. Therefore, the independent countries will not be able to control the turmoil by limiting the Internet. This issue provides a great opportunity to create “Global Chaos”. Hence, the only way for independent countries to encounter with the potential threats of “Starlink” to their territorial security will be a content-based confrontation.
After objectification of the “Ordo Ab Chao” and the establishment of a new world order centered on Jerusalem, the Global Freemasonry intends to constantly control and monitor all the cities and villages of the world using this “global Internet” to preserve the new world order, the repression of dissenting citizens, and the development of its propaganda.
In general, it seems that although a “low-cost global internet” has many beneficial applications regarding communication, education, entertainment, telemedicine, telecommuting development, utilization of the Internet of Things, etc., it contains crucial and potentially dangerous threats. The independent and Anti-Masonry countries must be prepared for the content-based confrontation with the detrimental consequences of this project.
Aside from the facts mentioned within previous sections regarding the events that occurred during the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 worldwide, which were in line with what was mentioned in “I, Pet Goat 2” animation, in this section as well we shall exclusively deal with the “Corona” issue.
COVID-19, the coronavirus disease, which spread across the world at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 was declared as a pandemic and became the number one healthcare problem worldwide.
After a few weeks of its spread, various guesses were made regarding the bioterrorist nature of this virus’ spread.
In addition to the opinions of many political and military figures in Iran, Russia, China, and the US, it was claimed that either China or the USA were responsible for this act of bioterrorism and targeting other countries.
Meanwhile, many health organizations and ministries involved with healthcare, particularly in developing countries, are struggling with sudden challenges with the coronavirus disease and cannot afford to pay attention to the bioterrorist nature of this virus as they carry on with their activities.
It is noteworthy that whether COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus is an act of bioterrorism or not, all the necessary scientific and precise actions must be practiced for its treatment and the nature of this act does not make any difference in this regard.
In other words, even while theorizing that this disease is in fact an act of bioterrorism, the front lines of fighting this challenge still pass through biological studies and medical sciences. This does not then mean the gravitation towards pseudoscientific methods and baseless treatment claims.
However, considering the possibility of bioterrorism, new hypotheses will present themselves for the societies at risk. For instance, if some groups or specific countries commit and act of bioterrorism, then further arrangements should be considered before the situation can go back to normal.
Furthermore, the statistics and information provided from suspicious countries and organizations cannot be fully trusted. This matter is not in the sense of naivety and simplicity. In contrast, it means that the countries who fell victim to the potential act of bioterrorism, should consider further accurate arrangements for prevention and treatment strategies than what is advised from the official reports of foreign countries’ organizations.
For instance, the initial provided statistics from the scientific organizations of the countries that are suspected to have had a hand in the bioterrorism, we see that the air is not a common route for the transfer of the disease (i.e. it is not airborne); it is solely transmitted through small droplets. However, we should have still been more careful and consider the airborne path as a suspicious and potential way for the transfer of the disease in addition to the droplets from the very first moments that the disease’s spread information was released.
Because it is not a far-fetched idea that hostile countries may provide incomplete and directional information regarding a causative microorganism! This tactic is desirable for the people behind the bioterrorism in order to inflict further casualties upon developing countries targeted by the act.
This introduction was given so that the respected audience would consider that deliberation on bioterrorism does not mean to become unheeding and reckless towards the issues within the field of medicine. It is in fact to convey that more responsibility is placed on the shoulders of the medical society of the countries struggling with the bioterrorism in order to go beyond international published information and observing standard medical and healthcare procedures.
By providing this introduction, we now go to our main discussion regarding the spread of COVID-19 and its connection with what is mentioned in I, Pet Goat 2 animation as well as other evidence. As it was mentioned before, some related content can be found within the I, Pet Goat 2 animation and the information related to them, that point towards the purposeful global pandemic in the advent of the “deal of the century” and the Antichrist’s coronation. The most important scene related to this issue, is the final dance of the “Blue Child” or “L’enfant Bleu” near the “Masonic Holy Fire” at a time very close to sunrise.
One of the important notions of this scene, is the use of various treatment masks by the “Blue Child”. To the extend, that he first wears the mask of Native American shamans or witches, then the bear mask, and finally the beak-like plague mask.
In this instance, the application of the “bear mask” for what is called “bear medicine”, was common among Native Americans of North America and the beak-like plague mask was also favored by physicians in the medieval Europe; they believed that such a mask that encased various perfumes within its beak, helped prevent the plague infection.
