In the name of God, the Beneficient, the merciful
After the analytical review of some signs of imam Mahdi’s reappearance, now we will study another sign of his reappearance.
Before reading the article, be sure to read the introduction that is given in the beginning of the article “The activities of Sufyani’s uncles in the end time”*.
Attention: In case you have not read the article of “The activities of Sufyani’s uncles in the end time” that is on the “True Islam_1” weblog and “Certain Promise” website so far(1), seriously please read the introduction in the beginning of the article as far as possible. Because the introduction contains very important points regarding to our presented analyses.
Consider the point that because of the sensitivity of under discussion subjects, reading the foregoing introduction is very important, so that failure to read the introduction will be accompanied by dissatisfaction with the author. The dissatisfaction is not because of selfishness but it is because of the consequences that may afflict dear readers for failure to read the introduction.
After mentioning this introduction, we will proceed to the main article:
The last clan of kingship of Hejaz in the end time
*Sufyani’s uncles (or Benny Kalb) are a group of people which are related to Sufyani’s mother so they are also known as Sufyani’s uncles.
The region of Hejaz (current Saudi Arabia) expects momentous incidents in the end time traditions. As some of the most important incidents, internal disputes in the clan of kingship of Hejaz(2), military conflicts in the region of Hejaz(3), the murder of Nafs_e_Zakiyyah* in Haram Mosque(4), earth swallowing of Sufyani’s army in land of Bayda in Saudi Arabia(5) and the most important one, reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj) from Mecca(6) can be mentioned.
Many of the metioned signs and events are related to the year of reappearance or shortly after imam Mahdi’s reappearance, so it is not possible to review them for now, but for the meantime the events that are related to the kingship of clans’ disputes in Hejaz and the death of the last authoritative king of the clan called Abdullah is a sign that will happen in the years near reappearance(7) and an important sign for proximity of reappearance.
As mentioned it is said about disputes in the kingdom of Hejaz.
There is a very interesting and strange point that nowadays that most of the countries have accepted the republic government and even some of Arab countries like Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Algeria have a republic government(8), but the Saudi Arabia is still ruled by monarchies(9) and this point is very important and considerable in terms of compliance with the traditions.
Because there is said in traditions about the government of Hejaz (Saudi Arabia) that it will be ruled by a clan of Benny Someone or Al e_Someone* in the age of reappearance.(10)
Whereas there is said about one clan in the traditions (Al e_Someone or Benny Someone), it can be recognize that the government of Hejaz must be logically kingship in the age of reappearance, so that the different persons who belong to one clan can be in head of the government.
Surely it is unlikely that several persons of a clan can become a president in a republic government. (Pay attention that we have said several persons not two persons of a clan, because sometimes there was a father and a son who could be the president of a country. Like the U.S. that Bush Senior and Bush Junior had got to be president(11). Or Hafez al_Assad and Bashar al_Assad in Syria(12) but anyway it has never been seen that several persons of a clan could be president.)
As mentioned, in some of the traditions, it is said about Benny Someone or Al e_Someone. Now you can perceive one of the traditions below:
*Nafs_e_Zakiyyah: A person who will be killed in Mecca and his death is one of the signs of imam Mahdi’s reappearance.
*Benny Someone and Al e_Someone are some Arabic words for showing kinship.
.”It is quoted from Abu Basir that he said: I said to imam Sadiq (as) : Abu Jafar (imam Baqir (as)) said that imam Mahdi (aj) has two kinf of occultations, one is longer than the other. He said: yes, this affair will materialize when disputes rise in the clan of someone, things get tough, Sufyani appears, calamities get harder, death and murder spreads among people and they take refuge in God and his prophet.”(13)
Another tradition with the similar content is quoted from imam Reza (as) that is:
“Bazanti quotes from imam Reza that he said: Another sign of reappearance is the incident which will happen between Mecca and Medina. I asked: what is that incident? He said: Tribal begotries will occur between them and someone from a clan will murder the chieftain.”(14)
You have perceived the mentioned traditions that the last clan of kingship of Hejaz is named as Benny Someone or Al e_Someone.
A very important point: one of the reasons that the infallible imams have said Benny Someone or Al e_Someone for the last clan of kingship of Saudi Arabia and they have not said the exact name of this clan expressly is that if they mentioned the exact name, the clans of kingship in Saudi Arabia would never choose the mentioned name in the traditions, because logically none of the clans like to have the same name with the last clan of kingship of Hejaz which is mentioned in the traditions of the infallible imams and in case of being homonymons, the Shias of Ahl al_Bayt would react.
