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Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 6

Freemasonry’s arrangements for the formation of an evil world government

In the preceding sections of this article, we have become very familiar with the evil nature of Freemasonry and the evil characteristics of this potential antichrist of the apocalypse. In this section of the article, we refer to the arrangements that these evil organizations have used to form an evil world government.

Arrangements Freemasonry has used to achieve its goals include

1-Attempt to gain political power in all countries of the world.

Today, powerful leaders in most countries are either part of Freemasonry or influenced by Masonic states. This is also true for countries in the Middle East such as Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and so on. In Turkey, for example, Masonic lodges and magazines have been publicly active as “Sinan Architects” (220) and many Mason politicians are also Masons. (221) In May 2007, Iraqi Freemasons also celebrated the establishment of their first lodging. (222) Countries like Saudi Arabia, which do not have a lodging, are practically dominated by Masonic states such as the United States and Israel. One can hardly say that the only country that stands against the evil Freemasons and is regarded as the greatest enemy of Freemasons is Islamic Iran. It should be noted that besides Iran, there are also epic mujahideen of Lebanon and Palestine, but the government of these countries is not in the hands of the mujahideen. In Pahlavi times, of course, many of the prime ministers were Freemasons. Such as: Amir Abbas Hoveyda, who was prime minister for the longest time, and Sharif Emami, who was the supreme master of Freemasonry. (223) Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s relationship with Freemasonry has also been immense. (224) With the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, our Islamic country has been cleansed of the existence of these evil organizations.

2-The creation of two powerful US and Israeli states as two important political and military arms that we have mentioned in detail in the past.

3-Establishment of the United Nations as a Masonic apparatus.

In the preceding sections of this article, we have mentioned that the United Nations is pursuing its activities for the benefit of Freemasonry by deceiving public opinion and in the motto of creating peace and stability in the world. Concerning the United Nations relationship with Freemasonry, there is enormous and strong evidence that we have mentioned some of it. In addition to the above evidence, if we look at the United Nations and the Security Council’s orientations over the past years, we find insidious United Nations moves to pursue Masonic goals. The UN’s insidious moves are in a way that undermines Iran’s undeniable right to peaceful nuclear technology, but does not include even the slightest punishment for the United States and Israel for possessing nuclear weapons; UN security against Israeli invasion of occupied Palestine and Lebanon, as well as hundreds of other examples, show that the United Nations is also part of the evil Freemasonry organization and is the plaything of its leaders.

4-Trying to publish the slogan New World Order.

The slogan, also included in the American Masonic Seal, is one of the oldest known Freemasonry slogans, most recently cited by George W. Bush and formerly by his father (225), and the United Nations has also put the slogan on its tablet. The commandment of the New World or the New World Order is the command or order that the Masons intend to enforce by creating an evil world empire. For the Masons, this command will eventually be executed by their evil savior (Antichrist), a powerful person among the Masons themselves.

5-Influencing Divine religions and trying to divert their followers.

Freemasons, who regard divine religions as their greatest enemy, are seeking to destroy them both internally and externally. They have infiltrated various religions in various ways, which we will discuss in more detail in earlier sections of this article. The most important of these are briefly:

Vatican; Shriner Spectrum

Islam; the emerging mystical sects of Christianity; some Protestant sects

Baha’is; Evangelicals

Judaism; Most Jews (Especially Zionists and Israelis)

6-Using mass media to create psychological warfare as well as intellectual and cultural deviation of societies and promoting prostitution

7-Building and Supporting Hollywood

The Zionist Masons and Jews have a number of major goals in building and supporting Hollywood (226), the most important of which are:

1-Promoting corruption and prostitution through vulgar films and role modeling of youth from corrupt Hollywood movie stars

2-Zooming in on the power of evil in Hollywood movies. (As we know, in Islam, Satan is a jinni and one of God’s servants who has been driven out of God’s favor in opposition to the will of God, so this evil creature has no power. But in Hollywood movies, Satan is very much Powerful and power-packed with God-like power (for example in the Lord of the Rings movie) Although the Hollywood blockbuster often wins, the films create fear in many viewers and frighten them into the evil power of Satan. It looks like this Hollywood movie trick is intended for the not too distant future, And the purpose of this trick was to make the few believers in the communities submit to them after fearing the evil power of the Masons after the formation of the Masonic Evil World Government

3-Making films in which Muslims, especially Iranians, are described as terrorists. (This insidious move has accelerated since the fabricated 9/11 event, and today in most Hollywood films, Muslims have been portrayed as violent and bloodthirsty.)