The existence of treatment masks on the Blue Child’s face while dancing around the Masonic Holy Fire entails various concepts that we have alluded to before. However, one of its important concepts is the immunity of the children desired by Freemasonry from an impending highly contagious disease before the finalization of the “deal of the century” and the Antichrist’s coronation. Hence, the aforementioned scene is indicating two important notions: 1- the rise of an important contagious disease close to the finalization of the “deal if the century” and 2- the children’s immunity from the disease’s severe complications.
On the other hand, some groups of sea waves can be observed in a faded form, underneath the Blue Child’s feet within the same scene, which appear for a few moments beneath the blue child wearing the treatment masks.
As we had mentioned in the previous scenes, it would seem that the indication of these waves at the same time that the treatment masks are being used is not accidental. With further investigation, it becomes clear that the “Corona” company has been the sponsor for the international surfing tournaments since 1980 and in particular within the last 5 years.
This matter within such a complex animation filled with secrets and mysteries is completely suspicious and states that the name of the contagious disease in question that children are relatively immune from is “Corona”.
In addition, there are other factors that show the story of “Corona” is strongly connected to the Freemasonry establishments in the Donald Trump era. One of these hints is the structure of the Kabbalah Tree. As we mentioned before, in the evil Kabbalah beliefs, the Kabbalah tree is consisted of 10 important parts or sefirot. The most important one is “The Crown” sefirot, which is called “Kether” in Hebrew and “Corona” in Latin.
The Crown or Corona is the highest sefirot in the Kabbalah Tree of Life and acts as the entry and exit for the Lightening of Creation. This sefirot is located next to where the grand tarot card “The Fool” is positioned. In truth, “The Fool” trump card in tarot is positioned exactly next to the Corona or Crown sefirot.
It is noteworthy that in the Lewis Carrol version of the tarot cards, the Mad Hatter character from the Alice in Wonderland story and also the “Joker” card in the normal deck of cards, are considered the equivalents of The Fool card within the Thoth tarot cards.
Hence, the parade of seemingly foolish politicians such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson at the helm of powerful Masonic powers, also the wide presence of the “Joker” within the media and social unrests, have all exactly happened at a time close to the COVID-19 pandemic. It would seem that these connections are not without purpose.
The translation of the Kabbalah Tree’s mysteries is that the emergence and presence of the fools and jokers, near the time of Antichrist’s coronation and the contagious disease with the code name Corona are all important parts of the “Ordo Ab Chao” plan for creating a great disorder before the establishment of the New World Order.
Another important issue concerning the connection between the Kabballah Tree of Life and the coronavirus is the existence of some elements in the films of the Jewish Kabbalist film maker, Darren Aronofsky! He is a very clever Jewish and Kabbalist director and has some very famous films such as “Pi”, “The Fountain”, “Requiem for a Dream”, and “Noah” in his portfolio.
In some of his films like “Pi”, “The Fountain”, and “Noah”, some Kabbalistic elements such as the Tree of Life, Illuminati light, Kabballah’s cryptic numbers, etc. have been clearly indicated.
In two completely different films, “The Fountain” and “Noah”, while indicating the Tree of Life, which is a Kabbalistic concept, its fruit is oddly shaped and has been depicted as a green colored sphere with various elongations!
In the movie “The Fountain”, which is full of Masonic symbols and concepts such as the indication towards the belt of the Orion constellation and the Sirius star, Kabbalistic meditation, and other related symbols, we see that after the first character of the story, “Thomas Creo” or “Tommy”, passes through the highest stage of the Kabballah journey, which is The Crown or Corona sefirot, the Kabbalah tree’s fruit is picked by his wife and put in his hand.
The important point regarding the Kabballah tree’s fruit in this film is that it has been depicted as a green sphere form with elongations all over it. The picture of this fruit resembles the picture presented by the media for the coronavirus more than anything else!
This issue, especially considering the fact that it appears after Tommy passes through the highest sefirot, which is the Kether, Crown, or Corona and turns into the perfect human or Adam Kadmon, gains further importance and looks suspicious even more than before.
On the other hand, in the movie “Noah”, which was made by the same director, we see Methuselah, Noah’s grandfather, giving him the seed of the Tree of Life so that he can plant it and build his ark using its wood!