In the traditions of the infallible imams about the last clan of kingship of Hejaz, not only is it mentioned Benny Someone, but also it is mentioned some accurate specifications of the last authoritative king of Saudi Arabia. As in some traditions, the last king of Saudi Arabia is named Abdullah. There is one of the traditions below:
“Imam Sadiq (as) said : if anyone assure me the death of Abdullah, I will assure him the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj). Then he said when Abullah dies, people won’t accede to any government and this disputes, God willing, will continue until the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj). The prennial governments will change to short term governments. The narrator says he asked: Is this going to last long? He answered never.”(15)
As you perceived, the above tradition mentioned a king called Abdullah whose death will happen in the years near the reappearance. The important point is that the first phrase of this tradition is conditional and introduces the death of Abdullah as a forerunner of the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj) : “… if anyone assure me the death of Abdullah, I will assure him the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj)…”
The rest of the tradition also expresses that after the death of Abdullah there will occur lots of disputes over seizure of power and this will continue untill the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj). According to this tradition, we can clearly comprehend that Abdullah is the king of Hejaz and his death will eventuate interval disputes in the government of Hejaz and internal weakness ans dispute in the corrupt government of Hejaz will prepare the basis the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj) and the seizure of government of Hejaz by him and then developing the government to the entire world.
Nowadays that based on the opinion of lots of Ulema* and scholars is «the age of reappearance», lots of the signs of reappearance have been materialized successively. According to this issue its essential to pay attention to political and social situation more than anytime and collate the incidents of the Middle East and the world probabilisticaly (not certainly) with the traditions of the end time. In the meantime, the events of Saudi Arabia are very important because of the importance of Mecca in the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj) and activities of Wahhabis in recent century.
Strange to say that the events of Saudi Arabia in recent years and seizure of government by the new king of this country redublicates the necessity of special attention to the end time traditions about Saudi Arabia.
As you perceived in the mentioned traditions, the name of the last authoritative king of Hejaz (Saudi Arabia) is Abdullah(16) It is strange that since 2005, after the death of King Fahd, the former king of Saudi Arabia, his half_brother, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, seized the government (17). Actually since 1996, after King Fahd, the former king of Saudi Arabia, had stroke, king Abdullah, the prince of that time, seized the government practically,(18) but his official government and kingship has started since 2005.(19)
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz was born in 1924. His father was King Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman Al Saud and his mother was Fahda Al Shuraim(20). King Abdullah was the fifth son of King Abdulaziz, so according to the constitution of Saudi Arabia, he seized the kingship of Saudi Arabia after his half_brother, King Fahd, when he was 81(21).King Abdullah has been the monarch of Saudi Arabia since 2005.
*Ulema: Muslim scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law.
The point that a person called Abdullah seized the government and kingship of Hejaz after centuries is very important, because as we said, the name of the last authoritative king of Hejaz before the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj) is also Abdullah. So King Abdullah might be the same as Abdullah which is mentioned in the traditions (Pay attention that it might be). (Actually as we said, this is just a possibility not a 100% definitive issue, because there may be other persons named Abdullah who seize the Saudi Arabia in future.)
King Abdullah, the monarch of Saudi Arabia, he became the king of Saudi Arabia officially in 2005 when he was 81.
As we said, King Abdullah who officially seized the government of Saudi Arabia in 2005, might be the same Abdullah who is mentioned in traditions as a king. We collate this not only due to the name Abdullah, but there are other factors which increase the possibility of this collation somedeal. One of the issues that collate King Abdullah and Al Saud kingship of Saudi Arabia with the mentioned traditions about the last clan of kingship of Saudi Arabia in the end time, is the situation which Al Saud clan of kingship are experiencing now.
You perceived that it is mentioned about disputes and conflicts in the last clan of kingship of Saudi Arabia in the age near reappearance. It is strange that the clan of kingship of Al Saud is going to experience the mentioned situations in traditions and is going to involve disputes in head of the government(22). Although King Abdullah seized power practically since 1996 and he could keep the government of Saudi Arabia with authority, the situation of clan of Al Saud is very fragile and base on the most of political experts’ opinion, the clan of Al Saud will go through a serious crisis for seizing power in near future(23).
One of the great concerns the kingship of Al Saud is faced with in recent decades, is that according to the constitution of Saudi Arabia, just the sons of King Abdulaziz are allowed to seize the kingship and after the death of one of them, the other son must seize the kingship(24). Considering that all of the sons of Abdulaziz are elderly(25), it is very likely that all of them die after each other in a short time.
This issue had created some problems in choosing King Abdullah. Although they were finally solved, they have concerned the officials of Saudi Arabia that the next king might get into the same trouble as King Abdullah.
The problem is all of the sons of Abdulaziz who are qualified for kingship, are at least 70 and their age gap is very small(26), for instance King Abdullah who seized the government after his brother, in some words just a few months and in another words, he was 3 years younger than Fahd, and his age gap with his younger brother, Prince Sultan, is also very small(27). So the small age gaps in one hand had caused disputes between King Abdullah and Prince Sultan in succession to king Fahd but in any case because King Abdullah had taken power practically since 1996, there wasn’t too much trouble in succession to Fahd(28).