8-Fighting against Islam, their main enemy.

Among Muslims, Shiites have been the most attacked by Freemasonry because of their Ashura and Mahdavi culture, and among Shiites, Iranian Shiites have benefited from a powerful government and powerful military, and Shiites in Lebanon have strong armies. Hezbollah is the most targeted target of Masonic propaganda attacks.

9-Supporting Satanist, homosexual, and secular groups as frontline soldiers.

High-ranking Freemasonry groups are apparently fashionable and polite and well-dressed, but Satanist and homosexual groups are even out of humanity, mistakenly assuming that there is no connection between them and Freemasons. While the same seemingly chic people support these satanic groups and the devil and gay men are front-line soldiers of Freemasonry, it should be noted that some of the individuals in these groups have a connection between the leaders of these groups and Freemasons are unaware and indirectly execute Freemasonry maps.

10-Promoting corruption and supporting vulgar bands.

This Freemasonry movement is also shaped by two major goals:

1-Bringing western youth into corruption and avoiding religion and politics.

2-Bringing the Muslim youth to corruption and destroying their will in the face of arrogance. (Similar action was taken by European Christians in the early Islamic centuries, resulting in the moral corruption of the Andalusian Muslims (Spain) and the expulsion of this land from the Muslims.) (227)

11-Encourage an extreme attitude towards science.

It has been mentioned before that the extremist attitude towards science is promoted by Freemasons and to fill the vacuum left by the abandonment of spirituality. In fact, the Masons, many of whom are prominent scientists, are trying to introduce science as the only means that can bring happiness to humans. This extreme promotion can be identified with a bit of thinking.

In the medical and biological sciences, for example, many articles around the world are useless, many of which are easy to find. There is also a great deal of research in which the principles of human ethics and medical ethics are not practically adhered to, and they are only intended to gain scientific credentials (including some in psychiatry and neuroscience research, sometimes conducted in secret laboratories). In spite of the many improvements that have been made, the health of the world has not only improved, but also worsened at times, because the reliance on science and getting away from religion has claimed the lives of human beings. (For example, smallpox has been eradicated today, but many people die from AIDS.)

On the other hand, encouraging the extremist attitude towards science by Masonic countries has other aims. By keeping students ‘and scientists’ minds in scientific research and reducing their leisure time, they do not allow this dynamic group to think about issues such as religion, society, world politics and so on. They do not allow these people to think about things like the situation of their brothers and companions in Palestine, Iraq, Africa and so on.

It should be noted, of course, that the heavenly religions, and especially Islam, place great value on science and education (228) and encourage human beings to learn it, but in any case, They do not know science is the god of man and his only means to achieve salvation, and encourage human beings to achieve perfection in all fields.

12- Extremely Promoting sports, especially football

Sport is accepted by everyone and its benefits are not hidden from anyone. Even heavenly religions have encouraged man to exercise. (229) But what is seen today is still the immense promotion of sports, especially football, at the professional level. In fact, the evil Freemasonry apparatus, with its massive financial backing of many of the prestigious sports tournaments, diverts people’s minds from their evil practices and executes dangerous apocalyptic projects in the light of these sporting events. What proves this is that the 2004 FIFA World Cup coincides with Israel’s attack on the Gaza Strip! (230)

13-Attempts to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to build the magnificent Temple of Solomon at the site of this sacred mosque and we mentioned it in detail earlier.

14-Divide nations, especially Islamic countries, which are examples of this in Iraq.

15-Occupation of Iraq (Babylon) for the Masons apocalyptic purposes.

16-Promoting extreme evangelical religions.

In recent years, with the support of the US Masonic government, there have been increasing movements to promote radical evangelical religions (including evangelical teachings.)

Within the United States, the fabricated 9/11 incident provided the basis for the development of extremist evangelical views (231), and after the event, the number of evangelical doctrines increased dramatically with the hidden efforts of Masonic institutions, and with the increase in the number of followers of the denomination, the number actually increased practically Israeli supporters have increased.

