Zandaqa’s emersion from Qazvin


In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

After the analytical review of some signs of the reappearance, now we will review another sign of reappearance that has most probably been materialized.

Before reading this article, make sure to read the introduction which is in the beginning of the article «The activities of Sufyani’s uncles in the end time»

Attention: in case you have not read the article of «The activities of Sufyani’s uncles in the end time» so far, seriously please read the introduction in the beginning of the article as far as possible; because the introduction contains very important points regarding to our presented collations. Consider the point that because of the sensitivity of under discussion subjects, reading the foregoing introduction is very important, so that failure to read the introduction will be accompanied by dissatisfaction with the author. The dissatisfaction is not because of selfishness, but it is because of the consequences that may afflict dear readers for failure to read the introduction.

Click here to read the introduction.

Zandaqa’s emersion from Qazvin

Among the predictions and signs of the end time and the time near reappearance, we find some traditions which tell about the seditions of the end time.

Although the most important seditions are related to Sufyani and his companions especially «BennyKalb», it is mentioned to other seditionists’ emersion like Sheisabani, Ashab, Abqa’ and the others. One of these wrong insurrections that there is more or less interval between the time of reappearance and it, is the insurrection related to a Zandaqa person (atheist, heathen) from Qazvin. Although there is mentioned to the occurence of incidents in Qazvin in some traditions, the most perspicuous tradition which is mentioned about it, is a tradition that is quoted from Muhammad ibn al_Hanafiyyah in Kitab al_Ghayba. It is worth mentioning that Muhammad ibn al_Hanafiyyah was imam Hussain’s half_brother and imam Ali’s son(1), and he had quoted this tradition from imam Ali (as).

The tradition which is quoted from imam Ali (as) and him about Zandaqa’s emersion from Qazvin in Kitab al_Ghayba and Bihar al_Anwar is as shown below:


Translation: “Fazl quotes from ibn Abi Najran from Muhammad bin Sanan from Abi al_Jaroud from Muhammad bin Bashar from Muhammad bin al_Hanafiyyah who said: I told that Hadrat*, your uprising and government has been taken a long time. When will it happen? He shook his head and said: the world’s situation has not changed yet and the brothers have not persecuted each other. The uprising won’t happen as long as Sultan don’t tyrannize peasants. The government won’t be established because Zandaqa has not arisen from Qazvin yet to do acts of unchastity , to propound blasphemy, to change the walls of city and dislimn their asprit and beauty. Whoever escapes, will meet him and whoever fight with him, will be killed, people who demit him will become poor and people who follow him, will become impious. Then two groups will arise while they are crying. Some of them for their religion and some of them for their world.”(3)

As you perceived, this tradition is clearly telling about the emersion of a impious person from Qazvin who does not believe in religion and whoever asserts him, will become impious himself. Furthermore, he is morally a bad_tempered person who murders and kills. But has Qazvin had such a person?

Although it may seem difficult to answer this question, reading the history and especially re_reading the incidents of the recent century will leed us to the answer.

On February 21, 1921 a bad_tempered soldier called Reza Khan Mirpanj who was the choragus of legion of Qazvin, started the Kazakhs’ mutiny against the government of Ahmad Shah Qajar from Qazvin with the assistance of the military doctorine of England.

This movement which according to the historical documentaries, was completely by the seditious government of England and with the purpose of supporting the premiership of Zia ol Din Tabatabaee «one of the mercenaries and serviles of England» and with the leadership of Reza Khan Mirpanj himself, made a new epoch of despotism, suffocation and choking(4) In the way that the people of Iran always recall it with the title «the Black Coup d’etat»(5). When the colonialists of England perceived that the young constitutionalism government prevents from their comprehensive interference in the affairs of the country despite all of the imperfections and faults, decided to bring the weak government of Qajar to an end and replace it with a powerful but autocratic government in order to keep their comprehensive domination over Iran. Although the Black Coup d’etat that was started from Qazvin by the Kazakhs of this city didn’t destroy the government of Qajar that year, it was the cause that the government of Qajar didn’t last long and the leader of Kazakhs coup makers of Qazvin took over the government of Iran over the next few years.