In the “Noah” movie, which is a distorted deviating film, we observe in Noah’s revelations that the tree of life’s seed is released from his hands and starts going up while he is floating. As the seed of the Tree of Life continues elevating, the camera is positioned in a place where for a few moments, the seed of the Tree of Life passes from the center front of Noah’s forehead.
As it was mentioned before, the position of the Crown, Corona, or Kether sefirot in the Kabballah Tree of Life is exactly aligned with the center of Adam Kadmon’s forehead! This symmetry between the seed of the tree of life and Noah’s forehead, especially in a movie made by a clever Jewish Kabbalist director is not coincidental! It is referring to the position of the seed of the Kabballah’s Tree of Life within Adam Kadmon’s body,
which is depicted in the form of a very elongated green sphere that completely aligns with the image of the coronavirus.
The other point that we should allude to is that the shape of the seed and fruit of the Kabballah Tree of Life in “The Fountain” and “Noah” movies are identical! This issue gains further importance when we know that the Crown, Kether, or Corona sefirot, which is the highest one in the Kabballah Tree of Life, is considered both the beginning and the end of the path of the Tree! In truth, The Crown or Corona sefirot is both the entry and exit location of the Lightening of Creation in the Kabballah Tree of Life.
In these two films as well, the seed, which is the beginning of the Tree of Life’s life, and the fruit, which is the result and conclusion of the Tree of Life, have been depicted identically as a green sphere with multiple elongations!
The culmination of this information strengthens the fact that the apparent similarities between the seed and the fruit of Kabballah’s Tree of Life to the coronavirus is probably not without reason and is the sign of an evil plan within the camp of the devil and his followers that has been depicted in various forms within movies, media, and so on. Indeed, it would seem that the Corona is a code name, which has been planned for the final stage of the Kabballah Tree of Life and the coronation of the Antichrist in Jerusalem. Its goal is creating general chaos and instability all over the world and the execution of the “Ordo Ab Chao” or “Order from Chaos” slogan in order to establish the New World Order led by the Antichrist.
The other important issue, which we should point towards, is that the real color of the coronavirus is not green! The virus’ color differs depending on the coloring used under the electron microscope!
In truth, the color green has nothing to do with the coronavirus! However, why green has been chosen as a symbolic color from among all the other colors in the coloring of the electron microscope, springs some questions to mind.
However, considering what was discussed regarding the seed and the green elongated sphere fruit of the Kabballah Tree of Life, which is the result of the promotion to The Crown or Corona sefirot, we can probably consider it a code for indicating this part of the Kabballah Tree of Life within the Masonic and Illuminati plans.
On the other hand, it was mentioned before that aside from the notion of The Fool’s connection in Major Arcana tarot cards with Donald Trump, the Regulus star is known as Trump’s lucky star and his connection with the Regulus Star or Alpha Leonis has been under consideration long ago.
The important point is that the connection between the words Regulus and Corona can be tracked from within other evidence as well. One of the most important links is observed within the solar eclipse! At the time of eclipse, a bright ring can be witnessed around the sun, which is named Corona. At the same time, near Corona and the ecliptic sun, the ever eclipse star, Regulus is present as well.
It is fascinating that the I, Pet Goat 2 animation maker’s logo also alludes to both Corona and Regulus symbols. In a way that in the Heliophant logo, the dot on the letter “i” is indicating the Regulus star, while the letter “O” points towards the Corona. In truth, the letter “O” is the symbol of solar eclipse in the sun which is encircled by the bright halo called the Corona of the sun.
In addition to what was mentioned above, we can observe the relation between Corona and Regulus in some mysterious stories as well. A book titled the Watchers of Worlds by Brinda Berry, which was published in 2014, has cryptically indicated various secret and Masonic symbols within.
For instance, the repeated indication of this book to Thelemic concepts such as “Magnum Opus”, which is a key expression in Satanism and Thelema, or the indication towards a game called the “Quest of Zion” by the story’s characters that they use for entertainment as well as other elements, symbols, and various Masonic and Satanic names used in varying parts of this book, all allude to the important hidden mysteries and codes within this book.
The important point in this book is the presence of different characters whose names mostly contain specific codes and mysteries. One of these characters is a young boy called “Regulus B7V” whose name clearly corresponds with the attributes of the Regulus star or Alpha Leonis. B7V is a code used for the spectrum of the Regulus star in astrological spectroscopy!
In other words, the astronomical attributes of the Regulus star or Alpha Leonis, have been encoded within the name and attributes of the “Regulus B7V” character of the “Watchers of the Worlds” book.