Outside the United States, with the support of the US Masonic government, evangelical satellite networks were launched in various languages. Even the pervasive scope of these vicious activities extended to the Persian-speaking territory, including the opening of the Persian-language satellite ” Mohhabat ” network. (232)

Unfortunately, this network has achieved some of its goals and has deceived some naive people, of course, to a very small population. (233) Thus, a small population in various parts of Tehran and even some villages have become Christian. Of course, the majority of these were from the poorer classes of society and had changed their religion due to donations from the secretive institutions of the New Testament. However, there are also other idiots who have become secretly Christian for some reason, such as Christianity’s negligence over wine and … (For example, the author of this line accidentally encountered one of these people on the bus, and the person who was from the lower social class mentioned the reason for his nuns being accompanied by a dance and music evangelical prayer! It should be noted that the person (who did not provide any names) mentioned his familiarity with evangelical teachings by observing a prayer service with the Evangelical dance on the “Mohhabat” satellite network.)

Unfortunately, the scope of these advertisements has even reached the holy city of Mashhad, and evangelicals’ books have been issued in this city. So, in January and February of 2006, a 16-page booklet titled “His Name Will Be Strange” was distributed by anonymous people at passenger terminals and places where pilgrims travel. The important point was that behind the cover of this booklet were parts of the Gospel of John (the gospel of Christian evangelicals and Zionists more than any other) that invited people to Christianity. (234)

Fortunately, thanks to the great love of the Iranian people for Islam, the Qur’an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the propaganda movements of Christianity in Iran have failed, though this does not mean that we forget to plan for these movements.

At present, the propaganda movement of evangelicals, most of all in the newly independent republics of the former Soviet Union, has been successful. (235) This is also due to the poverty of the majority of the population in these countries, which has led to the nongovernmental organizations in the form of donations and humanitarian measures Promote their extremist ideas. This shows that one of the most important ways to deal with these evil movements is to fight poverty, and in order to combat these movements, the authorities of Islamic countries must also try to solve economic and social problems

17-Propaganda of the Armageddon Nuclear War.

Armageddon is one of the proponents of the World Masonic Assembly, which uses it to deceive and associate with Christians.

Armageddon, a nuclear war claimed by Jewish evangelicals and Zionists, will take place in the Armageddon Plain, located in northern Israel near the city of Haifa (around the 33-degree orbit). For Christian and Jewish Zionists, this war is fought between the two good armies (Jews and Christians !?) and the evil armies (Iran, Russia, Syria, and other Muslim countries ?!) in which the Good Army led by Christ (AS) wins. With this victory, the 1,000-year reign of Christ will begin and the remaining Jews will become Christians! (236)

The propaganda of Armageddon is welcomed by Israelis and evangelicals (about 25% of the US population, or 80 million) and is seen as a justification for the need for Israel. For example, during Arafat’s and Isaac Robin’s negotiations with Israel for peace And the demarcation of the border between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, there was a lot of opposition within the US and Israel, and the opposition’s demand was: Shouldn’t Israel’s borders be changed, because Israel is now a country that will host Armageddon and Christ (237) (The important point is that many scholars express the Zionists’ dissatisfaction with peace talks as the reason for the killing of Isaac Robin at that time.) (238)

But why do we say this war is fabricated and does not exist?

To better address this, first of all we need to discuss a little about the existing Gospels and their contents. The Gospels among Christians are not directly words of God to Jesus (as), and as in the Holy Qur’an, they do not fully contain divine words, but rather the two Old Testament passages (which are mainly derived from the Torah and the books of the prophets of the Israelites) and The New Testament (which is the apostle’s account of the life of Jesus) was formed. The New Testament section, which is of most interest to Christians, describes the life of Prophet Jesus (as) from the perspective of the apostles, and brings the words of God with Jesus (pbuh) indirectly into the narratives of the life of Jesus (pbuh). Of the many evangelicals that have existed, the four have been approved by the church, Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John. (239) (Of course, this confirmation by the Church does not mean that these Gospels are really the best Gospels.)

Among the gospels mentioned, the weakest is the John, so that according to many scholars, the Bible has undergone many additions, omissions and alterations. There are also many inconsistencies in the text. In this regard, see the article Adapted from Several Christian Sites and Several Christian Research Sites: (240)

“Many critical scholars have found that the Fourth Gospel (John’s Gospel) has signs of addition, decrease, and serious structural changes that indicate that writing it has taken a long process:

(It is now freely accepted that the Fourth Gospel has undergone a complex evolution before it can be transformed into its final form.)