The historical course of Iran at that time was like that after the Black Coup d’etat, Ahmad Shah and the constitutionalism government had to elect Zia ol Din Tabatabaee as prime minister and see this devoted man of England in the head of executive affairs of country;(6) but the government of England who was the designer of the coup d’etat, soon comprehended that no one better than Reza Khan Mirpanj, the leader of Kazakhs coup makers of Qazvin, could provide the benefits of the government of England; because Reza Khan who was layman and illiterate but a gruff person, could implement the purposes of England in Iran. This silly but capable creature didn’t have any notions in his mind to plan the affairs himself so he needed the guidance of the cunning government of England in everything. So despite that the government of England first had elected Zia ol Din Tabatabaee for the premiership of Iran, as time passed by, it comprehended that Reza Khan Mirpanj could execute their plans in Iran better than anyone. So it didn’t last long that Reza Khan who was now entitled to Sardar Sepah*,(7) became the prime minister and succeeded Zia ol Din Tabatabaee.(8)

By the primiership of Reza Khan, Iran which had experienced a little freedom since the dethronement of Mohammad Ali Shah, found itself under the shadow of seppression and despotism. When the government of England observed the situation and became jubliant at the success of their plans, decided to step up and put Reza Khan directly in the head of the country’s affairs; so that first the government was trying to destroy the weak government of Qajar by claiming to establish a republic government (9), but the acumen of the grandees like Shahid* Hassan Modarres «Tehran people’s representative in the National Consultative Assembly» prevented them to execute the plan.(10) But the dictatorship and tyrant government which was created by the prime minister of that time, Reza Khan Mirpanj, easily overwhelmed the resistance of Shahid Modarres and his followings and paved the way for establishing the new government by imprisoning exile and martying the oppositions of Reza Khan; so that Reza Khan disbanded the government of Qajar with the assistance of the protege representatives of England in the National Consultative Assembly and established a new monarchy named Pahlavi’s dynasty in 1925.(11) As Reza Khan’s monarchy began, Iran experienced one of its darkest ages. Although the people of Iran suffered from cruelty and injustice of the regnants and kings for years, the tyranny and cruelty of the age of Reza Shah was not comparable with any other ages, especially that Reza Shah had even crossed the red lines easily that any other previous kings did not dare to cross them.

The people of Iran had been suffering the kings’ cruelty for years, but at the time of Reza Shah not only did the cruelty increase, but the beleif, religion and the rich culture of the people of Iran were also attacked. In the age after Islam, none of Iranian kings dared to outrage at Islam and to do overt activities against this divine religion, but Reza Shah who equivocated and counterfeited and claimed to be religious at first to alley people with himself, buckled down to destroy Islam and Islamic rituals after seizing the monarchy(13), although he was prevented to do this completely, by the grace of omnipotence God.

Reza Shah besides all of his tyrannies to people at the time of his monarchy, was trying to destroy Islam in the country by some anti_Islamic activities such as Kashf_e hijab of Muslim women,(14) stoppage the ta’zieh* and mourning for imam Hussain (as) and the other Islamic rituals(15), falsification of the Salat time* with the change in time of Suhur* and Iftar by gunnery(16), the ferocious murder of Muslims in Goharshad Mosque,(17) etc. Reza Shah even didn’t have mercy to the Iranian culture and he was trying to promulgate western clothes such as bowler hats, necktie and papillon neckties.(18)

A group of women after Kashf_e hijab with new cloth in the welcome ceremony of Reza Shah Pahlavi

He was insipient and rotter inasmuch as he had chosen the cursed Ataturk, the leader of Turkey who was the founder of the Laic and irreligion government, as his example.(19)

The age of Reza Shah was dark and black inasmuch as the slightest opposition to the Shah was equal to the objectors’ death and the suffocation was inasmuch as any important movements and insurrections didn’t occur at the time of Reza Shah; because no one dared to oppose this bloodthirsty and tyrant king and if there was any oppositions it would be saverely suppressed.(20)

 Unfortunately some uninformed people, consider the purposive limited civil operations which were performed at the age of Reza Shah as a good work of him, but most of his activities such as north_south railway construction, the road of Kandovan and many of his other proceedings, were mostly in the way of serving the benefits of the colonialist government of England; because for instance the north_south railway provided more facilities for transfering England’s military equipments from south ports to north parts of the country.(21) About the absurdity of mentioned claims, suffice it to say that around the World War II, when partiality of Reza Khan for Germany made the governments of England and Soviet angry of him, Reza Khan’s military which were a lot of propagandas about it, could not have even a slight resistance against the invader armies of England and Soviet, and it submited to the military of England and Soviet with the least resistance.(22)

So it can be comprehended from this point that the propagandas around Reza Khan’s activities are not true at all, and many of the performed activities at his time, were inefficient and the other proceedings were also for serving the benefits of England’s colonialism.