Considering that the current prince of Saudi Arabia, Prince Sultan, is also 85 and he is not in a good health(29) and it is possible to pass away in next years.
The other sons of Abdulaziz are elderly too and they are very likely to pass away over the next few years. So we may see the power transfer from the sons of King Abdulaziz to his posterity soon. This issue will create an actual crisis and contestation and serious internal disputes in the clan of Al Saud(30).
King Sultan bin Abdulaziz, the current prince of Saudi Arabia, who is 85 and he is ill now. Serious disputes have been created for seizing his current post.
Even the reporter of the famous Le Figaro newspaper didn’t miss this issue and he has mentioned it in an article called “Saudi Arabia: Hotbed of internal disputes of Al Saud”(31) Thus it is not unlikely that after the death of King Abdullah who is in his old age, Saudi Arabia becomes the arena for conflicts and disputes of the clan of Al Saud. This issue has a great collation with Islamic traditions which are about the last clan of kingship of Hejaz before imam Mahdi’s reappearance .There is in one of the traditions that:
“When Abdullah dies, people won’t accede to any government and this disputes, God willing, will continue untill the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj). The prennial governments will change to short term governments…”(32)
Thus as you perceived, it seems that the situation of the clan of kingship of Al Saud in Saudi Arabia is very similar to the last clan of kingship of Hejaz in the end time traditions. Although this collation is not 100% definitive, that’s not ungraceful to consider the tradition and underpinning of political and military relations between Shias and Saudi Arabia based on the traditions in next years.
That is to say, with considering the mentioned similarities, Shias should observe the internal situation of Saudi Arabia’s clan of kingship; we should consider the probability of being near to imam Mahdi’s reappearance and based on this probability we should increase preprations for receiving him and be away of fitnas* of the end time.
It is worth mentioning that King Abdullah, the current monarch of Saudi Arabia and the clan of Al Saud, may not be the last clan of kingship of Hejaz, and other kings will rule Saudi Arabia in future but in any case the similarity between king Abdullah and the clan of Al Saud and the mentioned traditions about the last clan of kingship of Hejaz can not be ignored.
So it’s better to pay special attention to the situation of Saudi Arabia in the current age.
Of course our attention to this issue is not interfering in internal affairs of Saudi Arabia, but it is keeping on toes and preparing for the fitnas of the end time.
In the traditions all of the incidents related to internal disputes of the region of Hejaz will just beset the clan of kingship of Hejaz and the oppressors of this land, and Shia’s and the other free Muslims of this area won’t be affected by this fitnas. So they will help the promised Mahdi (aj) in his world wide activity in perfect health and prepration. There is a quoted tradition from imam Ali (as) which is about the point that the internal disputes for power in Saudi Arabia will just beset the oppressors of this land:
“Imam Ali (as) said: there are some signs for the rise of imam Mahdi (aj): first surrounding Kufa with ditch and ambush and waving the flags around the larger mosque. Through this battle, both murdere and slaim will be in hell.”(33)
*fitna: an Arabic word, means sedition
Based on the opinion of ulama such as Hujjat al_Islam Kourani, the purpose by the larger mosque is the Haram Mosque not Mosque of Kufa, and the opposite groups will struggle in Mecca and Medina, and none of them are right(34).
We can comprehend from the above tradition that the fitnas that have happened for seizing power in Hejaz, will just arise among oppressors and wrong groups. Nowadays considering the infiltration of Wahhabis into the Arabian Peninsula during recent centuries, the meaning of the above tradition can be comprehended easier(35). Because considering that the sect of Wahhabi is wrong and they have a great influence on the people of Saudi Arabia, we can comprehend that probably *Amir al_Mu’minin’s purpose by the disputes of Hejaz, is the disputes of heads of Al Saud and the armies of their adherents (that most of them are Wahhabis).Based on the remarks of infallible imams such as Amir al_Mu’minin (as), we can comprehend that, God willing, Shias and the other free Sunni people of Saudi Arabia who are beset with the fitnas of Wahhabis, won’t be harmed in this great fitna.
We remind this point again that all of the events that are related to the death of Abdullah, the last authoritative monarch of Hejaz and the disputes of the clan of this region, will be created by the Arabian wrong groups and this issue is unrelated to Shias of Saudi Arabia or the other countries. So the subjects that are mentioned about the situation of Hejaz in the end time in the days before reappearance are not interfering in the affairs of Saudi Arabia, but the subjects are expressed the events of Saudi Arabia as an external observer’s point of veiw.
Although in the first few months of kingship of King Abdullah it was said that he was a moderate person and he was different from King Fahd that the Shia hajjis* were killed in the day of abhorrence of pegans in his time(43), time has proved that not only isn’t he less dangerous than King Fahd for Shias and other free Muslims, but also he is substantially more dangerous.