An Introduction to the Gospel of John, New Jerusalem Bible

Adapted from a Christian site referring to the additions, shortcomings, and serious structural changes of the Gospel of John

Part of the book of the Gospel of John (which is a weak Bible) is The Revelation, which, according to Christians, is related to the Apocalypse of John and has nothing to do with the life of Jesus. The apocalyptic section of the Gospel of John is full of many expressions, metaphors, and has a heavy body of text exploring the events of the apocalypse. (241)

The word Megiddo exists only in Revelation (16:16) and is not found in any of the other Gospels, not even in the main parts of the Gospel. (242) The 16 books of Revelation read: (243)

» And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew Armageddon tongue. «

 John: Revelation (16:16)

In view of the above, it can be seen that some of the Israelites who were dominated by Satan have throughout history distorted the Gospels and, most of all, concentrated their efforts on the Gospel of John, to the extent that many Christian scholars also acknowledge these manipulations. Since the earliest evils to distort the law of Prophet Moses (pbuh) occurred from the time of his death or even during his life (as in the case of the Samaritan calf) by followers of Masonic-Kabbalah teachings, (244) That the Torah and the Gospels (especially the Gospel of John) were also distorted by the followers of the same sect.

The Kabbalist Jews (formers of the Masonic teachings of the Kabbalah), who embodied the teachings of evil and magic and witchcraft, were thinking of establishing an evil government from the very beginning; Especially the Gospel of John) Throughout history, activities intended to build a non-religious Israeli state have been included in the scriptures as distorted verses. The Freemasons, the heirs of the backward Kabbalists, took full advantage of the vicious and evil legacy that the Kabbalists had left behind and used them to attain their apocalyptic goals; John used, and by John’s revelation, tried to deceive and accompany Christians.

Nowadays, Freemasons, promoting the battle of Armageddon, are trying to bring the people of America, Israel, and the rest of the world with them, believing that Israel must exist and build a Solomon Temple before the return of Christ. In this way, they try to reach their goal by the efforts of Zionist evangelicals and Jews, and after the construction of the Temple of Solomon and the formation of the evil world government, they forget about the return of Christ.

The important thing about evangelicals is that many of them are really fooled into believing that Christ (AS) returns on the same terms as the Apostles John, but the evangelical rulers, many of whom are Clearly related to Freemasonry, they have been led to deceive them for the advent of Christ (Israel), Israel must be formed until the Euphrates, etc.

Thus, it can be said that the majority of evangelicals have been deceived, and the main culprits are their religious leaders who, because of their strong association with Freemasonry, have risen to war with God in the guise of religion and have led many with deceit. The deception is so pervasive that many tourists today visit the Armageddon Plain (246), which indicates the success of this policy in the United States and Israel.

It should be noted that the promotion of Christianity in Iran and other countries is also a plot by Freemasons to propagate Armageddon and prepare public opinion for this war, in its raw imagination, To, turn off the last glimmer of hope for Muslims and other free theologians.

where the Armageddon battle is fought in the imagination of an evangelical painter. 

Picture of the Magodo Plain in Israel,It is visited annually by tourists. 

The strange thing about Armageddon’s so-called war is that it has been taken up by Baha’is. This sacred cult, which was corroborated by the Freemasonry’s World Wide Web in earlier sections of this paper, fought in 1918 (near the end of World War I) in the occupied Palestine land of Magodo between the British army and the Ottoman Empire. The British victory led to the well-known and sanctified Armageddon war, which led to the Ottoman hands being cut off from Abdullah (one of the Baha’i leaders) so that he could escape the death penalty envisaged for him. (247)

After mentioning the above about Armageddon, it should be noted that the battle of Armageddon is not the same as that of the Quraysh of Islamic traditions. Some Muslim scholars mistakenly view Armageddon and the Battle of Ceria as untrue, and this insight is dangerous and legitimizes the beliefs and goals of evangelicals, Zionists, and Freemasons.

Armageddon is a battle near Haifa and in Israel (according to the Zionist propaganda), (248) while the battle of Quraysh, according to many Imams and traditions, is a battle in a region northeast of Syria, south of Turkey. And in northwestern Iraq, the goal is to capture the treasure that the Euphrates has exposed (oil?). The battle of Ceria is fought between evil groups and is a war that God has put in place to destroy the oppressors (249) and in Islamic traditions it is recommended that Muslims, especially Shiites, do not intervene. A very good comparison by Mr. Hamid Mohammedi of these two wars is summarized in the following test: (250)

Features and attributes:

1-geographical location:

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:The border region of Iraq, Turkey and Syria

The Armageddon Incident:Twenty miles southeast of Haifa in Jerusalem

2-Prediction sources

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:Numerous and explicit Islamic narrations in the books of the two parties

The Armageddon Incident:Meaningless interpretations of a biblical phrase

3-How to fight

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:Conflict with modern weapons and many casualties