There is another character in the same book called “Corona” who is a boy that is the chief of prison wardens! Corona is also known as the leader of rebells in the eyes of the common people. However, he tells the companions of the Regulus that his goal for the temporary imprisonment of the Regulus and his friends is to save them from any harm that may befall them by enemies. As he makes a deal with Regulus, he finally fulfills his promise and after a short-term imprisonment, he releases Regulus B7V and his companions without any harm from the prison, which was indeed in place to protect them.
In this story, Corona has a short but effective role and then he is not heard from again. But within this short while, Corona who is known as the leader of the rebells and also the chief of prison wardens, is introduced as a determined, decisive, kind, supportive person, and committed to his promises! But the important point in this instance is that it would seem the relationship between Corona and Regulus in the Watchers of the Worlds story is temporary and even hostile in the beginning. But in fact, Corona is the protector and supporter of Regulus and his friends and in the end, the temporary imprisonment and halt in the prison was for the good of all and Regulus in particular who was saved from harm. Hence, it seems that a phenomenon, which is called Corona in the Masonic world, has been alluded to in this story that although is seemingly difficult and tragic for the Masonic and Illuminati world, in practice it is part of the final plans of the Illuminati themselves and shall serve their end goal which is the establishment of the New World Order.
Considering what has been discussed, we realize that the spread of a contagious disease at the end of all time is an important part of the Freemasonry and Illuminati’s plans for the execution of the final stage of the “deal of the century” and bringing the New World Order to fruition. It has even been alluded to, in the form of some codes and mysteries such as Regulus and Corona and the connection between them!
Considering the fact that the Regulus star is important on one hand due to its repositioning from the Leo constellation to the Virgo constellation at the beginning of the third millennia, it is also important since it is known as Donald Trump’s lucky star on the other hand. Thus, it would seem that the connection between the Regulus and Corona code names is in the sense of the spread of a contagious disease with the code name Corona in the era of Regulus, which means Donald Trump’s term as president.
In addition, as we had mentioned, the highest sefirot in the Kabballah Tree of Life is known as the Crown, Kether, or Corona, which is considered the beginning and the end of the Lightning of Creation. It is situated next to The Fool trump card or its equivalent, the Joker.
These secret codes within the Kabballah Tree of Life indicate that the proximity and concurrence of Corona and the era of jokers and fools are embodied by the spread of coronavirus disease or COVID-19 in Donald Trump and Boris Johnson’s leadership terms and by the anarchist jokers’ disruptions.
In other words, these code names are a type of warm reception for the “deal of the century” and the beginning of the Antichrist’s coronation in Jerusalem. Because according to Freemasons and Illuminati’s views, the resurrection of the Antichrist began since April 2019 and for this reason a great flood of conspiracies, difficulties, and curses shall push the world into disorder, fear, mass panic, despair, and suffocation so that it would resemble the “Valley of the Shadow of Death”. The Antichrist would then rise as the false Christ to save the people from all the hardships and pressures as the false savior and turn them into followers of the satanic wicked beliefs.
However, in addition to the above indications towards the names Regulus, Corona, and The Fool, the trace of the plans for the spread of a contagious disease at the time of the apocalypse can be observed in Hollywood movies, which is aimed towards the preparation of minds and induction of mass panic.
It seems that the great and powerful Hollywood media establishments are the most important Freemasonry and Illuminati tools for “mind control” over masses around the world. The pandemic and the infectious diseases borne out of viruses have been alluded to since decades ago, within media products, films, and series so that by using these tools, people’s minds become prepared for such an event worldwide. They would then use the panic induced by these films to further their own interests. Of the movies made in this theme, we can consider the Resident Evil franchise, Contagion, and Inferno.
In the beginning part of the Inferno movie, these sentences are stated: “It took the Earth’s population one hundred years to reach a billion people, and then just 100 more to reach two billion, and only 50 years to double again. Four billion people in 1970, we’re nearly at eight billion now.
We are destroying the very means by which life is sustained. Every single global ill that plagues the Earth … can be traced back to human overpopulation. Why do we demand in action?
We clear-cut. We dump. We consume. We destroy. Half the animal species on Earth have vanished … in the last 40 years. But still we keep attacking our own environment. Does it take a catastrophe to learn our lesson? To get our attention? Nothing changes behavior like pain. Maybe pain can save us …”
In addition, in parts of the movie Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, the following notions were stated within the dialogs of the film’s characters: “You asked why I would turn against Umbrella, and I promised you an answer. Soon after the T-virus was released, a secret file was uploaded to my data stream. It was a recording of a meeting of the Umbrella high command dated 17 months before the viral outbreak occurred.
