الماسونية: دجال آخر الزمان القسم العاشر

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 1

2-The prayers of the Freemasons are full of Egyptian phrases used during the pharaohs. For example: (Ma'at Neb Men A, Ma'at Ba A = Great is the Freemason Master, Great is the Freemasonry Spirit)(4)

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 7

Michel Nostradamus was a French and Jewish Jew who lived in the 16th century. (277) Nostradamus was also a master of magic and sorcery and was a Kabbalist without a doubt. Many of Nostradamus's prophecies, however, are false or ambiguous in themselves and are easily dismissed. But it is surprising why some Muslim brothers in any way link Nostradamus prophecies to the events of the Muslim world and even justify Nostradamus' mistakes!

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 9

The important point is that the film "Da Vinci Code" is important when we know that this film, in addition to directly embodying the perverse notions about the life of Jesus Christ, also indirectly paves the way for the dangerous and seemingly documentary film "The Lost Tomb" Jesus (AS). The recent film has very similar concepts to "Da Vinci Code" and was released to cinema audiences in 2007, which we will discuss later.

The King of Jordan From Another view _ Part 2

Thus, as we have said, talking about Sufyani is very important and should be cautious, because certainty in this regard can lead to dangerous consequences.
الماسونية: دجال آخر الزمان القسم العاشر

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 6

It should be noted, of course, that the heavenly religions, and especially Islam, place great value on science and education (228) and encourage human beings to learn it, but in any case, They do not know science is the god of man and his only means to achieve salvation, and encourage human beings to achieve perfection in all fields.

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 10

, the Freemason and Zionist filmmakers of The Lost Tomb of Jesus have injected their poisoned thoughts with seemingly scientific claims. But behind this deceptive appearance of science lies obvious lies that easily disprove the validity of the film and its content. To clarify, here are some questions that question the credibility of the film:

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 5

4-Another point that rejects these sites' claims about the relationship between Islam and the Shriner spectrum is that some reputable sites have distinguished between the Freemasonry of the Shriner spectrum and Islam and have denied any relationship between the Shriner spectrum and Islam.(156)

Warning to Resistance in the Region

Although there is little difference between the scholars regarding the exact year of the establishment of the Solomon Temple, they all agree that the present period is a special period for the Masons. In fact, the present era is in many ways the golden age of the Masons, and according to their calendars, the evil Masonic world government must be formed in Jerusalem.
الماسونية: دجال آخر الزمان القسم العاشر

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ preface

1-How can events in today's world be justified? 2-Why is the Aqsa Mosque is in the focus of divine religions today? 3-What is the reason behind the recent attempts to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque?
الماسونية: دجال آخر الزمان القسم العاشر

Freemasonry: The Antichrist of the Apocalypse _ Part 8

The above quotes are a small sample of the hundreds of divine prophecies in the Torah. Unfortunately, because of the distortion of the Torah and its manipulation, many of the sayings on the right of the Almighty have been removed from the existing Torah; But, nevertheless, the Great God has protected part of the Torah from misrepresentation in order to discover the legitimacy of the divine prophets, especially the beloved Prophet of Islam.