The Armageddon Incident:The great nuclear war with an unacceptable number of casualties

4-Motivation to confront

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:The struggle for wealth under the Euphrates

The Armageddon Incident:The grip between the two armies of right and wrong

4-war time

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:Five months before the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (as)

The Armageddon Incident:On the eve of the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) after the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon and the birth of the red-haired calf

6-The parties involved

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:A group of ambitious and greedy rulers (Sufyan, Turks and Romans, maybe Russians and Westerners and an army from Egypt)

The Armageddon Incident:Two armies of good and evil: Jews and Christian supporters, infidels (Communists of Russia, China and Cuba), polytheists (Arabs and Shiites of Iran) and the Good Army (Jews and Christians of Zionism in America)

7-Victorious Square

Battle of Kyrgyzstan: sufiani

The Armageddon Incident:The Good Corps (American Zionist Jews and Christians)

8-Number of killed

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:One hundred or four hundred thousand people (differences in narrations)

The Armageddon Incident:Several million people + 2.3 million Jews

9-Finally killed

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:Animal attack to eat the carcasses of the dead

The Armageddon Incident:Burial of all the dead for 7 months


Battle of Kyrgyzstan:does not want

The Armageddon Incident:All the forces of Zionist Christians are used to lay the groundwork

11-Complications to believe

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:Ineffective in life today

The Armageddon Incident:Attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria and possibly Iran

12-The probability of occurrence

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:Due to the attribution to Sufyani narrations, a lot

The Armageddon Incident:A fictional story with a zero probability of occurrence

And the end of the story

Battle of Kyrgyzstan:Continuation of Sufyani’s activities(Occupation of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, etc.)

The Armageddon Incident:Advent of Jesus Christ (pbuh)

Of course, if we were to compare Armageddon with Islamic traditions, it would be more like a “Roman sedition,” not “Ceria.” Although Armageddon is also at odds with “Roman sedition”, comparing these two battles, one being false and propaganda (Armageddon) and the other a real war (Roman sedition), would be futile.

“Roman sedition” is a battle that, according to traditions, clashes with Imam Mahdi (the United States and his allies) after the breaking of treaty from Roman side. In this way, the Romans, through the mediation of Prophet Jesus (PBUH), with Imam Mahdi (PBUH), make a peace treaty, but after two or three years they break their covenant and fight the Muslims. (251) This battle, known as the “Roman sedition,” differs markedly from Armageddon’s false battle, the most notable of which are:

1-Armageddon The, battlefield is claimed by the Zionists to be the plain of Magodo, but in Roman sedition the battlefield is traditionally a region between Tire (in Lebanon) and Acre (in Palestine). (252)

2-According to the Zionists, the battle of Armageddon is a nuclear war and is largely waged by ground forces, but in the tradition of Roman tradition, in addition to ground forces, air and naval forces play an important role, and even the role of enemy navy is very prominent. (253) (This is something that is very much in line with today’s world conditions)

3-According to the Zionists, in the battle of Armageddon, Jesus led the Zionists, but in the Roman sedition of Islamic traditions, Jesus first played a mediating role in peace but after the Roman invasion to the Muslim army he joins Muslim army And as one of the commanders of Imam Mehdi (AS), they fight the Roman army. (254)

So, as you can see, Roman sedition in Islamic traditions is not very similar to the false war of Armageddon. Of other wars that may look like the battle of Armageddon, the battle between the Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and the Messiah (PBUH) is with the Antichrist. The war, though likely to take place in Palestine, has major differences with Armageddon. Some of these differences are:

1-According to the Zionists, the battle of Armageddon is a nuclear war, but the battle of Imam Mahdi and Jesus with the Antichrist is not necessarily a nuclear war.

2-According to the Zionists, in the battle of Armageddon, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) led the Zionists; The Mahdi (AS) kill that accursed person; however, according to some traditions, the Prophet Jesus (as) kills the Antichrist on behalf of the Mahdi (AS). (255) As we noted in earlier sections of the article that Freemasonry and its lifelong servant (Zionism) are most likely the Antichrist of the apocalypse, it seems that the Zionists and many Jews in the Antichrist and in the army of Jesus (AS)), Not in their pedestal. This is exactly what the Zionists claim about Jesus and his role in Armageddon.

3-According to the Zionists, the “army of evil” in Armageddon is inhabited by Iranians, Russians, Chinese, Cubans, and Arabs; Believers in the province of Imam Ali (as), especially the people of Khorasan (Iranians) and the Yamani army, have been referred to as “good army” soldiers. (257) This is quite contrary to the Zionists’ claim to the armies of good and evil in Armageddon.