We’re here today not just to talk about the future of this company. We’re here to talk about its destiny. We’re here to talk about the end of the world.
We stand on the brink of Armageddon. Diseases for which we have no cure. Fundamentalist states who call for our destruction. Nuclear powers over which we have no control. And even if we navigate these dangerous waters. we face other, even more inevitable threats, Global warming will melt the polar ice caps within 80 years, flooding 90% of all habitable areas on Earth. Unchecked population growth will overtake food production in less than 50 years, leading to famine and war. This is not conjecture. This is fact. One way or another, our world is coming to an end. Now, the question is, will we end with it? …
What do you propose? I propose that we end the world, but on our terms. An orchestrated apocalypse, one that will cleanse the Earth of its population, but leave its infrastructure and resources intact.
It’s been done once before … with great success …. The chosen few will ride out the storm, not in an Ark, as in the book of Genesis, but in safety, underground. And when it’s over, we will emerge onto a cleansed Earth, one that we can then reboot in our image.
And just how do you intend to achieve this? The means of our salvation are already at hand. I give to you the T-virus. — They released it deliberately.”
In these films as well as the media controlled by Freemasonry and Illuminati, it has been noted that one of the ways to control the population and the consequences of its growth, is to use fatal and destructive viruses so that the Earth’s population would reduce appropriately and create the opportunity of an ideal life for the rest of its population.
This notion is in truth related to same superior race idea of Zionism, Fascism, and Nazism. According to these beliefs, the superior race, group, or tribe has the right to mastery and dominance over all creatures and even humans to control the death or slavery of other races and kinfolk in order to preserve their own superiority.
In addition, considering the beliefs of Freemasonry and Illuminati in the theory of Evolution and natural selection, humans are not very different from animals in their views. According to the principle of natural selection and survival of the fittest, the race or kinfolk that is superior in terms of technology, power, and so on has the right to live and can eliminate other weaker groups and kinfolk.
Considering the aforementioned, we realize that one of the hidden goals of spreading the killer viruses at the time of the Apocalypse is to control the population based on pre-determined objectives. As for which part of the population survives, it can be controlled in two ways: 1- secret consumption of vaccines and anti-viral drugs by Freemasonry and Illuminati’s chosen population in order to protect them from the fatal properties of the virus. 2- Designing the DNA or RNA of the virus using genetic engineering, in a way that the virus is more hostile and fatal for specific people.
Regarding the first method, the secret consumption of vaccine or Antiviral drugs, it would seem that the high rank Freemasons and Illuminati leaders, are certain of their immunity to the severe symptoms of COVID-19. The apparently foolish behavior of Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and other Illuminati leaders and their disregard for medical recommendations, lack of adherence to hygienic standards, fanning the flames of challenges in the health sector, and so on, shows their certainty in their immunity to severe symptoms of this disease.
In other words, while they execute the Masonic policies in eliminating the weaker, and the handicapped within the society, they get to protect the chosen Illuminati members from the severe symptoms of this disease with this evil plan.
With regards to the second method, there are various medical instances of the ability to design a specific DNA or RNA for viruses that can make them more hostile and fatal.
For example, in genetic studies, there is a notion called SNP or Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, which shows that changes in a single nucleotide that occurs at a specific position in the genome can also affect the possibility of infection and the severity of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria’s. Further information on this subject has been noted within various articles.
In addition to SNPs, there are other situations in which from a genetic point of view, people are more susceptible to viruses and some others are more resistant towards the same viruses. A known example of this matter is the cytokine receptors found on the surface of certain cells, known as Chemokine Receptors CCR5 and CXCR4.
Many of the people with specific mutant variants of these genes are immune to HIV and AIDS even if the virus was injected to them.
Hence, we can realize from these examples that the connection between viruses and genetic sequencing in different people is a real fact and not fiction! This fact is well known in various scientific articles.
Certainly considering the long reputation of Masonic countries in using various chemical and nuclear bombs and weapons of mass destruction, the application of this scientific tactic for harming other countries and reducing the weak, less able, and the handicapped population is completely possible.