*Amir al_Mu’minin: an Arabic title that is translated “commander/leader of the faithful” (Ali ibn Abi Talib/ imam Ali (as))
*Hajji: a title for a Muslim who has been to Mecca as a pilgrim.
Although King Abdullah had endeavoured to introduce himself a pacifist person apparently in political relations during this year, the evidence proves exactly the opposite. So that since the kingship of King Abdullah has been officially started, the attacks to the Shias of Iraq by takfiri groups who are supported by Saudi Arabia have increased(44). And even their desecration of Al_Atabat Al_Aliyat* and imams’ shrines in Iraq(45). Since the kingship of King Abdullah has been started, the Wahhabi Muftis of Saudi Arabia who were completely supported by clan of Al Saud, have issued shameless fatwas*. The takfiri groups of Iraq who are supported by the government of Saudi Arabia, have enforced this fatwas and it has resulted in the everyday killings of Iraqi Shias and the destruction of infallible imams’ shrines(46). Furthermore, King Abdullah has developed a strong communication with the United States and Israel, so he has betrayed to the Muslims(47). This communication was developed so that the heads of Al Saud performed a sword dance with George Bush in the time of the kingship of King Abdullah(48).
The sword dance of the heads of Saudi Arabia with George Bush in King Abdullah’s monarchy
In the other hand based on the countless reports of Shia hajjis, especially the Iranian Shia hajjis during 2_3 recent years, there were lots of unprecedented pressures on Iranian hajjis(49); even because of this pressures some of ulema such as Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi have propounded the probability of proscription of umrah*.(50)
One of the last feats of King Abdullah in betrayal of Shias is that the Intelligence and Security System of Saudi Arabia that accompanied by the Intelligence System of the traitorous country of Jordan, was implicating in the assassination of the Martyr Hajj Imad Mughniyeh(51). This issue is one of the most inglorious villainies of King Abdullah.
*Al_Atabat Al_Aliyat: the shrine of six Shia imams.
*Fatwa: a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority.
*Umrah: an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
Also the recent villainies in the holy city of Medina that was performed by the Intelligence and Security System of Saudi Arabia and the Wahhabi extremist forces called the forces of Enjoining good and Forbidding wrong who were dependant on the government of Saudi Arabia which many Shias were martyred during the villainies and many other people were injured, are examples of the evil conspiracies of King Abdullah of the Saudi Arabia(52). According to the mentioned issues, it can be easily comprehended that the phrase “Wailul li Shiatana minh”* compeletly becomes King Abdullah.
It is stated in continue of the mentioned traditions of dear prophet of Islam (swt): “Enunciate me his death, I will enunciate you the reappearance of hujja*” This expression shows that there will be a short time between the death of the mentioned Abdullah in the traditions and the reappearance of Mahdi (aj). It can be comprehended from this issue that in case of accuracy of the mentioned tradition and its sources, according to the collations between many traditions and King Abdullah and the clan of Al Saud, our age, God willing, is «the age of reappearance» and if we as Shias improve our knowledge, God willing, we can comprehend the reappearance of the great Savior.
According to the stated points in the article, it is possible that King Abdullah and the clan of Al Saud be the last authoritative king and the last clan of kingship of Saudi Arabia; because there are several traditions said by infallible imams (as) that have predicted the situations of Hejaz in the end time and the predictions have a lot of collation with the current situation of Saudi Arabia.
Although we humans are not innocent of faults and mistakes, and the author of this article may also make mistakes, in any case it’s worth paying attention to the current situation of Saudi Arabia and analysing it according to the end time traditions of infallible imams (as). It can help us in the face of the end time events.
Thus we remind again that the mentioned subjects, analyses and collations are just possibilities and they are not quite definitive. If there is a mistake or change, the mistake is the author’s not infallible imams’ traditions’. Please always consider this point.
On the other hand, we affirm that the purpose of this article is the corrupt and plotter clan of Saudi Arabia and Wahhabis who are in charge of them. We do not mean any disrespect to Shia and Sunni brothers by this article.
So we request dear Shia brothers in advance to not corroborate the enemies of Islam and Shias, and to use this article rational and oppropriate; especially that the corrupt and plotter Arabian states of the Persian Gulf who do not avoid any villainies against Shais, are ready to abuse of the schism within Shais and Sunnis and they will probably schismatize on the groups of Muslims by creating commotion and tumult.
*Wailul li Shiatana minh: woe to our Shias from him.
*Hujja: refers to imam Mahdi (aj)
In the end we pray to bounteous God for Islam and Muslims to be successful and elate.
Hoping for reappearance of the Promised Savior, imam Mahdi, Sahib al_Zaman (aj).
By Khadim al_imam (aj)
With the assistance of Khadimah al_Zahra (sa)