Thus, as you have noted, the case of the battle between Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and Prophet Jesus (PBUH) with the Antichrist is not very similar to the battle of Armageddon claimed by the Zionists.

According to the material we find that we Muslims should not relate Islamic narratives to Armageddon because on one hand the false Armageddon battle is not like any war on Islamic traditions and on the other hand if we do Armageddon (while it’s not a real fight) Recognize, we legitimize the evil plan of the Masons.

As you have noted, the propaganda of the false war of Armageddon is of great importance to the Freemasonry and its servants (Zionists). For this reason, they have been promoting this false war in various ways, including the establishment of camps, the creation of apocalyptic computer games, movies, and so on. In the following, we will give a few examples:

1-The recently released Left Behind computer game is an example of the efforts of the Masons and Zionists to pursue apocalyptic goals. In this game, the protagonist becomes a member of a group of angels called the Miserable Group and must provide troops for the army of Jesus Christ and set up for Armageddon. (258) (Of course, in this game, the United Nations, which strives for peace and halts the activities of the Crusaders (Christ’s Companions)?), Is introduced as an organization operating under the Antichrist, though we have already proved That the United Nations is fully committed to the goals of the Masons and the Zionists and is essentially a Masonic organization.

In the promotional video of this game, there are some evil moves. For example, in a scene depicting the return of Jesus Christ to the earth, the hourglass symbolizing Jesus Christ descends on America in the wreckage of New York’s World Trade Twin Towers. In fact, the creators and supporters of the game have sought to portray the fabricated 9/11 incident as the groundwork for Christ’s return, and sought to identify the Muslims who were apparently the sponsors of the 9/11 incident! (In their propaganda, Imam Mahdi is described as the Antichrist.)

In other scenes of the movie, there are scenes of the destruction of major US and European cities, including New York, London, Paris, and so on. As you may be aware, the insidious propaganda of the western countries led to the bombing of European cities, including the bombing of London by Muslims. (259) In view of this, it seems that the purpose of the film’s creators was to depict scenes of the destruction of European and American cities, and to inspire that Muslims who always Are they bombing European and American cities They are enemies of Western countries and followers of the Antichrist!

Given the above, we find that behind the fascinating appearance of the Left Behind computer game is the evil thought that aims to fabricate, defame Muslims, and justify Freemasonry’s (US-led) apocalyptic wars against Islamic countries.

To view the promotional video of this game, click on the following link:

https://aparat.com/v/3pJNH (Part 5)

2-In pursuit of apocalyptic goals, Masonic America has set up camps throughout the country in order to provide soldiers with the power of demonic rule, conducting brainwashing in these camps on the pretext of the return of Christ, they were encouraged to join the US military at a young age. Officials at these camps use the phrase “Army of God” (or “Christ’s Army”) instead of using the phrase “American Army” because they claim that the US Army is an army trying to return Christ. One of these camps is more active than the others, called Camp Jesus, and many documentaries have been made, some of which are discussed in this section of the article:

1-In this movie, a promotional film for Jesus Camp, interesting information is obtained about the camp: In one part of the film, children are seen playing martial arts games, which are similar to military exercises, in the future. They can be in the Army of God (US Army ?!) and they can support Christ in Armageddon! (In one of the opening scenes of the film, the image of the American flag appears next to the flag that the evangelicals call the Army of Christ (AS) flag.)

In one part of the film, a young Evangelical is seen standing in front of the camera saying, “We are the key generation to bring Christ back!”

In another part of the film, Pastor Becky Fisher (Camp President) explicitly says: “If we look at our enemies, we will see that they are focusing on children. So, in Palestine and Pakistan, there are camps like ours where they teach kids (not young people) how to use hand grenades and machine guns.” (Ms. Becky Fisher deliberately uses the word children to Evil practices justify evangelical camps because, as we know, Islam does not oblige children, only Muslim children are given basic religious training (such as prayer and fasting) and important issues such as jihad against oppressors at a young age. and assignment young Ages are and the insights of the youth have grown are being taught. also, young Muslim Jihadists Does not attack another country, but against the injustice they have suffered in their own homes, are rising.)

In the final part of the film, the narrator says: “We (evangelicals) make up about 25% of the US population (about 80 million) and have many camps like Jesus Camp throughout America. “Our influence has expanded everywhere, including the White House and Congress, and we play an important role in the US election.”