The monarchy of Reza Khan came to an end after 16 years and the government of England which had found some signs of partiality for the military of Germany in Reza Shah, it determined the expiration date of Reza Shah’s government and dethroned him like a puppet, and handed over the continuation of Pahlavi’s monarchy to his son, Mohammad Reza, in 1941(23), in order to continue the way of his father and keep Iran in misery and adversity as before.

According to the addressed issues about Reza Shah and the way he got into power and his characteristics and the how of his monarchy, we can comprehend that his conditions collate alot with the mentioned traditions about the emersion of Zandaqa from Qazvin; so that according to the historical documents, he had based his government since the Black Coup d’etat, and this coup d’etat performed by the movement of the Qazvin_based Kazakh’s army to Tehran by Reza Khan’s leadership.

Actually this event is exactly accordant to the word insurrection or emersion in Arabic;

because emersion or insurrection is known as an offensive movement. In other words Reza Khan based his government in near future with his offensive movement from Qazvin, otherwise how coul an unskilled head of Kazakhs who had problem even for feeding himself, achieve such a great position?

Indeed it is worth mentioning that Reza Khan was born in Alasht, the envirous of SavadKuh in Mazandaran(24). Actually he appeared from there, but his emersion (insurrection or coup d’etat) initiated from Qazvin that was the place of his service in the regiment of Kazakhs.(25) What is said in the mentioned traditions is about the emersion (insurrection or coup d’etat) of Zandaqa from Qazvin not his appearance, this issue is completely accordant to the descriptions of Reza Khan.

In other hand it is said in the mentioned traditions that the insurrector Zandaqa from Qazvin, is a bad_tempered person and murders his opposers. This issue is also similar to Reza Khan and the age of his insurrection, premiership and monarchy. In addition, it is mentioned in the tradition that whoever comply with the insurrector Zandaqa from Qazvin, will become impious; this issue also notes the proceedings that Reza Khan did during his monarchy and he wanted to destroy Islam by Kashf_e hijab and opposition to holding ta’zieh and mourning ceremonies, etc. Thus at the time of Reza Khan whoever had complied with him with consent and without coercion, had departed from Islam and become impious, this issue is also mentioned in the traditions.

As you perceived, Reza Khan’s conditions have a lot of collation with the descriptions from the Zandaqa of Qazvin.

 Another point that collates the narrated Zandaqa of Qazvin with Reza Khan, is a point which is said in the end of the tradition. It is said in the end part of the tradition that the doings and behaviour and cruelty of Zandaqa of Qazvin will cause two groups to rise against him:

  1. The people who cry for keeping their religion
  2. The person who is worried about his world and crys for it.

But what this 2 groups have to do with Reza Khan? If we look at history again, we will see that because of Reza Khan’s great cruelty, two main groups opposed the ruling system late in his monarchy and early in his son’s (Mohammad Reza Shah) government:

  1. The group of people who were alot and made up the majority of Iran’s population. They believed in Islam and the teachings of Ahlul_Bayt (as) and whereas they saw the behaviour of Reza Khan and his son in contrary to Islamic teachings, rised in opposition to Pahlavi’s regime. This group is the one which as traditions, were crying for their religion.(26)
  1. Another group which formed after the Bolsheviks revolution of Russia in 1917 in Iran who believed in Communism and Marxism, and identify themselves as a Tudeh, late in Reza Khan’s government and early in Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s government, launched some movements against Pahlavi’s regime by incitement of Soviet Communist government (which saw its benefits at stake since the English coup d’etat of Reza Khan.

This movement whether in terms of population or importance was not comparable with the spontaneous movement of the religious people(27).

It is most likely that the purpose of the traditions by the sentence the group of people who cry for their world, is the Communists and the Tudehs; because they didn’t believe in the hereafter and all their efforts were for changing the situation of their world.

Thus as you perceived, the tradition about 2 groups who arise against the government created by Zandaqa of Qazvin, largely corresponds with the religious people and Tudehs.

A very important point: there is told in the mentioned tradition: «to do acts of unchastity, to propound blasphemy, to change (the walls of) city and dislimn their esprit and beauty…»

The question that may spring to the respectable readers’ minds is that there is told in traditions about some changes in Qazvin, does this issue relate to Reza Khan? Or the purpose of traditions by Zandaqa of Qazvin, is a person who makes rebellion and riot in Qazvin and all of his activities are limited to this city?