Of course stating the link between SNPs and other genetic subjects with the hostility and severity of a disease is not in the sense that only the people of a specific country are susceptible to that virus. It means that the casualty statistics as well as the infection rate of the virus in some populations shall be higher than others.
Furthermore, the Masonic leaders are probably immune to the severe symptoms of these diseases or death due to being in possession of the antibodies, drugs, or vaccines.
Thus, the aforementioned subject is very serious and the notion of bioterrorism and the general reduction of the world’s population focusing on specific people is strongly relevant about the Covid19 and cannot be refuted scientifically.
Of course, one may ask if the story that Covid-19 & Coronavirus were hatched as a conspiracy by the Illuminati to spread this deadly disease is correct, then how can one explain the news that some world leaders who are themselves Freemasons have been infected with this disease? The answer is that spreading fake news is one of the main media tactics utilized by global Freemasonry and the leaders of these evil organizations. Since many of these media outlets, international organizations, etc., are under the control of Freemasonry and Illuminati, it is very simple for them to spread untrue stories about the infections of Johnson, Trump, Macron, Merkel, etc. or even issue fake positive tests and then in a fraction of a second, disseminate & broadcast it with the help of Freemasonry & Illuminati controlled media.
Certainly, more than 99% of the world’s population, at no point in their lives, will be able to verify the real news, and therefore, this fake news can not only be easily created and disseminated but also believed by the masses. The real cost that is paid for this fake news is the 2-week quarantine!!! These Masonic & Illuminati leaders will celebrate privately and far from the public eye. These fake news is be a great achievement for Freemasonry to trick, fool & lie to the people of the world about Covid-19.
Even if one day it is announced one of these Freemason & Illuminati world leaders has died from Covid-19, no one should believe it until publication of irrefutable evidence & documents. Perhaps then one might accept that these people also really had the disease and died from it. Otherwise, the news of positive tests, illness, quarantine & even hospitalization is not credible & is probably fraudulent and full of deception & trickery.
A question comes to mind regarding the coronavirus and that is why the code name Corona became prevalent among the Freemasons since a few years ago? How did the Freemasons and Illuminati select this special virus out of a variety of viruses and previously pointed towards it within their coded messages?
We should mention in this regard that the selection of a virus for bioterrorism has a predictable procedure. A virus that is used in bioterrorism, needs to be highly contagious and durable and based on the goals of the bioterrorism, may be highly fatal or debilitating.
In addition, it is preferred that the virus has a long incubation period without any symptoms but still be infectious so that more people are infected!
Naturally, respiratory viruses possess most of these properties. In contrast, the viruses that are transferred through food and water, have a limited infection and fatality rate by controlling the contaminated water and food sources and instructing people to use hygienic food and water. However, viruses that are airborne or can be spread through droplets and endure for long periods on different surfaces are not easy to control.
Meanwhile, the Corona and influenza virus families have some suitable properties for bioterrorism. Besides its virological and medical specifications, the fact that Corona is in the sense of the Crown or Kether sefirot within the Kabballah tree, makes it the best candidate for the execution of Freemasonry and Illuminati’s apocalyptic plans. It completely conforms to Kabbalist Freemasons and Illuminati beliefs.
For this reason, some books and movies have alluded to the coronavirus disease in last years; in truth these are not predictions. They are plans that have been secretly coded and today their resurgence is used to take advantage of people’s determinism and to exasperate the fear borne out of this disease.
On the other hand, the important notion regarding the coronavirus is that fatality and critical symptoms are very rare among children under 10 infected by it. When these children are infected by this virus, they are usually symptomless or have mild symptoms. Severe cases leading to death in children is extremely rare.
This fact is suspicious. Because children under 10 are still in an age that they can be trained and their thought structure has not fully formed and can be changed. This point is probably one of the reasons that the coronavirus does not create severe symptoms within the absolute majority of children. The Freemasons believe their victory is near and thus, they look at children as their labor force and their future target society. Considering the children’s trainable nature, they hope to preserve their future labor force and also to change their thoughts and beliefs. This matter can have hand in the specific design of some genetic parts of this virus so that it is less hostile and virulent towards children, but is more virulent towards adults.
However, it seems that in general, population casualties are a secondary target of the global Freemasonry, and their primary goal is the economic collapse worldwide. In other words, nothing can cause the closure of various businesses, incur treatment and rehabilitation costs, and finally lead to economic fall of all countries like a contagious disease!