In a footnote to the footage, there is the image of “Ted Haggard” (prominent evangelical priest who was ousted from priesthood in 2006 for alleged homosexuality and drug abuse), (260) advocating evangelism and advocacy, Camps like Jesus Camp! The presence of this corrupt priest in Jesus Camp and other evangelicals is itself an important testimony to the lies of the officials of Jesus Camp and other Christian institutions about teaching ethical issues to children.

To view the movie, click on the following links: (261)

https://aparat.com/v/p7geY/ (Part 6)

2-In this film, again adapted from Jesus Camp, there are some very important points, some of which are as follows:

At the beginning of the film, Pastor Becky Fisher (Camp President) unwittingly reveals the lucrative intentions of evangelical camps, stating: “If we look at the world’s population, we find that one-third of the world’s population is under 15 years old… That’s why if we plan to do something, we have to plan on children under 15.”

“If we look at our enemies, we will see them focusing on children,” says Pastor Becky Fisher. So, in Palestine and Pakistan, there are camps like ours that teach kids (not young people) how to use hand grenades and machine guns. They teach the children to sacrifice their lives for Islam. I also want to teach children to sacrifice their lives for the gospel, just as Muslims do; but the important point here is that we are right (not Muslims)!

In one part of the film, the camp trainers take the children into a trance and use it to attract others. A very important point to note in this regard is that the assumption that these works are also real is not a reason for the legitimacy of these groups. Because being in a trance state is not the reason for using divine teachings, but demons and infidel jinns are capable of doing so. For example, the traditions of the infallibles (AS) say that Muslims are better off avoiding fellowship with the world, because they may be unintentionally confronted with the infidelity, and they may perform extraordinary acts (which are inherent in the world and God They have been deceived), deceive human beings and claim to be gods and divert people from the right path. (262) The interesting thing about Jesus Camp is that the camp site is next to a lake called (Devils Lake) (263) and this is also an Exciting reflection.

To watch the movie, click on the following link: (264)

 https://aparat.com/v/0BMW9(Part 7)

3-The third film about Jesus Camp is a documentary about this camp. This film highlights some important facts, some of which are:

At the beginning of the film, one of the camp instructors, holding a hammer in his hand, tells the children and their families, “Today I want to show you (the children) that you can be a different person at the right time; you can be aggressive, you can fight. . Today we want to break the power of Satan’s (Iran?) Government, the ones who are going to invade your schools and pull Christ out of your heart. When our government destroyed the Iraqi government, I believed that God was talking to us through our (US) government. Now, I want to see who wants to break these cups that represent the power of the devil’s government? Who is volunteering?”

The remainder of the film shows cups on tables and a word written on each of them. These cups, according to the camp instructor, symbolize the power of the evil government (Iran ?!) and children must break these glasses to increase their courage. Children also come individually and in the name of Christ (AS) break these glasses to destroy the devil’s power. After this spiritual ceremony Children are impressed and cry.

At the end of the film, Pastor Becky Fisher (Camp President) tells the children, “Take these prophecies and fight them (Muslims, especially Iranians).”

To watch the movie, click on the following link:

 https://aparat.com/v/PTgVE(Part 8)

The latest news about (Jesus Camp) that the camp in late 2006 fell into the trap of its documentary and promotional films, forcing it to shut down because of its promotion of child abuse and brainwashing And the documentary (Jesus Camp is clearly seen), the camp was attacked by people who found its policy inaccurate, and suffered enormous financial losses. For this reason, the authorities at Jesus Camp, and at the head of them, Mrs. Becky Fisher, decided to close the camp for several years. (265) It should be noted, however, that similar camps continue to operate throughout the United States, and the closing of Jesus Camp has had no effect on them.

18-Promotion of books and movies on the subject of witchcraft and its publication among children including (Harry Potter)

One of the dangerous tricks of the evil Freemasonry apparatus to accomplish its goals is to try to empower humans (especially children) with magic and semi-Kabbalah teachings. Before giving further explanation in this regard, let us draw your attention to the following introductory discussions:

In all divine religions, magic has been condemned and is forbidden. (266) Numerous hadiths and traditions of the infallible Prophet (pbuh) about the prohibition of magic have also been stated in Islam. For example, the following hadith from Imam Sadiq (as) is quoted by their great-grandfather Ali (as):

“From the Bazzaz from Abi al-Bakhtari from Ja’far (Sadiq (AS)) to his father (AS) from Imam Ali (AS) who said:

Anyone who learns of magic, whether it be high or low, has disbelieved and is ultimately faced his God; and he is bound to be killed unless he repents.”(267)

This hadith clearly shows that witchcraft is a very great sin and has a heavy sentence.

