I, Pet Goat 2.99:The Antichrist’s Plan Decoded (2020) (part 13 and 14)

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful In the fourth layer of the analysis of this scene, we should point toward the fact...

Ale Souood

Attention: In case you have not read the article of "The activities of Sufyani's uncles in the end time" that is on the "True Islam_1" weblog and "Certain Promise" website so far(1), seriously please read the introduction in the beginning of the article as far as possible. Because the introduction contains very important points regarding to our presented analyses.

I, Pet Goat 2.99: The Antichrist’s Plan Decoded (2020)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful     I, Pet Goat 2.99: Decoding the Antichrist's Plan (2020) Introduction Praise and appreciation belongs to God,...

Quran, Immortal Miracle: Sura of Nisa and the Miracle in Pathology

In the following of the discussion on the miracles of the Quran and Islam, we now address to one of the most amazing and astonishing miracles of the Holy Quran that every reader will be amazed by reading it.

I, Pet Goat 2.99:The Antichrist’s Plan Decoded (2020) (part 3 and 4)

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful But another topic we will discuss in this sequence is the puzzle of words most of...

Hypothesis of Evolution- Forbidden Area!!!

Hypothesis of Evolution- Forbidden Area!!! _ Part 1 Hypothesis of Evolution- Forbidden Area!!! _ Part 2 Hypothesis of Evolution- Forbidden Area!!! _ Part 3 Hypothesis of Evolution-...

I, Pet Goat 2.99:The Antichrist’s Plan Decoded (2020) (part 15 and 16)

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful After presenting the analysis related to the main part of the animation, in this part of...

The King of Jordan From Another view

 The King of Jordan From Another view _ Part 1The King of Jordan From Another view _ Part 2

Quran, the Eternal Miracle: “Al-Baqarah” and “Luqman” Surahhs and “Mother’s milk” miracle

At first glance it seems that the above verse only deals with divine commandments and expresses purely moral and educational issues, but a deeper look at this verse can reveal great miracles in the natural sciences. The verse 233 of Surah al-Baqarah states:

The activities of Sufyani’s uncles in the end time

From now on, before reviewing any signs of reappearance, we will write an introduction about them which are very important. So we ask you if you would like to publish these articles, be sure to mention their introductions in the beginning of the articles.