It should be said as an answer that the purpose of the traditions by the Zandaqa of Qazvin is not a person who rebels just in Qazvin and his proceedins be limited to this city; because it is mentioned in the tradition that «…= Zandaqa has not arisen from Qazvin yet» according to the point that the phrase «from Qazvin» used for the emersion of Zandaqa not «in Qazvin», we can comprehend that the emersion of Zandaqa is not just limited to Qazvin and it has important effects on the other regions too; because if there was used the phrase «in Qazvin», it would be easily concluded that all of the related events to the Zqndaqa of Qazvin would be occured in that city. But according to the point that the tradition says about the insurrection of the Zandaqa of Qazvin: “his insurrection starts from Qazvin” we can conclude that Qazvin is the origin of Zandaqa’s insurrection and his insurrection starts in Qazvin and spreads to the other regions. Reza Khan’s insurrection also started from Qazvin and spread to Tehran and then to the whole of Iran. so Reza Khan’s insurrection was not executed and limited to Qazvin like the insurrection of Zandaqa of Qazvin, but it was started from this city and spread to the other parts.

Indeed another point that it should be mentioned is that actually Reza Khan’s  insurrection affected on Qazvin too and this city affected his insurrection, premiership, monarchy and his established regime like the other cities of the country; so that not only Qazvin, but also Tehran and the other regions of Iran changed a lot, actually similar to the things that are mentioned in the tradition. The cities developed because of the policy of Reza khan’s government in nomadic settlement(28). “changes the walls of the city” the Social and cultural privacy of cities changed. “to do acts of unchastity, and to propound blasphemy” and because of the cruelty and suffocation of Reza Shah Pahlavi’s government, distrust spread everywhere and the happiness and esprit of people especially townspeople lost.

“Dislimn their esprit and beauty”. So as you perceived, the point that is mentioned in the tradition about the situation of Qazvin after the insurrection of Zandaqa, is also collated with the historical facts of Iran at the time of Reza Shah, because after Reza Khan’s coup d’etat and his seizing power, the whole of Iran especially its metropolises (included Qazvin, Tehran, Mashhad, etc) underwent basilar changes.

A very important point: in addition to the reasons that we said, another point that collates the Zandaqa of Qazvin with Reza Khan, is that we can comprehend by reading the history that since after the appearance of Islam untill the current age, there has been no insurrector like Reza Khan who rises from Qazvin and oppose the religion of Islam openly. From now on, according to the solidification of Islamic Republic of Iran that based on the traditions is most probably to be the government that underlies the reappearance of imam Mahdi (aj) (God willing we will address the evidence of this affair in future articles); there is no more expectation that an insurrector could launch a widespread insurrection and oppose seriously to Islam. So according to that Reza Khan was the only person who rised from Qazvin by the history and conflicted with Islam, it seems that the mentioned Zandaqa in the tradition be Reza Khan himself. It is worth mentioning that some of ulema like the great majesty Hojjat al_Islam Mr. Hajj Sayed Reza Refaee and Mr. Ali Falsafi, have known Reza Shah as the Zandaqa of Qazvin.(29)

The coup d’etat and the wrong insurrection of Reza Shah which happened about 90 years ago, is another evidence for getting closer to imam Mahdi’s reappearance; because the mentioned tradition in the beginning of the article, is said about the events of the age of reappearance, and the becoming true of the prediction of this tradition shows that our age is close to the age of imam Mahdi’s reappearance.

Although we don’t know the exact date of his reappearance, according to the occurrence of a lot of signs of reappearane in recent century, it seems that our age is a special age and is close to the time of the reappearance of his majesty more than ever. Indeed, getting closer to the time of reappearance depends on the efforts of the Muslims themselves, so it is good for us Muslims to join hands and provide the basis of his reappearance as soon as possible.

In the end we remind that this presented collation is just our personal opinion and analysis that has been attempted to be based on the traditions and historical events; but in any case the humans are not innocent of mistakes and we are not exceptions. Thus it is probable that the mentioned collations and analyses be inaccurate, so this would be our fault not the tradition’s; however, we have tried to use credible sources and refrences for our analyses to minimize the error rate.

We ask transcendent God to bestow honor, pride and awareness, and to bring honor of seeing the Savior of the world of human beings.

Hoping for reappearance of the Promised Savior, imam Mahdi, Sahib al_Zaman (aj)

By Khadim al imam (aj)

With the assistance of Khadimah al_Zahra (sa)


*Hadrat: an honorific Arabic title used to honor a person.

*Sardar Sepah: the title of Reza Shah, means commander_in_cheif of the army)

*Shahid: a title of honor accorded to those who have embraced death in the cause of Islam. (martyr)

*Kashf_e hijab: the rule of Reza Shah for banning all Islamic veils.

*Ta’zieh: comfort, condolence or expression of grief.

*Salat time: times when Muslims perform prayers.

 *Suhur and Iftar: meals of Muslims in Ramadan.



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