But in today’s world where values have changed and everything is reversed, many books and films have been written and praised for magic. Unfortunately, many of these books and movies are for children.

So many young children become familiar with magic since they were young, and since they lack cognitive development, many wishes that they were the hero of books and movies and could do whatever they wanted to…

Unfortunately, the market for many of these books and movies is very hot today, and some are among the best-selling books in history. These books and films include Alibaba and Forty Thieves of Baghdad, Aladdin, Harry Potter and Shrek. Among the books and movies mentioned (Harry Potter) has a special place in terms of both sales and impact.

The Harry Potter stories were among the best-selling books in history.

The Harry Potter stories are among the best-selling books in history and feature animations and films; the fame of this set of stories is that the books and movies (Harry Potter) Have been accommodated monetized among the highest-grossing books and films in history. (268)

Meanwhile, there is significant evidence that the Harry Potter stories are clearly produced for the evil purposes of Freemasons and Zionists. Examples include:

The Witchcraft teachings that Harry Potter frequently uses have a lot to do with the teachings of Satanism and the Kabbalah. So, the signs and devices used in Witchcraft are mainly those used in Kabbalah and Satanism. Among these symptoms are atypical signs such as the hexagon star, (Baphomet), etc. in Satanism, Kabbalah (and Freemasonry teachings derived from Kabbalah), and especially (Witchcraft). Black Witches is common. (269) It can be seen that a film that supports Witchcraft also supports similar teachings, such as Satanism, and so on.

2-The goddess of witchcraft and the god of magicians (Baphomet). (270) This goddess (as you may be familiar with in earlier sections of this article) is also sacred to Satanists, Kabbalists, and Freemasons, and symbolizes Satan. So, witchcraft groups, such as Satanists, Kabbalists and Freemasons, also sanctify Satan. (271) However, it can also be said that the film (Harry Potter), which promotes witchcraft, indirectly promotes the ideas of Satanism and Freemasonry, as they believe in Baphomet, as in witchcraft.

As you can see, Baphomet is also the god of magicians. We have already mentioned that Satanists also sanctify the Kabbalists and the Masons (Baphomet).

Witchcraft doctrines, both good and bad, are all based on Paganism (272), and the acceptance of these teachings requires the rejection of religion. Therefore, children who learn atheistic techniques and teachings in stories instead of learning divine books and religious teachings will be more prone to adultery and atheism in adulthood.

As mentioned above, Witchcraft groups promote both Satanism and Paganism.

4-The atheistic teachings of Kabbalah, the origin of Freemasonry thinking, (273) are very similar to Witchcraft; (274) So when promoted through stories like (Harry Potter), Witchcraft, the Masonic teachings of Kabbalah are practically It is also becoming more common, thus making the child’s mind more receptive to adolescent Freemasonry teaching.

There is a great deal of similarity between Witchcraft and Kabbalah Masonic teachings.

5-In Harry Potter stories, many symbols have been used, many of them also used in secret, Masonic, and Zionist groups. For example, the Philosopher’s Stone, named after one of the Harry Potter stories, (275) has Kabbalah and Masonic meanings because the symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone is the Hexagram star (276), which formerly revolves around atheistic concepts, And Masonic we discussed it in detail. On the other hand, Harry Potter and his friends are quite similar to those in secret and Masonic groups such as Skull & Bones. These examples are part of the covert and sinister moves that make the Harry Potter story look beautiful.

(Harry Potter) and the Philosopher’s Stone. (The name of one of the Harry Potter stories). Notice that the symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone is Hexagram, which is a purely atheistic and Masonic symbol.

As you have seen, the spread of books and stories like (Harry Potter) has been influenced by the worldwide Freemasonry, with the aim of invading the pure minds of children and attracting them to atheistic, evil and Masonic teachings in the future. Otherwise, an amateur writer and a content-poor story could never have achieved such a worldwide fame.

So, it is good to nurture our children with pure and authentic Iranian and Islamic stories and organize their minds from childhood on in divine teaching. Certainly, this can provide the mental health of today’s children and youth of tomorrow’s Islamic societies and prepare them to build a bright future for the Islamic world.

19-Repeated use of Nostradamus’s prophecies against Iran and Islamic countries:


First release In the Persian section of the website Alvadossadegh.com : May 2007

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