In truth, the apparent power and glory of the powerful Masonic organizations and other super powers such as the USA, Britain, the European Union, Japan, and South Korea, should collapse so that according to the Masonic slogan “Ordo Ab Chao” or “Order from Chaos”, the New World Order can rise out of ruins of super powers in Jerusalem as its capital!
In other words, the economic, social, and political consequences of COVID-19 and the emergence of markets plunge, social unrests, and political collapse worldwide including western countries are the most important goals for creating the coronavirus pandemic.
This matter was cryptically alluded to in some parts of the I, Pet Goat 2 animation.
In one of the scenes, the Ludovic character, who is the symbol of the western Christian youngsters, has fallen to the ground like an ill person and a syringe and some pills and capsuls can be seen next to him. Expressions such as “Markets Plunge”, US Dollar devaluation, S&P index decline, fall of NASDAQ in the stock market, and finally “War Coverage” can be seen in Ludovic’s eyes as he is laying on the ground.
We provided different analyses regarding this scene! However, one other analysis is the plunge of various economic indices worldwide and especially in the USA concurrent with an international disease pandemic, which eventually leads to war and conflicts due to instability in various lands. It seems that this scene is indicating the economic plunge and the eventual mass military conflicts in different parts of the world.
Of course, the I, Pet Goat 2 animation’s indication towards the subject of Corona, is not limited to the aforementioned. This notion was also indicated in the scene involving the Chinese girl “Sun-Sue”, who first resists the Freemasonry movements but is eventually defeated and submits to Skullduggery or the Trump era’s America. In particular, within the aforementioned scene, there are fireworks in the sky, which indicate the occurrence of some events in the near future near the New Christian and Chinese year festivals. This matter is in line with the timing of coronavirus difficulties and the New Christian and Chinese years.
By taking what was discussed into account, it would seem that the pandemic and global spread of COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus has been a purposeful and predetermined plan, which was made for the initial years of the third millennia. The timing of this disease’s pandemic was also after the resurrection of the Antichrist in April 2019 at the time of the parade of “foolish politicians” and “joker anarchists” according to a precise and purposeful plan. An accurate plan to act as the coup de grace for the order governing different countries of the world and to create severe economic, political, military, cultural, and theological disorder worldwide.
Because such a disorder is part of the Masonic slogan “Ordo Ab Chao”. According to Illuminati’s plans, before the “deal of the century” is finalized and the global rule of the Antichrist begins, such chaos and anarchy must prevail all around the world so that the Antichrist can rise as a false prophet to save the world from the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” and draw people’s attention as the false savior and establish the New World Order centered in Jerusalem. We will of course mention how all these plans will be void soon despite the Illuminati and Freemasons’ intelligence and they shall God willing be dealt with forever.
In addition to the above, it should be noted that although the beginning of Covid19 bioterrorism may have been initiated by the evil leaders of the Masonic countries, it does not mean that the ultimate control of this disease and its consequences is necessarily in their hands! Rather, the complex bodies of living things, such as humans, as well as the mutable genomes of viruses, often produce results that do not follow the calculations of bioterrorism designers and take a different path.
Therefore, it is quite probable that the execution of the bioterrorism using the coronavirus may lead to a conclusion quite contrary to what the Masonic-Zionistic leaders of the world thought of and they may be caught within the flames of this fire. If such an event becomes true, the creation of disorder for the establishment of the New World Order in Jerusalem, led by the Antichrist, has not gone according to plan and the tables shall turn. Hence, this disease will lead to the ever-rapid destruction of the Zionism and Freemasonry. This event is the manifestation of verse 54 of Surah Ali Imran in the Holy Quran, which states: “And they [the followers of Satan] planned, but the God also prepared a plan for them, and the God is the best of planners”. Indeed, in response to the actions of Satan and his followers, the God is the “best planner” and God willing all plans of the follower of the devil will be neutralized and the calculations of the enemies of divine religions will come to naught.
The very important point within the last days of the publication of this article was the opinions given and speeches made by some prominent political figures of the world, which conform to the mentioned analyses. Gordon Brown, the former British Prime Minister, suggested that a “single global government” be established in order to tackle the global coronavirus problem!
Such recommendation by a prominent Illuminati politician is in practice laying the foundation for the general acceptance of the “New World Order” and “single government” within the minds of the public, taking advantage of the fight against COVID-19 and its consequences as an excuse. Certainly, people like Gordon Brown shall accept a Masonic-Zionist government as a single global government.